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Everything posted by Gothyc

  1. I am at exactly the same stage. I'm assuming you just wait and then.. fluffle the stuff some more? I don't know.. hopefully it will show somehow when something happens. I don't even know WHAT is supposed to happen, lol! You get chicken? Eggs? Feathers? All 3?
  2. Great work guys! Downloadiiiiing!!! :D
  3. Ooh, hehe, well alright then! I still am prone to break things, so will patiently wait, lol.
  4. I didn't get iron tools until much later than that. I did make 1 or 2 scrap iron pickaxes though, and kept repairing them since they cost 2 twine each. And then, finally, iron tools. Now I'm rocking steel tools and man... the game certainly has opened up. My setup was to build a base on top of a clay patch. I mined under my base at night, looted in the first half of each day and built the over the surface part of the base during the second half each day. Then back underground during night. This way I got lots of loot, construction skill (use stone axe lots!), and a space down below where I could set up my forges and crafting stations. Also, the "free" clay saved me SO much time.
  5. I don't want to mess with haxing the mod launcher, so will just have to wait until it gets updated with the new WotW version.
  6. Twine can be looted almost anywhere, but my feeling you have extra high chances of finding it in normal houses - especially kitchens.
  7. Noticed this as well, but as they are doing away with the tool head system in RH 3.0 I didn't think it was worth reporting.
  8. Nice! Thank you for the information, sir.
  9. Fair enough, thanks for the reply!
  10. Sorry if this has been asked before - when is it planned that the mod will update to 5.2? As I understand it everyone will need to start new save games then? I'd like to get back into WotW, but not if I had to restart after a week.
  11. Yes, new patch! Jax, thanks for all the fantastic work you and your players do to improve the mod. Me and my girl really love it! I hope you get some well deserved rest too during the holidays. We're happy to wait for as long as it takes for version 3.0, as this current version is so much fun for us! I do have one question: where does the name Ravenhearst come from? Merry Christmas to You and Yours!
  12. Found my Ink Pen today, AND my base held up nicely against 14 day horde. So happy!
  13. The lag is still there, but there are some workarounds until a better solution is in place. If you want to fill up stations with fuel, the lag is really annoying. In those cases, I usually just type in some nonsense in the search window, like "ddddd" or whatever, to empty the list. That removes the lag completely and you can add wood without problems to your fuel input. Also, the modders have made it so that anything you craft will automatically be added to favourites. That way it's easier to always keep your favourites on, to reduce crafting lag. As for the clutter items as you call them. I think that's simply a matter of taste. I like it this way. For me it increases immersion and it makes sense that you would need to turn rocks into arrowheads, and wood into sticks before you can put together an arrow. It's a way to illustrate that it takes a little time to fashion arrows, but that you can still do it in steps if you want to. Stock up on arrowheads, etc. I for one hope this does not get changed. The only thing I could wish for is for each such item to have more than one application. That's not a must for me though, just a nice to have.
  14. On day 14 now, about to have my second horde night. Observations so far: * It's pretty much a must to scrap the +1 +1 skillbooks in order to get closer to open up a new class. I've scrapped books that weren't necessary from the start, after looting most of the townhouses in my local city, an entire Crack a book-tower plus half of a Higashi building, and I'm at 100 knowledge points now. Ink is no problem, research desk no problem. I'm afraid I might not have found a pen by the time i'm ready to become a farmer though. What are good containers to search for pens? * Trees. I made a tree farm right after last horde night, so almost 7 days ago. They still haven't evolved to their second growth stage. Bug or feature? I did plant them before the plant timers were adjusted down for single player, but I didn't think the change affected trees? Is it 1 whole week per STAGE for trees? That's crazy. I'm on 120 minute days. * Hit boxes. I saw there was a change for some of the new vehicle models and their hit boxes. I still have some vehicles that have no hit boxes at all. Specifically a couple cars parked outside my Crackabook building. Also, the iron axe seems wonky with hitting trees. It's not a big issue really, though. * Minibike lag. Driving around on the mini-bike causes a lot of lag and stuttering. Any suggestions what settings I can turn down to make this a little better? * Nights are still scary, even if I'm in a concrete base now. * Double-barreled blunderbus helps a lot on early horde nights. * I really like that you can just duct tape a flashlight to any(?) helmet to make a replacement for the mining helmet. I got a nice kevlar helmet with lights now. Which I'd known about it a little earlier, heh. * I love this mod! For me, this is the perfect mix of all the mods I've tried so far. Keep up the good work guys!
  15. If I pick up my Blacksmith station, do I get back all the smelted iron I had in there?
  16. I've had this happen as well, in Ravenhearst mod. I too suspect it has something to do with melting down items, tools, etc. When I melted some raw iron on top of it, all the iron from the item melting suddenly counted again.
  17. It unlocks at 50 blunt skill. I'm just 2 points away.
  18. Does "required file updates" just mean which files are going to change in the automatic update via the launcher, or does it mean we have to update something manually?
  19. Scrap tools and weapons become available as you level up your Scavenging skill.
  20. The issue was fixed, but only after restarting a new game. A new profile was not required, however! Ah well, found a wrench and ranger hat on day 1 in new playthrough, so I'm happy!
  21. @Jaxteller: Thank you so much for trying to fix the traps error! I'm currently at work, but will try and see if the fix resolved the issue when I get home. I do wonder.. could this have happened to my player profile because I played a vanilla game in between? I started 7dtd with the normal shortcut (not the mod launcher) for the first time in ages. The same thing happened to my girlfriends player profile (she also got the traps error) after we both played a vanilla game to teach her parents play 7DTD (we figured starting in a scary mod might be a tad much for two total newbies). In general, thank you for the great work you're doing and for the mod in general! When I ran into this issue and couldn't continue Ravenhearst, I realized I didn't really feel like playing any other mods right now, so... hey at least while waiting I got to expand the Roman empire in Divide et Impera (Rome 2: Total War). Also love the changes to farming, making farming implements matter!
  22. That seems to be exactly the issue we are having, except we did start new saves just so we wouldn't get issues like this. My gf is using an entirely new seed on hers, whereas I reused my old seed but with a new save game (deleted old save and started over). Ah well, thanks for the reference and help, Lorax!
  23. That's really strange. I had the Traps skill working in version 2.04. Then I reinstalled everything as 2.05 came around, updated to 2.06 when that arrived, and haven't gotten to the point where I wanted the trap skill until now, and I get this bug. My girlfriend has the same thing, except she has -195 or something like that. We have played a game of vanilla in between our Ravenhearst sessions. When using the vanilla shortcut for 7DTD (not starting with the mod launcher) I got some notification about cleaning up old files. Could that be relevant in this case? I have also, since discovering this bug, reinstalled Ravenhearst completely - but to no avail. If it's our player profiles being bugged, it should only affect Ravenhearst right, since that's the only mod with a Traps skill?
  24. Does nobody else have the weird thing with the traps skill? Says it cost 5 points on the left side, but right below the buy button it says -345, and it won't let you buy it?
  25. I have a problem with the traps skill. When I try to buy it up to level 1 so I can make scrap iron log spikes, it says that it costs -345 skill points. I currently have 6 free points, and cannot purchase it. I reinstalled and started a new game with 2.05, so that shouldn't be what causes the problem, should it?
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