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Posts posted by Prisma501

  1. Love the Ravenhearst mod! Though I have some friends that like the cheat mode a little too much and they create the game due to internet connection.


    How can we make the Hammer of God (HoG)......no XP for kills? (One hit kill is fine. I know how to alter entity damage. Love the block damage). Is that even possible without a big overhaul on my part?


    I can't just change entity damage value to 0, because some, shall we say, less computer game savvy friends die a lot and like the what the HoG offers, but others don't. A no XP HoG could help those in need, but deter you from using as a kill weapon if you want to gain levels. Ideas?





    Easy to do. I pm'd you. Just lemme know what RH version you use and ill make the HOG XP-less.



  2. Nice work! Now all I would like to have is a checkbox to enable/disable them on the map view.




    Change to icon of your choice in line 601 and 602:

    iconUrl: '/static/leaflet/images/layers.png',
    iconRetinaUrl: '/static/leaflet/images/layers.png',


    The checkbox for Traders is shielded behind web.map permission in webpermissions.xml.

    If you want it behind another permission, change line 164 to another permission present in webpermissons.xml:

    if(HasPermission ("web.map"))


    If you want it to be visible always without any permissions, just remove the if statement on line 164 around:

    layerControl.addOverlay (GetTraderMarkerLayer (map, mapinfo), "Traders");



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