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Everything posted by xyth

  1. You need to use the mod launcher to load those mods as the launcher will compile all the added C# code in the core.
  2. If you run any of the 1-NPC packs, those require 2 additional mods, Sphereii's Core and his NPCDialog mods.
  3. xyth

    sphereii's DMT Mods

    The birds are in the CreaturePack animals now. Betterlife is just fish and other water things..
  4. xyth


    That's a known vanilla issue. WW does not change zombies at all. Its fixable by adding Jax's zombie reach modlet, but that has the negative effect of shortening the reach of zombies so the can't hit the small animals in the creaturepacks.
  5. Fantasypack is vanilla. I didn't release it for A19 as it was mostly characters from other modders who didnt update the models. The pack in WW were ones I made special for WW.
  6. Thanks. There are already dogs in this mod. Updating the mod generally is game safe, unless something is removed in the update. The is an NPC version of the animal pack that provides hiring animals as pets, but it required using the mod launcher to install it and it's dependencies.
  7. Easy edit. Add the line below to each videoplayer in the mods blocks.xml: <property name="ActivationDistance" value="1"/> Change it from 1 to whatever value, but 1 seems to work well.
  8. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yup. I pushed the fix for the Wolfhound. The fix for the German Shepherd requires an update to SphereII's core. He is waiting for the final changes to the core that is being tested and used in WinterWeen, then he will push that to the public version of the core. Until then, dont try to spawn it.
  9. Did you use the wire tooll on them? You need to add a wire then you can disconnect the wire
  10. Feel free to make a 1-CreaturePackAnimalBiomes addon pack with your changes. Im sure folks would enjoy it too.
  11. If I can find the old project I'd be happy to change it. I might do a video on adding cameras to game objects at some point.
  12. When i made this I had it under the compass. Folks wanted it on the bottom. The intent of it was for my daughter to be able to monitor vultures when she was on her minibike. I didn't think anyone ever used it.
  13. I never pushed the fixed A19 version of the Helmetcam, until just now 🙂
  14. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    pushed the real fix for GS22 NRE. Seriously, its fixed 🙂
  15. Depends on the pack, there are 3 retexturing packs in WW. If the pack creates new zombie names, then you can just add those to the snow biome spawns. If the pack doesn't, you could create entityclasses.xml xpath to do that. Not something I have time to help with, but its very doable.
  16. The zombies are just material replacements so that even easier. You need those mods out of WW.
  17. The animals are the same, I just snowified them using a shader. If you swap the XythAnimals.unity3d file from WW into the CPack you would see the snowy ones. You cant have both loaded though, as they have the same entity names.
  18. Still debugging WW, so not likely in the next few days.
  19. haha, those are Winterween animals, I will push a fix shortly. Those should not appear in game, they are the ranged weapons used by NPCMechs. I will likely move those to the CPMechs modlet eventually. I have no idea how or why they would appear in loot, and they are set to be non-dropable. Perhaps someone is going into the creative menu?
  20. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pushed fix for misnamed whisperer males, bad path on a soldier, and a bug that would happen only at GS22
  21. I was not familiar with that Mod, but after looking at it, Khaine is using a custom Assembly and other code, so he may be changing something this mod depends on.
  22. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I will add some new animals soon. The base creaturepacks should be highly compatible with most mods, as I tried to isolate them from edits to the vanilla game.
  23. We have lots of Boat-tailed Grackles that hang out in the trees near our dock. I doubt i can find a grackle model but i can use a raven. Thanks for the suggestions 🙂 grackle.mp3
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