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Trankitas last won the day on March 11 2023

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About Trankitas

  • Birthday 09/16/1995

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  • Biography
    Just a Trankitas surviving in the wild
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Colony Founder (11/15)



  1. Hands aren't commando outfit? damn... Then, biker hands?
  2. Biker boots, Engineer chest/waist tools, Commando knee pads (?), raider/bandit pipe helmet?
  3. I think it would be cool to still have armor with "no special effect", to make whenever you find armor set pieces, even more special. Edit: I'm talking about both, armor and clothes.
  4. Is there any chance Bandits could slide in Alpha 22? Or it's confirmed they will not be ready?
  5. Bro I can't believe there's no bandits AGAIN for A22, we've been waiting for so many years already, considering that every alpha devs told us "next Alpha for sure"... this is quite the disappointment...
  6. I find it weird that there's not an A22 dev diary yet, It's been half a year since A21 launched right?
  7. What is Bloodmoons? and where do I buy it?
  8. You lost me... my brain is fried from playing 7 days all week, I can't keep up.
  9. Is Stable close to release? Edit: also, please check that bug that makes traders fall though the floor, its so annoying.
  10. Is A22 planned to be a short one? Or we are talking about a 1 year+ build
  11. No, just tracers for better readability of the gunfights, I know in reality only tracer rounds leave a trace, but it would help to better understand the position of the shooters.
  12. Will tracers (to see where are bullets coming from) be added at some point in the game? With the addition of bandits in A22 I think they would be necessary
  13. Uhh that's a classic man, I do the same thing from time to time 😁
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