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Everything posted by xyth

  1. Pushed 19.2 update to the animals. Birds have 2 sounds systems now. A constant single clip attached to the character in Unity that has a range of 150 blocks and a logarithmic distance rolloff. The old system with additional sounds will only be heard when near the character as before, such as when it attacks or flys close. Consolidated sounds into fewer bundles. Fix Alcatraz size issue. Also pushed a minor update for the Humans to mostly standardize some xml.
  2. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Not presently, we didnt know that might be an issue.
  3. Since this mod replaces the assembly dll, it has to exactly match the game version. That link is for B180, and wont work on 19.1 or 19.2
  4. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Link your xml that resulted in that burst in the video. Those preset would also be great.
  5. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    i'm not understanding. Walktype 7 doesn't have the weapon animations. I see in your video hes walking backwards but firing using an idle animation. Could be related to idles being looping anims. There is also no reload anim on that walktype, and that might be involved. If this is to add back burst firing, I can look at that once the WinterWeen Project is released.
  6. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    There are two places where random walkstypes are introduced. In the sphereiicore blocks.xml there is a property of randomwalks set to true. In the effectspacks, there are also randomwalks in the xml. Both "should" only effect zombies. Each human weapontype requires a matching walktype. You cannot use any other walktypes on ranged characters, but you can on melee.
  7. Not intended. I fixed it for WinterWeen, and will push to the normal repo soon. I also added sounds directly to the birds so they can be heard better with distance.
  8. That should be the same version. I will test on dedi tomorrow but it may be an install issue on your server.
  9. I just tested the A19 radiosmodlet on SP, and the sound rolls off perfectly. I will test later on dedi but my first guess is they loaded the old radios mod for A18 which had the sound rolloff issues. https://github.com/7D2D/A19Mods
  10. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Might be game safe as adding entities to entities.xml is usually gamesafe but removing them is not.
  11. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I just finished updating the NPC mod for the Winterproject. I added the soldiers and whisperers, and a few others, but some still have weapon positioning issues to resolve, but thats only cosmetic so can wait. I will push an update in the next few days.
  12. The more demand for something the further up the backlog it goes 🙂 . I really should release mini projects for each thing like the radios, CCTVs, etc so folks can have fun with those. Working on new fun things always gets top of the backlog though. 🐵
  13. You just have to add the image to the flag in Unity and then export it. I had a tutorial video on that and a sample project for A18, but its outdated. If I have time I can update those.
  14. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I'm not sure I followed your points made, but the ranged attack distance is supposed to be based on the maxrange setting on the weapon. They are supposed to try to maintain some percentage of that maxrange, i forget the value but its around 50% of the max range. Also, they will melee when close, so Im not sure what your saying that there is no condition for melee. The new AI is a work in progress and we have not messed with it for A19 much as were are working on other things right now.
  15. The sounds volume unfortunately has to be done on the soundclip before importing into Unity and then exporting. I plan to revisit that soon as time allows.
  16. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    If your getting red errors building in DMT, it would be helpful to know what those errors are. Its likely a DMT install issue, not an issue with this mod.
  17. Likely you would need to move the humans out of the zombieall group and into the animal groups. I attached a mode that might solve that for you. Ignore the name, just unzip that and drop the modlet into your mods folder. 2-WalkerSimCompatability.zip Also, pushed an update to the animal pack to fix a tooltip error someone reported on Nexus. Also fixed the random walktypes in the effects packs, as it was switching to crawlers and looked bad.
  18. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    You just have to play around with it. I had the humans burst firing in A18, but something in A19 seemed to stop that and I never got back to it as most folks complain they fire too much already. If you find a way to make them fire faster let me know what that xml is and I can add that change to the pack.
  19. Thanks. I didn't add a new mega snake and stag so maybe those are from another pack or otherwise something is scaling the vanilla animals. The sound rolls off with distance so you hear them when close but I can increase the volume next rebuild.
  20. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    NPCs of all types (human, animals and mechs) are hirable if they dont hate you. If they are neutral or like you they will talk to you and thus you can hire them. Some start out in a faction that hates the player. So you need to improve your faction with that group somehow. The idea was to have quests that would earn you more positive or negative faction, but so far no modder has written those quest up. In the game, but not in loot, are books that either grant you some additional positive faction or full faction with each faction group. If you want to shortcut, you can edit those animals faction xml property and make them, say, the whiteriver faction, then they will like you. I will check on the door opening. In the blocks.xml of the Core there is a switch for this but perhaps its not working
  21. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    That looks correct. There is a core version for each version of the game. So one for stable, one for experimental ect, and they are not exchangeable. I think the version your using is for stable.
  22. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Without the log, there is no way to know whats happening. Maybe a version mismatch between the core version and the game version
  23. Adobe already stated that there is no updates or support for Fuse CC, its abandoned. They said it would be removed from CC this fall, so perhaps any day now.
  24. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I cant read what that says but likely you have either missing deppendancies, not launching with the mod launcher or otherwise building with DMT.
  25. Im not sure how long Fuse CC will be available, so be sure to go on Steam and load a local copy of the latest version of Fuse thats there.
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