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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. 2 minutes ago, Telric said:

    Lol stay away from the sisters heads.... lol.. Have you been skinning them with butcher?

    Yeah, I've been skinning them, mostly with bone shivs so far, but recently I got a machete, but then I couldn't find any of the queens. One was near my base, but I was too busy at that time and by the time I got there, she was already gone. I suspect that strange black horse that passed by had to warn her and tell her all about my evil master plan.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Telric said:

    From uh.... killing the spider queen of course. 😛 She's a rare spawn spider with a nameplate and 3x the size of a normal spider.. hard to miss. Skin her body after killing her and her head is yours! Make sure you use a butcher tool (knives, machetes)

    Oh right, why didn't I think of her? I got couple of her sisters already, but none of them ever gave me their heads. Wait, that sounded wrong, didn't it? 🤔 But you know what I mean. Anyway, thanks for letting me know, I will have to go hunt them now!😛

  3. 4 minutes ago, Telric said:

    Quests are definitly fun. Lots of creativity.. Though ill admit i got pretty burnt out when i got around to doing the quest to get the horse in this one.. So it's not quite as good as it could be. Plus having to keep in mind multiple players doing the quests and all.. All items have to replenish themselves and all..  One day we'll have buff triggers for completing quests.. That'll open a ton of opportunities up. Not just a requirement of having a certain buff, but an actual objective of getting a certain buff. Can't wait for that...

    Well, honestly I have no idea what are their plans on future quest features, but at the moment it feels so bare bones that I would take anything new I can get.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Telric said:

    They spawn randomly yes, but you aren't able to tame them like the original version. They are mostly decoration / meat sources now. Might do something like i did with the spiders where you have a chance of getting a unique horse or something from skinning them or something... But for right now, just deco / meats.

    Cool, it's ok, yeah I was just wondering if they are still in the world, simply for immersion purposes. I mean, we already had all kinds of animals, so we might as well have some horses too. Now as for getting a horse, I was always a fan of the idea of getting it through quest. I simply love quests, can't help it and you're very good at delivering, so thank you very much! 💗

  5. 17 minutes ago, Telric said:

    Just put out the horse mod 2.0.. This one adds a new POI for players to find and gain reputation with the NPCs there by completing quests. Unlock new quests and even some minigames by getting to certain reputation points! Play a game of Simon Says with the little child and complete a horse obstacle course to upgrade a horse of your choice to a tier 2 horse with more inventory space and more speed.

    Don't forget to break the music box block to get some relaxing ranch music while you're near the POI.

    Yee-haw partner! Congrats on version 2.0! I will install it right away. I knew I will be saved from the day 7 horde on my current save tonight! :bounce:


    But quick question though, the horses still spawn randomly in the world, right?

  6. @xyth, if I read it correctly, it says FieldAccessException: Field 'EAIApproachAndAttackTarget:entityTarget' is inaccessible from method 'EAIApproachAndAttackSDX:CanExecute ()' all over the console.

  7. Xyth, I've been playing the latest Alpha 8.8, and I know this sounds crazy, but for some reason the Creature Packs and DMT mods do not work properly... LOL... 😈

  8. 9 minutes ago, Snufkin said:

    I am so happy you are doing this. The Archon and the Banshee are standard zombies using overlay swaps, so you won't find an archetipe.

    I won't lie. I was hoping you would update them yourself, because updates from the original author are irreplaceable and being told it just won't happen feels like being told "Sorry son, you're adopted."

  9. 25 minutes ago, Telric said:

    I'll definitly look into cvars. that might help the server side issue. I'll revisit and completely rework the buffs to see what i can come up with... If there's an interest of course.

    I'm always interested in mods that add interesting new and innovative features to the game!

  10. 1 hour ago, Taylorsd said:

    To someone who adds model assets to Unity , I have modeled myself in 3DS Mudbox and have the exported files rigged and skinned. Its game ready as far as I know. I was going to let the community have it to use as a Z or whatever. Message me if someone wants to add. I will give you my profile link to view the model.

    I'm sure Xyth will be interested in this. :o

  11. 16 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Believe me, I'm not happy about it. Lol. I tried everything I could think of. Even imported a vanilla weapon into Unity, simply swapped meshes to one of mine, and exported it. They wouldn't shoot still. I'll definitely take another look at some point. Hopefully we see some new TFP Bandit code soon. Should help with some of these issues.


    And believe me, the Fat Man was one of the first ones I was trying. Lol.

    I can imagine, small guns won't just cut it. We need supermutants with their big clumsy hands shooting some big guns too lol


    Some random funny quotes would be cool too!


    Strong not afraid of shadows. Go away things in shadows!


  12. 21 hours ago, Telric said:

    I would very much like to do all that and more. The issue with it not working on a server (yet?) as well as vincent reverting to no buffs if you leave the chunk make it less appealing for me to do till i figure that part out. Would be nice to give an npc something to do while you go off and do your own thing, instead of needing to stay at the base.


    How about invisible buffs on the player - owner of the NPC, that would re-buff the NPC once you go to him again? It wouldn't solve "do something while I'm gone" issue, but it would probably solve the problem that the NPC loses the buffs while you're gone?


    And perhaps the same trick could be used to re-calculate the status of the job you gave your NPC, like while you're gone, you have a buff which remembers that you gave a task to your NPC, time is ticking (perhaps with help of cvars) and when you go back to your NPC, it will check whether or not he worked on the job long enough (check and compare the cvar value) and if he worked long enough, the job will be set to finished and he will just give you the items he gathered. Just an idea, I don't really have enough experience with buffs and cvars yet.

  13. Also the information that they refused to use your weapons is little bit disturbing. I would definitely like to see some raiders to run around with pipe guns, laser and plasma guns or even fatboy etc. lol


    But admittedly, the funniest thing would be to meet a supermutant with the fatboy. I wish we could have some random encounters, like fights between supermutants and raiders lol

  14. Just now, bdubyah said:

    Yeah, I've changed them around a lot. I originally planned on having them use mostly weapons from my mod, but I haven't had any luck since they never wanna shoot my guns for some reason. So that was probably a copy/paste issue. Think I got that one sorted as well.


    If you guys see any other ones, let me know. :)

    I was also wondering about effect_group names. I've noticed that in vanilla, effect_group names usually match the name of the item, but some of the items in this mod have different names in effect_group, like <effect_group name="gunBanditMR10"> inside <item name="gunBanditHSniper_b"> etc.


    I don't know if it really matters, but it could potentially mislead you when working with those chunks of code.

  15. @bdubyah, gunBanditMR10 could possibly cause similar problem.



    Also, in entityclasses.xml, humanRaider4Rifle, humanRaider4Riflesleeper start with gunBanditMR10, BUT get 9mm ammo, the other raider with the same gun had 7.62mm ammo, which makes me believe that using 9mm ammo here is a bug.

  16. 8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Damn, looks like I forgot to change the name of that AK in mine. I'll fix it on my end, but I don't know when I'll update again.


    If you have N++ and aren't scared editing some files, do a search and replace for gunBanditAk47 and change it to gunBanditAk47_b in items.xml and entityclasses.xml. That should fix the issue.

    Thanks for the tip. I've noticed similar behavior, but I wasn't sure what exactly the problem was (87 mods installed, 87 potential culprits lol). Although, I'm not quite sure - is it only the AK47 that's having this issue, or maybe other weapons too? Because I saw some other NPCs with crossbow and bows that were taking their sweet time around the hordes of zombies and then just decided to fight them all with bare hands instead of their ranged weapon lol

  17. 4 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Thanks for the reply, I can see how this approach could be optimal (also to save precious dev time!) but what I'm worried about is that most players will see that as an inconsistency in zombie behavior rather than a plus (like I do).


    I've already read on Steam people complaining about the current (A19) AI because they expect zombies to ALL behave the same way... so when they see 3/4 of them out of 20 going their way doing different things (e.g.: rage mode) they'll just rant about not being able to reliably build a blood moon base because they can't predict where the zombies will go.


    As always in life (and game development) it's "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

    Now that the AI is (IMO) better and more varied people start complaining exactly about that (facepalm).


    People complain about all kinds of things. Trust me, there are people who can tell you how much they hate tetris and why.

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