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Posts posted by Prisma501

  1. I copied a few of the errors so you might see where they come from in the files (8K Hills Biomes).


    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_TheSect_Followers-of-M(by_magoli)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_TheSect_Followers-of-M(by_magoli)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Palisade(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Wooden_Palisade(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Utility_Combo(by_LuckyStar)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Utility_Combo(by_LuckyStar)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_H0bbit(by_Limodor)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_H0bbit(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Science_lab(by_kinklade)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Science_lab(by_kinklade)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_H0bbit(by_Limodor)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_H0bbit(by_Limodor)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_homestead(by_Mana)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_homestead(by_Mana)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_PeerCafe(by_Stallionsden)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_PeerCafe(by_Stallionsden)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xvanilla_cave_02' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xvanilla_cave_02'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xvanilla_trailer_02' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xvanilla_trailer_02'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Plant(by_Wsiegel)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Plant(by_Wsiegel)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_ColonyShip(by_NAGGcommunity)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_ColonyShip(by_NAGGcommunity)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_nationalparkLodge(by_Laz_Man)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_nationalparkLodge(by_Laz_Man)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_strandresort(by_magoli)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_strandresort(by_magoli)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xvanilla_army_camp_02' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xvanilla_army_camp_02'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xvanilla_cabin_07' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xvanilla_cabin_07'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_timbershop(by_magoli)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_homestead(by_Mana)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_homestead(by_Mana)'. Skipping it

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)' does not exist!

    2020-03-08T18:02:55 22.678 WRN Could not load prefab 'xcostum_Cliff_House(by_War3zuk)'. Skipping it



  2. But that will uncover the whole map, right?

    What i am trying to do, is to generate the image files from the map file of a user.

    In the player folder of the saved game there is a .map file where the already discovered map parts are stored.

    I hope that it is possible to generate the images from that file.


    Oh check. That would be rendermap consolecommand. I believe that does exactly what you would like.



  3. What do you mean with incorrect information? of course i dont want him to write in 18 if its not working for 18

    it was just an example use your brain.


    "you should always go to the last page for current info. That's just how forums work"


    Yeah thank you sir for teaching me how a forum work, i was probably browsing forums before you where even born little one.


    Having TEN LETTERS in the first post so people can see if its working for current version or not is not to much to ask for, why should i have to search for it when he can just simple put it on the first post?


    (sorry if i sound like a ♥♥♥♥head i have not had my coffee yet, i love you though.)


    The thread title didnt give you a hint little one?



  4. Has the 'exportitemicons' command been removed intentionally? It no longer appears in the command list under 'help' (and does not work in RAT either).


    The icons are already in your data folder (ItemIcons folder). No need to export anymore.



  5. ZombieHitDetriments has modinfo.xml instead of ModInfo.xml. On linux it wont load the modlet cause of that. Server and client package.




    Just downloaded 5.4.13 via link in OP (serverfiles).


    Has that been updated? As i still have an all lowercase modinfo.xml. Now wondering if any of the changes are there.



  6. Love the Ravenhearst mod! Though I have some friends that like the cheat mode a little too much and they create the game due to internet connection.


    How can we make the Hammer of God (HoG)......no XP for kills? (One hit kill is fine. I know how to alter entity damage. Love the block damage). Is that even possible without a big overhaul on my part?


    I can't just change entity damage value to 0, because some, shall we say, less computer game savvy friends die a lot and like the what the HoG offers, but others don't. A no XP HoG could help those in need, but deter you from using as a kill weapon if you want to gain levels. Ideas?





    Easy to do. I pm'd you. Just lemme know what RH version you use and ill make the HOG XP-less.



  7. Nice work! Now all I would like to have is a checkbox to enable/disable them on the map view.




    Change to icon of your choice in line 601 and 602:

    iconUrl: '/static/leaflet/images/layers.png',
    iconRetinaUrl: '/static/leaflet/images/layers.png',


    The checkbox for Traders is shielded behind web.map permission in webpermissions.xml.

    If you want it behind another permission, change line 164 to another permission present in webpermissons.xml:

    if(HasPermission ("web.map"))


    If you want it to be visible always without any permissions, just remove the if statement on line 164 around:

    layerControl.addOverlay (GetTraderMarkerLayer (map, mapinfo), "Traders");



  8. Need some help. Went back to version 16.4 and am trying to use the webmap again. I cannot make it work for some reason. Ive checked ports, versions, etc but to no avail. In the log I get;


    2019-01-15T19:30:35 1.069 INF [MODS] Trying to load from Allocs_WebAndMapRendering
    Non platform assembly: C:\******\*************\*********\7d\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Mods\Allocs_WebAndMapRendering\MapRendering.dll (this message is harmless)
    2019-01-15T19:30:35 1.073 ERR [MODS] Failed loading DLL
    2019-01-15T19:30:35 1.073 EXC The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
    ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
     at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
     at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at Mod.KH () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
    (Filename:  Line: -1)


    I did get older versions from the website that I believe work with the version I am running but maybe I am missing something.


    I am running A16.4 (b8) for the game. What is the correct Alloc version I should be using? What else might I be missing here?


    rev. 322 (14_17_26) (2018-06-20)





  9. Anyone else has the problem, that on the webmap, I will define them as "not finished connected player" apears with "Player:" all at one spot?


    Does anyone have a solution how I can delete these empty players from the webmap?

    In my savegame folder there are only ~7 player profiles.


    Since there is no way to selectively delete player objects from allocs bin whitout api mod, you can just delete /Saves/WorldName/SeedName/AllocsPeristentData.bin.


    It contains info on all players so that will clean up ALL. As soon as your friends connect again and play they will be on webmap again anyways.



  10. rlp seems to be broken. SetBlockRPC fails on replacing LCB block with air (only). All other types of blocks are fine to replace with air though.




    -edit- its some fight over GameManager.ChangeBlocks setBlockRPC's when detecting its a LCB and the setting block to air by RPC by external force. Seems the GameManager wins. Ive managed to find a workaround.

  11. Does GameUtils.GetSaveGameDir () switch context during startup maybe?


    Your map files are in /Saves/RWG/CSMM (CSMM is seedname), but persistentdata is in

    /Saves/Mevozo Mountains/CSMM -> player and region files are in here too.


    My bin is in both dirs :S.




    My serverconfig with names (dunno if i fukked it up there maybe?):


    <property name="GameWorld" 				value="RWG"/>			<!-- Navezgane, RWG -->
     <property name="WorldGenSeed" 			value="CSMM"/>				<!-- If RWG this seed decides the map to load, if already generated, it will simply load it -->
     <property name="WorldGenSize" 			value="4096"/>				<!-- RWG map size, this is in width and height, this value will modify the seed as well providing a unique map name even if using the same GenSeed -->
     <property name="GameName" 				value="CSMM"/>			<!-- Whatever you want the game name to be THIS CONTROLS THE RANDOM GENERATION SEED -->


    -edit- maybe there is no error because the File.Exists on bin returns false on loading it. So it just never gets read and all vars default to their initialisation values?

  12. Basically there's only one real reason: Errors. So any in your log?


    That the stange thing. No load or save errors on bin. Settings just default.

    You can verify by going on server and leave again while server running. Then on webmap you can see yourself as offline player.

    Then reboot server and check offline players. Always 0.




    -edit- i have exactly the same behaviour with my mod. As i use the same serialization and deserialization code you use

  13. Its seems the persistent data isnt persistent anymore. As soon as server boots, data is lost.




    - - - Updated - - -


    what are the arguments for visitmap?


    *** Command: visitmap ***


    1. visitmap <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> [check]

    2. visitmap stop

    1. Start visiting the map in the rectangle specified with the two edges defined by

    coordinate pairs x1/z1 and x2/z2. If the parameter "check" is added each visited

    chunk will be checked for density issues.

    2. Stop the current visitmap run.



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