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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. For some unknown reason telnet (scripts, netcat?) seems always get stuck at:


    for several "minutes". This pretty much causes some complicated delays in restarts, etc. The message after pressing CTRL-C hints of the issue:


    that RSync would be running without any "indication"... but I don't understand why as /usr/local/lib/7dtd/commands/backup.sh doesn't specify any silencing parameters.

    Hm, not sure if rsync should output anything be default. But also it normally shouldn't really take that long... For testing you could try adding "-v", maybe it would output what it's doing then.



    This stems from my intention of running:

    . /usr/local/lib/7dtd/common.sh
    nice -n 10 /usr/local/bin/7dtd.sh backup
    loop 5 6 telnetCommand hoyry3 "say Stopping server, maintenance, try again later..."


    in <basedir>/hooks/serverPreStop/backup.sh

    Why in PreStop? If the server is shutdown anyway you should do the backup in PostStop as by then everything is written ;)

    (Obviously the "say"-stuff is right in the PreStop :) )


    Theres a too short delay in /usr/local/lib/7dtd/commands/stop.sh:

    Yeah yeah ... I know ... adding that soon™ ;)



    well i disabled the webserver as I never used it and I had noticed the cpu usage on just the webserver part as being a bit high was like 10% the last time I had it on and checked in htop so i disabled it.

    Hm, interesting. How did you find out which thread was the webserver? Does it give you any indication of it? (Would be interested in that too :D ) Webserver shouldn't even be a single thread as each request is handled in a dedicated thread (more or less, they get reused, thanks to the ThreadPool framework in .NET :D )


    but is there no way the api could be had without all the rest of the webserver ?

    Well, you could remove all the files from the "webserver" folder and than you basically would have API but nothing else. It would still be the same webserver as that is what is providing the API.


    "(What's the problem with the "lp" or "lpe" commands?)"

    nothing wrong with it, just didn't want to do it with a cron lpe

    So how would you access the web API? Wouldn't it still be a cron job?

  2. I might be adding just a single flag-file to enable the authentication ... Though one should always remember that HTTP authentication does not provide confidentiality nor is it really secure. If you don't want anyone having access you should use a standalone HTTP server with SSL and let it proxy to the integrated webserver (that's what I'm doing with the public port on my server, just not using SSL so far).

  3. No, just can't make it right for everyone atm ;)

    As I do not want to care for both servers atm (a public and a protected one) I only have that one and that is either unprotected or protected for everyone. The latest this will change is when the API provides more control over the game, currently you can't do any harm and the shown data isn't that private either :)

  4. Not mentioning the update procedure for the Linux stuff in the release notes of the server fixes has a reason: The fixes are for anyone and obviously don't require you to do anything special for Linux. It was only a matter of the Linux scripts (and compound files) so that's where such information can be found ;)



    To fix this the manual at https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Installation#InstalltheLinuxengine should probably state

    wget -O linux_files.tar.gz http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/linux_files.tar.gz

    to be future proof.

    Really good suggestion, thanks & done :)



    https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server%20fixes mentions the command "teleport / tele: Teleport a given player to a position" however the in-game console command teleport is not recognized (*** ERROR: unknown command 'teleport'), tele works, also the tele command description mentions the command teleportplayer instead of teleport.

    Urgh, yeah ... teleportplayer and teleport is not the same ;) Thanks, fixed.



    btw how to use the API? or at least for this method of using the webmap https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/webmap

    The API is provided by the webserver so if you don't have that running you can't use the API.


    could there be a hook for player positions.. i mean short of me using lpe and getting positions from that, it seems like the only way right now.

    Nope, the hooks are for events, a players position is not an event ;) Also hooks are log based and there's nothing about positions in the log. You really should go with querying the information when you need it for such things. (What's the problem with the "lp" or "lpe" commands?)



    So I have killed the server first, deleted the old linux_files tar, downloaded the new one, replaced the old linux files, ran the updater. It continues to say running 9.1.

    Did you actually run updatescripts so you got version 53? If it starts but tells you "9.1" it's probably just using the old server fixes (which are updated with the scripts part).



    SteamworksNative fallback handler error occurs ~10 times or so when starting the instance. Apparently server is running and working as intended. Should I just ignore the messages?

    Yup, all of that seems to be ok :)

  5. Nope, I was talking about this part which points you to the release notes:

    Please check the release notes before continuing:


    (And I think it's actually really clearly said there what and where ;) Not reading command output doesn't mean there is none or that it wouldn't contain anything useful)

    Also release notes for a software product can be found on the product's website most of the time so that would be a good place to start.


    Not meant to be harsh or anything but I just don't like documenting all that stuff and trying to get the commands to point you at what to do for people not even reading it. That's just making me having to repeat instructions over and over again and you (as in "the user") having to wait for my response on questions. That's kinda frustrating :(

  6. Release notes for the scripts show you whenever I package a new version of the mod with them. Those say v.51 contain the mod version 0.91.5356.41724, which (by looking at the release notes for the fixes) is some build between rev.147 (0.91.5355.36217) and rev. 154 (0.91.5358.38435) (so not much changed in respect to 147).


    EDIT: "With steamid also players that are currently not online can be checked " means that you can view them if they have been online since this version was installed as I still have to store what they had in their inventory.

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