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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. @Markezzz:

    Log when it runs ok and log with the mod when it does not please.



    Exactly. That would give the most flexibility, but even loading an optional csv file to define basic markers would also do the job. I know the original standalone version of the map loaded player markers that way.

    Well, that "original standalone version" is a completely different thing ;)

    I think I'll just allow a JS file, that way you have most flexibilty for doing your own things ;)



      <property name="ControlPanelEnabled" value="true"/>
     <property name="ControlPanelPort" value="25577"/>
     <property name="ControlPanelPassword" value="fake123"/>

    The first one should be ok. Also you could update to the just released 185, as it drops the dependency on ControlPanelEnabled and TelnetEnabled altogether.

    @Test if the port is in use: If it is in use the log will contain an exception saying so.


    Should only be for the ControlPanel one if I am not mistaken, I would check to see if the port 25579 is being used on the system for another program or something. Make sure its not your server connection port as well some people like to make all 3 of their ports on the server close to each other.

    Yeah, kinda. The way I was activating it before Telnet also had to be enabled as otherwise my code wasn't called at all ;)

    Changed now though.

    The game ports don't matter as those are UDP whereas Telnet/CP/Web interface are TCP. But obviously they could still conflict with other programs running on the machine as you said. Though the mod would log an exception if that was the case ;)

  2. Ended up being some sort of port conflict, changed the remote control port to 8100 and it's working now.




    @bladez: Updated the updatescripts in v.57 so it should work for you. You have to update it once manually though as only subsequent updatescripts-invocations will have that fix.

    I still have to come up with a solution for the bootstrapper though :(

  3. ... do you have plans of adding either a timer based tile reload or even possibly smarter (auto) reload of only changed tiles in the map? ...

    No matter what way it would have to reload all (visible) tiles as Leaflet doesn't allow me to reload just a given set of tiles. But at least timer based could be done.


    I would also love to see an optional included file, such that custom markers can be added, that would not conflict with svn updates.

    You mean like loading another JS file (which normally does not exist) so you could add JS code for markers there?

  4. @bladez:

    I found the problem. In CentOS /etc/init.d is a symlink and the unpacking operation for the management-scripts overwrites this link with a directory instead of adding the file to the directory that is symlinked (/etc/rc.d/init.d/). So the system can't find any of the scripts afterwards anymore.

    Will see how I can prevent this from happening.

  5. Not sure if this is where I should post questions about the server fixes .dll,

    The correct location would've been: http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?12837-Improvements-for-the-dedicated-server



    You shouldn't even have to download the mod yourself, if you do a updatescripts and updateengine you'll have the mod for the current version automatically. If after that it still does not work please send me a full server log (including at least one login attempt). Don't forget to strip the passwords.


    Heres what I did to get it working on centos 6.5... This is only the server, nothing else


    I can reboot and everything works fine.... I havent tried doing anything with the update script.

    Currently installing a test environment ;)

  6. what is the target .net framework meant to be? I've never used mono so would prefer to stick with VS

    I set it to .NET 2 though 3.5 is probably also ok.


    unable to load the webpage where everything is located on?

    Sorry, didn't get that question ;)


    when i put game ip and 25022 i get the Control Panel up but

    not the webserver if i put ip and 25024 :grumpy:

    Hm, could you show a log after you tried to access it? Best put it on pastebin or such but remove the passwords in that log!

  7. Updatescripts only did that? Do you know if/what part you skipped when installing manually?

    Actually the only thing that I could imagine having a problem at all is putting the "7dtd" in /etc/bash_completion.d/. It doesn't even try to fiddle with rc-scripts (only copies the new 7dtd.sh to /etc/init.d but doesn't invoke rc-update or anything).

  8. dunno which other thread you mean?



    the Assembly-CSharp.dll from the 7dtd 9.3 folder put in the Deobfuscate-7dtd_pre0.3.1 >Assembly-CSharp.deobf.dll renamed to Assembly-CSharp.dll F:\7dtdserver\7dtd\binary-improvements\7dtd-binaries\Assembly-CSharp.dll (deob version)

    Hm, that sounds ok. Haven't use VS though so I don't know if it does something weird here.

  9. 'listitems' and 'give' are apparently not recognizing block-type items, like 'concrete', etc.


    Yup, that's why it's "item" ;)

    The game makes a diff here itself, like in creative menu. Currently haven't found a sane way to get that done with blocks. Still on my todo list though.

  10. This error appeared after 9.2 update... when I type sudo 7dtd.sh status MyInstance... The hooks also stop working.

    Hm, no idea how that could happen. Not even sure what exactly happens there ;)

    Could it be your machine is running out of free memory?



    trying to setup the VS with the project.. got the


    what am I missing... as I get these errors

    Deobfuscated AC#.dll from where?


    Also please post server fixes related questions in the thread on them. Does help the organization a bit ;)



    How do I update to 9.3 from 9.2?

    run the updatescripts and updateengine commands and you should be done :)

  11. Hey Alloc I am getting a Putty Fatal Error only when I add your fixes to the server if I use the default it works the error reads Network Error: connection refused.

    Any thoughts?

    Currently no idea. Works fine as always over here :(


    Update mod. Server fixes - working, all is good. But, webserver - no. :(

    Maybe i add you on skype and you help me)

    You can find my contact info on the wiki ;)

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