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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I think it works this way: . The spawner selects zombies from a group, say zombiesall When the spawner wants to spawn a zombie, it roll the dice and picks one out of the group based on probability. So if the final group composition totals 100 possible zeds, and each one has a probablility of 1.0, then any zombies has a 1/100 chance of being selected. So you need to balance the relative numbers of vanilla zeds and creaturepack characters in the total group. I have tried to keep the spawn chance of a vanilla zed and a creaturepack zed about even. I have not done all groups though. And if another zombie modlet is used then you need to add any group changes by them into the equation.
  2. The game cannot find this file: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/../Mods/0-CreaturePackHumans/Resources/guppyParticlesforGuppy.unity3d Is it there?
  3. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    If its that out of whack let me look at the entity distribution of NPCs.
  4. The base survivors always flee, kinda like scared villagers. They will fightback if attacked. If I recall correctly, DarkStar changed his survivors to be more neutral, attacking zombies but running away otherwise.
  5. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Cant think of a way either of those events are directly caused by the NPC modlet. Its mush more likely the xml of another modlet is adding too or overwriting NPC or HumanPack xml. We load those resource modlets first so anything strange that happens is typically due to later loading modlets. The ony real changes to CPHumans and NPC modlets lately are adding now creatures and the faction patch. Testing your tree scenario ought to answer your question pretty fast if that relationship exists.
  6. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Well, forget the home block, that only works if Maslow is running. Instead, add the territorial property before the wandersdx task on the NPCs templates like it is on the CPHumans templates. LIke <property name="AITask-4" value="Territorial"/> then bump all the other tasks up by 1. If it works let me know and I can change the default mod templates.
  7. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Even if enabled, Maslow should not active without the AITask. Do you load any other modlets that might put a condition on the NPC that hes not given immunity too? Like a custom damage buff? They die quickly from elemental damage like fire. Was there extreme cold or heat in the biome?
  8. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Its been a while but in the xml you can set a home block that should restrict the wander radius. Maslow should be disabled by default but that's worth checking in your install. Not sure why that one just died.
  9. Added more Guppy Guys, 4 survivors, 1 bandit and a new zed.
  10. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Glad the modlet is playing well, and your having fun. I play coop with my daughter. I usually enter a room first and her behind. Often shes too close and i need to run back out and shes blocking the door. Then it gets bad fast. So I consider NPCs like COOP players, they should block you and they have pros and cons having them around. I know player phase through on ladders but otherwise they do seem to block.
  11. If you remove a mod, it will break save and give strange artifacts like item and blocks changing ids
  12. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Maybe they were trash talking and you couldnt hear it? Same type of thing happens when you change faction during an attack, it takes time to reset after an attack target is selected. That likely will be fixed in a future patch
  13. Added some Guppy Samurai characters to the fantasypack
  14. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Added the Whisperers to the CPHumanPack but implemented only in the NPCPack as thats a faction based character set. Added the whispers to zombiegroups so they should be some walking with the zeds. I did not add them yet to sleeper spawning or bloodmoon. That might be fun but i will wait for feedback on that. NPCGhost no longer likes the whispers.
  15. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    What Mr. Devolver said is likely accurate, and hes done 100 times more testing on this than I have. The NPCMechs modlet dletes all the CPMechs xml and replaces it with its own, only using the Mechs models. I also do this in the NPCHumans, deleting out many CPHuman duplicates. I will test the NPCPest, not sure why hes being such a pest.
  16. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The zombie edit "should not" change zombie behavior unless those other mods edit the zombietemplate in a similar fashion. To be safe you could move yours to 3 but the faction pack really only sets up the factions so unlikely your messing with that but if say you wanted to add factions id move your to 3
  17. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Forgot to add the schematics are only in creative mode and are not in loot.
  18. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Added faction support for NPCs. Zombies, humanoids and mechs all will target and attack (or not) based on factions. Animals were not changed, and use class based targeting like vanilla. There is a new file 2-NPCFactions that assigns some NPCs to faction groups and edits zombies to respect "whispers faction when players align with that". This file loads after the NPC modlets as it changes the changes made in those 1- modlets. Note the Whispers are not in yet, but will be soon. For now only NPC Ghost is a Whisperer. Characters that begin with the following prefixes are assigned to factions (no balance attempted yet) by this new mod: NPCRaiders are bandit faction NPCGhost is whisperers faction NPCGupSoldiers are redteam NPCDelta are blueteam NPCRangers) are blueteam NPCNational are greenteam NPCArmy are greenteam There are schematics you can read to swap your unique faction for one of the factions added. Be very careful using those for anything other than testing as once you say join the Mech faction, then read books to raise your relationship with Bandits, then all mechs will like bandits. It is strongly suggested that for gameplay you only use the schematics that add or subtract relationship points, allowing you to keep your unique faction but adjust your alignment with all others. it is possible to replace these schematics with quest rewards, dialog options, or buffs. You can even now create faction based stories and quests. Those are planned for the future but this base configuration is good enough for testing. Let us know your feedback.
  19. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    We are discussing the theme of the demo. Lots of cool ideas.
  20. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pushed a fix for the casting error, and added NPCMechs for placeholder/testing. The NPCMechs are enemys by default until you get good faction with them so they will KOS you on sight right now. I didnt push the faction code yet, just needs some dialog or quests to change faction and im not done with that yet. So for now they are just like CPMechs.
  21. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I probably should not have joked about an issue being Sphereiis fault as its caused confusion about where to post. If it involves Characters or NPCs (appearance or behavior) the feedback belongs here. His core modlet has lots of non-character functionality, like block behaviors, buffs, player effects etc, and those should go in his modlet thread. But everything you commented on is correctly placed here. As we have moved to add new functionality like Maslow (basic needs), controlled pathing, ranged maintaining distance, and factions we are breaking previously working functions. For example, the new pathing caused lots of jumping. The jumping fix cause other navigation errors, and new digging etc. The code involved is very interconnected and complex, which is likely why TFP isn't doing Bandits anytime soon. It would need a lot of housekeeping to make it scalable like we are discovering. So we will likely need to decide to keep trying to fix things as we move forward, or revert many of the changes back to more simpler NPC behaviors. Thanks for the great feedback. Oh, if you start seeing red "cast errors" in the log in the most recent build , we are aware of this issue.
  22. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    It wasn't intentional, its an artifact of using the base zombiecontroller for humanoid like NPCs and bandits. Zombies dig if jumping, breaking a block or something else is blocking their path to their target. So so do NPCs unless we work to change that. Its not specifically a bug either; its working as TFP designed it and we reuse that code. We could stop it by a code edit or use it by replacing the animation with something humanlike. Perhaps Sphereii will consider this worth fixing, rather than adding something new to the NPCs. When we get farming NPCs working, I will likely add in a digging and planting animation but it wont be triggered by the approach and attack code so I wont be changing it now. Oh, before I forget: Please assume anything I type here is either information about the mod or an attempt at humor. "So NPCs dig. Cool" was humor. Issues being the cores fault? Humor. (Spherell and I crack on each other all day long about mistakes) Perhaps I need to start adding little smileys after each line to telegraph that. But it would be easier if all concerned just assumed that if anything I type is other than simple information is an attempt at levity. Oh, and the above "Oh, before I forget" was information, not a joke
  23. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    So NPCs dig. Cool. I guess I need to change the animation to pulling out a shovel and digging instead
  24. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Delete the DLL thats causing the error from the SphereIICore Harmony folder and rebuild. That fixes it.
  25. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Let it be so.
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