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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 2 hours ago, Shemasheko said:


    I have a problem with the mod. I cannot upload the SCore.pdb file to my server.
    It gets rejected. I have already asked the support there but they say I have to contact you. Can you help me ?

    Errormessage is:
    /Mods/0-SCore/SCore.pdb cannot be uploaded to dedicated server. (Gportal)



    You dont need that file.  Are you only uploading the 0-SCore folder or his entire repo?



  2. Entitygroups.xml.  There will be one of those files in the NPCCore and one in every expansion pack

    Pushed an update to the Raiderz, RaiderGurlz and Survivorz packs to reduce spawn rates in starter areas. Localization also added to the Survivorz pack.

  3. The zed controller is a near exact clone of the vanilla zombie controller, but the vanilla version has scripts we do not have access too.  I saw what you described once on my tutorial zombie on A20.1, never saw that before so maybe something changed in the collision detection.  That is a vanilla animation, so I know where to look, but I don't have any ideas yet why that's happening.  Thanks for confirming the issue though.


    I think I found it, seems its a vanilla bug in the A20.0 controller I baselined on, which likely they fixed in A20.1 and never put that in the release notes.  I let the zombie makers know, so when they update their packs it should be fixed.

  4. The exp repo always had the very latest exp the testing team uses, might be a little less stable than the published exp.

     I just updated the  published exp version to  .08.    I see i never pushed it, too many distractions today.



  5. New Experimental version uploaded. 

    Many bug fixes.

    Custom POI Prefab files for setting up and testing NPC enabled POIs, as well as custom spawning groups for same.  This makes it easier for POI builders to standardize NPC spawning across POIs. 

    Improved NPC control functions so melee wont charge off. 

    NPCs strafe more rather than charge and retreat trying to maintain optimum weapon range.  

    Floating and flying NPCs wont create footstep sounds

    NPC Hired Health bars should work as expected

    NPCs should respawn when you log off and left them in stay mode.

    Baker is hireable again.  Note, the emptyHanded Baker is set to be timid and will run away  from most anything.  Don't hire him 🙂


    Remaining Major known issue:  NPCs wont break blocks to get to player, will run into said blocks instead.  Fix is in the works.


  6. Be sure to put the Modes button and Stop button on your tool bar so you can control the NPCs better.  By default they are in Hunting Mod, and will run off and attack everrything.


  7. 15 hours ago, Dagger Digwillow said:

    https://github.com/gogrady4117/7DTD-Logs here is a copy of the log output. I removed 99.99% of the repetitive null reference as the file ballooned to 45 mb before I shut it down. 

    Also with Spherell's mods should each mod be pulled out of the master folder once in the 7dtd mods folder or should it be left in the Spherell master folder?

    Turn off EAC.  That's the root cause of all those errors.  Use the games built in launcher to start the game without EAC enabled. 

  8. Thanks for the input guys.  It does help.  I agree the spawning areas needs adjusting.  About 4 overhauls are using or are planning to use NPCs in their mods and I'm sure they will adjust those spawns.  Likely we should avoid spawning hostiles in the forest biome as that's where most folks start.  We are in Phase 1 of the NPCMod, and are now close to pushing a major update to stable.  NPC sleepers in specialized POIs will be enabled, giving amazing experiences.  More control over hired NPCs is also in.  Eventually crafting, better looting, settlement etc will happen.  Still bug fixing and adding new features to work around current gameplay issues but looking forward to new features as we go.

  9. A few of these are possibly new bugs, thanks.  The baker is already converted; that and many other bug fixes are in our beta testers hands.  We are working on some issues you did not mention that warrant greater use of our time.  Sorry we are not updating as fast as you might like but last time I checked we were not getting paid to do this nor is anyone being charged to use it.  But I do value the input.  For that I thank you. 

  10. 20 minutes ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

    I had a non hostile gina from the raider gurlz pack living with me for a bit. I am not sure if they seek out player bedrolls or if this just showed up, but it was a nice organic playing experience. I found myself modifying my base ( the destroyed urgent care office) so that she can move more freely and shoot at zombies, and she took care of aggroed night zombies and screamers for me. Really changed the game up and it's a shame it's not a vanilla feature



    Thanks, We are just getting started.  


    What we struggle the most with is near zero feedback on features and functionality.  We really need to know what folks like, whats broken, whats really needed.  

  11. 2 hours ago, Artemisia said:

    Hi. SCore: (0-SCore) cannot be downloaded via DownGit.(Including minhaskamal.github.io, yehonal.github.io) Adding .zip file directly as before will avoid confusion and will be more useful.

    I added a more reliable download link, and an alternative method.



  12. Pushed an update to the locks.  Reduced the amount of time for lockpicking to begin, reduced mod file size 75%.


    The one person to give feedback said picks break too easy, so that will be adjusted in the next version of the SCore code that this mod uses.


    Once more features are exposed in xml, I will share how you can adjust both lock difficulty and pick breaktime

  13. 5 minutes ago, Hayran said:



    I cant speak with NPC on Experimental Release


    That is intended.   The Baker is currently set up using the default "no chat" template.   Since that is causing confusion, I might need to make him interactable.

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