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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. But then I respawn.
  2. Um, sure Mickey didn't die, but I did! This is mutiny! You should tell them to be nicer to their leaders! No friendly fire, no killing their leader, because trader Joel is still pretty hungry!
  3. Houston, we have a problem! [video=youtube_share;8N_Hon2LCSs] Now we know for sure that you could play 7 days to die with NPC, but you can't play hide and seek with them! How about a dialogue option: "Move back a little bit, or I'll take you to cannib.. trader Joel"
  4. Um, I'm not sure. Perhaps you could take a look at the version numbers on the screenshot and see which ones need to be updated? I think only 2 mods were updated, but not sure which ones. EDIT: I manually updated all the mods you mentioned and tried again. It looks like it works now. Weird, because the version numbers didn't even change lol Ok, so the basic functionality of working with the NPCs seems to be working correctly in this version. Only thing I'm not quite sure about is the command "Wander around here". When I click this command, he stays on his place and doesn't move at all. Am I doing something wrong?
  5. Inventory seems to work normally, but they still ignore commands. Also, I explored very large area of Navezgane on foot as well as motorcycle and I haven't seen a single NPC in the world. When I wanted to test it, I had to spawn one manually. Did something happen to automatic spawning?
  6. Does this mean that there will be different types of NPCs, each one for different purpose? I think it would be nice if modders could have NPCs that are involved in certain hard-coded quests in which case they might want the NPCs to act strictly according to the quest, without a chance for players to control them. However, there should also be NPCs that you can freely control through various commands in dialogue, basically what we have now, for more flexibility for both mod creators and players. For clarification: It's really easy to reproduce the bug with vehicles: Spawn 4x4 truck and spawn NPCAmmo next to it. Get in the vehicle and get out, you don't even need to drive just get in and out and you don't really need to hire the NPC before doing this. I figured this out later, but didn't clarify in the edit part of the post, sorry. As for the NPCs disappearing in trader's base, it's even easier to reproduce. Just go to the trader area, stand close to trader and spawn NPCAmmo in front of the trader. As soon as I did that, NPC showed up for like half a second and instantly disappeared. The problem I talked about there was with Patch_Entity enabled though. Either way, if you want to investigate the health issue, it really helps to have that Unlock Health Bar mod enabled so that you can watch their health in real time. I wasn't lucky to reproduce it yet. You're welcome. Do you plan to have that "Help me loot this place" option back? It was disabled before release, I was really looking forward to that option when I watched the teaser. Also, it would be awesome if we could use shift + left click to transfer stuff into the inventory of our NPCs.
  7. Here's the reference video I promised: [video=youtube_share;OLg2tehC_JA]
  8. Last update - my observations so far (uploading reference video, takes forever (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻): Shown in the video: - Sometimes your hired NPCs get lost fighting zombies. - NPCs now follow all the time, no way to give them any different command. The only difference seems to be their movement animation: Follow me - walk animation (video 1:35) Stay here - run animation (video 1:53) Guard here - run animation (video 2:25) Wander around here - run animation (video 2:37) Follow me for your patrol route - walk animation (video 2:51) Patrol your route - run animation (video 3:18) - NPCs are now traders - they don't have their own empty inventory like before, but instead they are selling stuff. (video 3:56) - When you ask your NPC about jobs, you get console spam of "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" (video 4:27). I believe this was fixed in one of the older versions. - Dialogue option "Nevermind" is gone - There is a rare glitch with vehicles - when you drive in a vehicle and then get out, sometimes your hands seem misplaced and blurry when you move (video 7:55). I added this here because so far I was unable to reproduce this glitch before hiring an NPC. The only way to fix this is to close the game and load it again. EDIT: Actually it's pretty easy to reproduce: spawn both 4x4 and NPCAmmo near you. Get in vehicle and get out. - NPCs seem to like getting hurt by the traps (video 10:50) - Bringing NPCs to trader base may cause your NPC to disappear and since they ignore all the commands like "stay here", "guard here", etc. this is likely to happen often (video 12:12). EDIT: I just checked through console command "le", NPCAmmo was really gone. I suspect trader Joel is a cannibal, how can we protect our NPCs from him? Not shown in the video: - If you hire two NPCs, they can fight each other to death in case that one hits the other by accident - Not in the video, but when you place hired NPCAmmo, next to a bunch of zombies and a hired NPCFarmer between them, NPCAmmo is likely to shoot NPCFarmer when actually trying to shoot the zombies behind him. Once that happens, NPCFarmer and NPCAmmo don't like each other anymore... - In one case NPC was losing health for no apparent reason and he wasn't healing like he should. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this yet.
  9. Thank you again, this time the update showed up correctly and I will try it now.
  10. Thank you, but I don't see the update. I refreshed the list just to be sure, right clicked both mods and clicked Update to force redownload, but the content seems to be the same.
  11. Well, that's unfortunate. If you think testing would be easier if I was using some other tools, just let me know. I have a real interest in this mod, I want it to be perfect because along with wandering traders and bandits, this mod is easily the best addition to the game, at least for me.
  12. I tried NPCNurse, NPCAmmo and this one, in all cases I was unable to hire them. I didn't try NPCBaker and NPCFarmer, but I thought if it happened with most of them, NPCBaker and NPCFarmer would be the same. As for the files, I don't know what to tell you. As always, I made a clean copy of the base game and downloaded all the mods I listed earlier. I didn't copy anything from my previous tests that could interfere with the current version of the files. The whole process was done through Mod Launcher. I browsed through the files and saw a new directory called Harmony, located in the SDX_EntityAliveSDX directory and yes, I've read this thread, so I was wondering. Is it already using this new tool? Perhaps I'm missing something, still using Mod Launcher when I'm supposed to use some other tool that already has the required compatibility for this new type of mods?
  13. Tested with the following mods installed: No message for hiring (there was a message before which said how much it costs to hire the NPC), when I click Accept, dialogue box closes but the NPC is still not hired and no tokens are taken.
  14. Thank you! I will try as soon as possible!
  15. When can we expect those mods? I've been checking your thread every day lol
  16. Hmm, but they do seem to heal slightly better with Patch_Entity enabled. Is it because it stops them from bleeding out? Well it does stop the bleed out on the player's character too, so the only damage is from the hits themselves, which makes the health go down considerably slower.
  17. Thanks, I will try. I knew there must be some convenient way of doing this!
  18. So how do I use it? Does it need to be copied to every mod folder or it's just added once to the set of installed mods?
  19. All you need to do is just stack them up then. If you stack up just 6 development sessions in a row, each 10 minutes long, we're already talking about a full hour, that's not bad.
  20. But I think he's making some good progress even if it doesn't look that way in the video I uploaded. Something is telling me that he knows what he's doing and that makes me feel confident that he will eventually figure this out and release the best version of this mod for all of us to enjoy! I believe in you, you can do this. Also, is there anything we can do to bring their health back up? I guess the side effects of Patch_Entity will be temporary until you can figure out some other solution. I saw their health with Patch_Entity disabled. They get killed in couple of seconds. I kinda wish it worked like in Fallout 4 where your companions don't really die, but they go unconscious and you have to heal them to bring them back to life. In A17.2 healing of others doesn't work, so maybe it could be done differently, perhaps by giving them bandages, pills or first aid kits into their inventory so that they could use them to heal up when their health goes below certain amount. Heck, I wouldn't mind if they were immortal at this point lol Anyway! I have some motivational video for you! [video=youtube_share;0RMoH55T-oI]
  21. Hungry and thirsty? For testing purposes I just give them 500 jars of murky water which in previous version they liked a lot and 100 pieces of corn bread. In this version however, they haven't even touched it.
  22. As you can see, he keeps following even if I give him different orders, the only exception is when he gets attacked, he just stands there and lets them beat him like if he had some kind of sadistic thrill from causing pain to himself. Oh and in my previous test, the NPC randomly stopped following me for a while and then continued following me. It is kinda buggy, not sure what else triggers them to stop following besides what's shown in the video, but it happens sometimes. I know there's probably a reason for that, but I haven't figured out what could it be.
  23. What kind of mod and where do I get it? Is it this SphereII Mod Localization Hook? That makes sense now why it exists lol thanks.
  24. Yes, I was surprised too. While it solves two issues - NRE when BanditArcher is killed by a zombie and that "InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type", it also breaks bleeding for players and maybe other entities in the world too. Not sure, that's for you modders to figure out. EDIT: Right now I'm uploading a video that shows the current situation with the following mods installed and enabled: EDIT #2: Here's the video that I promised. [video=youtube_share;CftnllfOdko]
  25. I think I have uncovered the mystery of NPC's magical healing! Effects of Patch_Entity dependency: Patch_Entity enabled: Player's character: When hit and bleeding heart icon shows up, actual bleeding effect doesn't work and the player never bleeds out. NPCs: Patch_Entity seems to have a healing effect on NPCs. They are not immortal, but their health seems to go lower much slower when they get hit and their health goes back up. They can be killed, but due to the healing effect granted by Patch_Entity, it takes much longer for them to actually die with Patch_Entity enabled. Patch_Entity disabled: Player's character: When hit and bleeding heart icon shows up, bleeding works correctly and player can bleed out. NPCs: With Patch_Entity disabled, health of NPCs goes down pretty fast when they are attacked and when they die, console shows up with the following red message: InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type. As a consequence of the death of your hired NPC (with Patch_Entity disabled), every new NPC that is spawned cannot be interacted with, so you cannot hire them until you close the game and load it again.
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