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Posts posted by Prisma501

  1. Playing around with allowing parameters in custom commands. Looks very very promising!


    All the power of console commands right there in your chatwindow. Powerfull shizzle.




    -edit- yay! This opens up soooooo many possibilities. Just made this little custom for my players:


    /namecolor <color>


    Command (+custom parameter) used: chatplayercolor ${entityId} ${color} 1

  2. Hello everyone. Sorry for my bad english. I do not get the Extra data. Especially the players speed.


    <Tool Name="Player_Logs" Enable="True" Interval="45" Position="False" Inventory="True" Extra="True" Days_Before_Log_Delete="5" />




    Any idea what happens? I am doing something wrong? Thx


    Heya Shanks,


    This thread is for allocs mods. The one you use here is ServerTools made by ObsessiveCompulsive.


    If you ask the question in his thread im sure he will shine a light.





  3. A couple of questions...

    So - console commands can work through the telnet connection?

    Is there a complete list of commands (specifically for: Improvements for the dedicated server)?


    You can do "help" in console/telnet to get all commands. Then get more detailed help per command by doing "help <command>".


    Alloc has added the following commands:



    listknownplayers (lkp)

    listlandprotection (llp)

    removelandprotection (rlp)

    reply (re)

    sayplayer (pm)

    showinventory (si)



  4. As i got really good feedback from my players for this, here is a tip:


    Make a new discord channel called statistics (or whatever you like), make it readonly for normal discord users.


    Then drop the statistics there (im doing refresh on a weekly basis):



    $top zombies

    $top playtime

    $top deaths

    $top currency

    $top score



  5. Made sure it was sprained, I wanted a command to removed sprained and 1 to remove broken


    Think i have something. You are using command debuff right? That only works locally on the client. That explains why it wont trigger a debuff at all from a remote api call.


    Command: debuff

    No detailed help available.

    Description: Removes a buff from the local player


    You should use command debuffplayer instead.



  6. ok retested with bc-rembuff ${entityid} sprainedLeg and still nothing, ill hop on discord when i get a chance to try and narrow it down.


    Maybe a long shot, but you're sure its not a brokenLeg instead of a sprainedLeg? The buff icon is identical for both.



  7. Thanks for that info.

    Also I recently found out about the playsound command and tormented one of the other admins. I was awful lol. I couldn't play sounds from CSMM for some reason and had to be in the game to do it. Would have been nice as would have made it harder for him to suspect it was me if I didn't have to be in game lol.


    Hey thats strange. I use it all the time (really fun stuff :) ) by discord chatbridge doing $ex "playsound prisma501 bearsense" or just by console on dashboard page by doing just playsound prisma501 bearsense.


    Where are you issuing the command?



  8. At Catalysm: Will be in the next release.


    Thanks Prisma, that way I didn't have to think about that stuff :D

    Renamed it to GetPlayerInventories though and added SteamID and EntityID fields to the output so it's easier to connect the received data to whatever internal structures the receiving application might have :)


    Awesome! And you're welcome :)



  9. not sure if im doing something wrong, but im unable to delete custom commands. cant seem to get them to work either but in testing it ive made 3 and im at max, but unable to delete others.


    If i remember correctly, there was a thingy with the command needing to be enabled to be able to delete (or edit) it.


    Dunno if thats your prob, but you could try.



  10. buffs, like items have to have exact spelling....I think it is typed as sprainedLeg...with leg capitalized.

    Unless you just never capitalized it in the post but did in your command.



    On related note, has anyone made a list of things in game such as a list of items, buffs, blocks, etc with the way they have to be spelled to be used in commands.


    Allocs has the listitems <searchstring> command. And coppis can list all available blocks (or search any block) with pblock command. With coppis lpbuff command you can see how the buff a player has is spelled exactly. The playsound command can search and list all available sounds in game with correct spelling.





    listitems * (or "listitems bolt" for ex.)

    pblock * (or "pblock steel" for ex.)

    playsound (or "playsound alarm" for ex.)

  11. Probably not! Just a way to make sure the command is still usable if some other mod/SM uses the same command and to make it easier for players to get the right cmd (teleset vs settele for example) Shouldn't be a problem anyway, since CSMM can listen for any prefix ;d


    No worries. Was just curious bout it. Players are starting to find their way to the server shop. :) Works a charm mate.

  12. Awesome man, thanks for the support :)




    You're making me blush :D





    - Import/export functionality for cron jobs, custom commands and shop listings. It uses JSON format, try exporting your current config to see the syntax. I'll do a more detailed write up in the docs later on but you can play around with it already.


    - Ingame help

    Doesn't link you to the docs anymore, but lists all enabled commands. help <commandname> will show detailed info


    - Ingame command aliases

    Almost all commands now have aliases. See them with the ingame help command


    - Fixed some bugs, introduced some new ones



    EDIT: don't need a whole new post for this;

    I made server dashboard loading faster for large servers



    I made this repo a while ago but never really announced it or w/e :p If you want custom icons in CSMM;



    Nice! Will the command aliases be configurable? Or is it just a way to make usage easier?



  13. Yep, not 100% sure what it was yet. I don't have a botman install, so can't really test it right now :p Reinstalling allocs and doing the setup without botman worked though :)


    In other news, I've made a new repo for icons. If anyone wants custom icons from mods added, you can submit them there. Or you can come to discord if you don't know how github works :D



    Also, a little preview of a new upcoming feature; player tracking



    yummmmmieeeee. Visual playertracking, this is gonna make csmm big :)



  14. Initial testing is over. We have now moved on to a wide test with our normal whitelist server to get a better feel of how it all feels in a normal play environment. That test begins today. Barring any major pitfalls (which we don't foresee but you never know) i would say 2 or so weeks is a pretty decent estimate to start looking for a release date.


    Our testers have been amazing but with so many balance changes and restarts we want to make sure play flows smoothly. I will say this, I myself have restarted about 8 times in the past week or so, and every single time I did the first 5 days were amazing. They were challenging, NEVER short on action or boring and most of all REWARDING. I love what we did here. This is certainly not vanilla, and it's not a tacked on mod. It feels VERY different in how you survive and where you go. Each restart was different depending on both my circumstances and my luck. I DO feel some may have a few issues with some of the changes but we all felt the changes we made were for the best in a world were the focus is on long term worlds and play and not on powering through the content. The changelist is going to be ...big. VERY big.


    To this day I am trying to get as many new assets and models in as possible before we MUST release, just because i want you guys to have so much new material to experience.


    Im very excited for you guys to get your hands on it as are our testers.


    My deepest respect for your creativity mate! I can only envy that as i completely lack it. :D


    Keep up the good work.



  15. Make sure Windows firewall and/or other software firewalls are set up as well.


    ^ This. When first setting up a dev server on an old desktop and portforwarding the crap out of it all with no succes, it was as simple as windows firewall blocking the traffic. Gave me headaches back then.



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