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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. The latter one is just Unity output for log messages, just ignore them (that's why I filter them for the log, they just clutter it).


    The first one is a bit weird as that shouldn't be possible but on the other hand the worst that can happen is that the player will still be shown as online in the map atm.

    Do you know on what occasion that happened? I.e. was it a normal client side disconnect, a kick by EAC, a kick by console, ban ...?

  2. Delete items: Not possible, inventory is client side.

    Auto ban: Possible, but I don't like the idea of going that far on an automatic base.

    Warn: Yeah, I think that should be ok, think I'll write an entry to the log whenever something like that is detected. Though it would probably print such warning every 30s to the log until the player logs out (one way or the other ;D ).

  3. Hm, the log looks ok. Nothing out of the ordinary in there.

    That you can not connect with Telnet on 25000 is normal as the game ports are UDP and Telnet tries to make a TCP connection. "7dtd.sh status <instance>" should show you which ports are really opened when the server is running (it should show at least 25000, 25001, 25002 each UDP).

  4. server still gets random crashes when someone disconnects it seems


    at the top of the output file

    <log messages>

    Don't know why it should and at least I suppose I don't affect this ;)

    The messages don't seem to be really bad.


    also my minimap on far out zoom is a large tile with "?" if u zoom once into it it loads rendered tiles agian.. not sure how that came about, all the other tiles are fine.

    By minimap you mean the ingame one? Could you make a screenshot? Haven't heard of anything like that before.


    is there any .sh cron script that could check an instance and start it up if its not running? (ie its crashed seems to have started happening since EAC)

    Well, if it's about real crashes (i.e. process died) you could simply add a cron entry with "7dtd.sh start <instance>". If the instance is running anyway it won't do anything and if not it starts it. Obviously doesn't work if the process is still running but the server isn't doing what it should.

  5. Bah GAH @#$@#$ still nothing. I installed now the dedicated server using SteamCMD and then replaced the dlls as before... still not finding the allocs dlls in SM. Still server not starting when allocs DLLs are present.

    Are you sure you got the latest mod files (i.e. rev 194 or later)? Old files won't work with the latest hotfix release.


    I have been having similar problem. Dedicated LeetServer will not run with 7dtd-server-fixes.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll uploaded to 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder. Am I missing something here?

    Log? (symptoms may be the same but often the reason is not the same ;) )

  6. can you add into the webserver api a way to get a players friend list maybe shown through the player inventory or just something separate. Its not super needed but I have some playertext commands that they can use to see who owns a region they are standing in among other things etc, and would be useful to have that extra info.

    Hm, yeah, that should be good :)


    Also is it safe to update engine for new 9.3 hotfix patch? or any script update for the new 9.3 needed?

    Should be safe, mod is updated.

  7. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed

    That looks like you try to use the client build as dedicated server. You should use the dedicated server build (can be found in tools in steam).


    Yes so in other words when the give command is issued it checks a xml file for the allowed blocks which can also determine different permissions based on what you want each person with access to use. So if you have a full admin you can edit the xml and add as many items as you want for being admin and limit lets say moderators from giving out things like sniperRifles or augers.


    Doing it this way would make it so server owners can limit what staff on the server has access to give to players.

    Hm, will think about it ;)


    Got the server fixes loaded on the latest dedi server. map rendering works fine and also render to file. The webserver starts up, but i get a blank red background only. Located an error message saying ../webserver/map doesnt exist. Shouldnt the webserver fetch the mapfiles for static?

    Handled in IRC ;)

  8. I am getting some exceptions here and there, maybe you could state if any of them are important Alloc :D

    Probably not, but as it's not my code I can't tell for sure ;)



    Weird server crashing sometimes after a player disconnects...

    No problem shown in the log. Probably something in the core game that triggers on rare occasions but hard to find without any errors in the log ;)



    Do you pass on any of these suggestions onto funpimps for things they could add? The player chat is my biggest beaf as I have to do steamid lookup, when it would be a huge amount of sense if the steamid (or atleast playerid) was passed to the chat logs, players can change name anytime they like, making for continuity screwup unless you log every name changes aswel.. just gets messy.

    Passing on: let's just say "kinda" ;)

    Passing more information to the log in that aspect makes sense, I will see what's possible there.



    Also I've gotten disconnected from the server without actually disconnecting myself... and noticed in the log file the console never does something like "Player <name> disconnected after 48.6 minutes" before disconnecting me on these occasions, it just does the other stuff like

    "Player set to offline: <steamid>"

    The "disconnected after" should be normal, if it is not shown that is more of an error ;)

    So I do not know why you get disconnected at those times. I would assume it's an client issue, not a server one, as this message can only be shown if the server receives a "disconnect"-package from the client (which would not be there if the server kicked you IIRC).



    hi Alloc,

    (maybe a noob question ^^')What do you think about running a server in 64bits? Is it possible? and what could we expect from performance gain?

    Well, for one it would probably allow more players on the server ;) Not sure if it would affect anything else.

    Doing so is a matter of having the steamworks integration for 64 bit which currently is not possible. Hope that changes in the really near future though.

  9. Is it possible to control what items are on the allowed item list for the 'give' command? There are lots of block types that are simply unavailable.

    Blocks shouldn't be available at all. Right now it's an item thing only (i.e. no blocks, only items). Hope to change that in the future but no proper solution so far.


    Would be nice if it was setup in a different file where a server owner could add a list of items they want on the give command then have the command call of this file read it and send the information back to the server if it is there and give a message stating its an item that can not be handed out if it is not there.

    Erm, to simplify: You mean a file stating what is allowed and what not with "give"?

  10. Can you upload all your server files (all folders and files etc.)

    then i can place alle the missing stuff and try it this way.

    Nope, I won't upload copyrighted material.

    We can try to figure out what exactly is wrong with your setup tomorrow. (Or you might do as cynexit said: Install with the scripts instead of using steamcmd manually)

  11. "Started webserver on 29452" is listed in the Web panel and the output_log.txt too. But when I try to connect via Waterfox to "MyServersIP:29452 I can't...I get a connection timeout. What I'm doing wrong?

    Sounds like something is blocking access. Are you running with a hosting provider? If so they probably block access to that port with a firewall. You can ask them if they open it for you (but I know that at least one already said no to another user but I think a lot of them are quite helpful ;) ).



    Alloc you know your rlp command for removing claim blocks/keystones


    Could the same trick work for other blocks, I realize they would not have an owner in the same way but If a range was give could it remove the blocks, Directly in this case water,

    A griefing trick people do if they put water down up high and let it run down and get all over the place very very hard to clean up,


    I dont know how often other admins have this issue but I've had it a few times, sometimes its easier to regen that region

    Sure, basically the way I remove the keystones right now would work with every kind of block. Not a top prio atm though ;)

    (Gotta get everything that's in there right now really stable so I can extend on that)

  12. Would it be possible to have a password for the webserver other than the control panel password, or have the ability for the admin account to create additional accounts that can login to the webserver with their own passwords?

    That's planned ;)

    (Probably even with some kind of permission control for different parts of the interface)

  13. Is this a random error which can simply occur? Or is it maybe occurring because I am actively reading files out of the maps directory (I have deployed the "leaflet" solution to display the current map on a site)?

    Yeah, especially if you access the files from another process that is bound to happen. I will be adding a way to prevent this from happening for the integrated webserver but there's almost no way to prevent that if you access from another application. (Right now it also happens with original files)

    Also this does not really hurt anything, the worst thing that could happen is that the tiles aren't updated correctly at that moment ;)



    On the map I am seeing two land claims showing up in red instead of the normal green, What exactly does that mean?


    Green = active, red = inactive (i.e. not protecting the area any more)


    /EDIT: Too slow ... ;)

  14. Yes, i mean the Webmap. :) I rerolled to build 189 and all works fine again. So i dont know if its the server or the update of the build. :/

    Hm, just checked again: there's really no change between those revs that should have any (and even less a negative) impact on the performance. Also nothing changed at all regarding the web part. Maybe just some coincidence with the rest of the engine?


    I am running Rev. 190 and having no problems at all.

    Yaaaay :)

  15. Hey Alloc, i installed the new build 191 and now my server needs 20% more cpu. :/ I also cant open the map now. Any ideas or sugestions? :D


    EDIT: Crashlogs for you - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66757750/mym/7DtD/crashlogs/2014-09-13_163136_output_log.txt and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66757750/mym/7DtD/crashlogs/2014-09-13_163406_output_log.txt

    Hey, stop that, those updates are meant to improve stability and performance, not make it worse ... ;)


    What do you mean by "can't open the map"? Webmap? The logs don't say anything about my stuff so I wonder if it's really related to the mod.

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