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Posts posted by Prisma501

  1. Hi, Are you saying that 3.0 is now out? Post 1 still showing "Current Version 2.2"

    Thank you


    I think the post was meant as a warning for when 3.0 DOES get released. It still isnt ;)



  2. Just thought I'd update this with my current plans.


    So I'm working on adding titanium to the game. The idea is I'll lower the requirements to learn steel (probably to around level 125) and make titanium what you can learn at high level. I might go 50/100/150 for iron/steel/titanium.


    It won't be used for armour, but it will be used for tools and weapons. The idea is it'll do about the same damage as steel (maybe slightly more), but use less stamina because it's lighter.


    So yeah. That's the plan. :)


    Dont forget the lesser degradation! Its titanium after all :p



  3. With the bigger backpack on there been a massive increase of hackers on ...the server i'm on been nearly 10 hackers in past few days this is really bad with this mod atm :(


    3 options:

    * Password server and give only to known friends

    * Use whitelisting on server and whitelist known friends


    if you have a public server the above will probab be not so good options. Then:

    * Dont use BBM version. EAC off invites a lot of scriptkiddies. With EAC on only the ones with real skills and the ones paying a lot af monoy for EAC bypass injector will remain. It will be a lot less, but never zero hackers.



  4. Ya I considered doing that but I like to play as the mods intended. Probably not the norm but even if I am playing alone, I don't like the feeling of cheating.


    Very true, but starting a seperate map on a rainy saturday and demolish a complete town with supahdiggah can be .... well...eeeeeh ..quite reliefing :D.


    For actual gameplay its a good thing you dont use.



  5. That's the info I couldn't find. Thank you.


    I just play single player and really just used it to get into gun safes really fast but I see where that could be an issue in multiplayer!


    Ooooh SP! Just open CM (creative menu). Click on the dev blocks tab and search for superwrench or hammerofgod or supahdiggah or gunJustDie.


    Al the fun you ll ever need. :D



  6. Thanks but I am just curious on what happened. It was there one day and gone the next being replaced by a note to find a trader lol. If they took it out, fine, I will move on. If they didn't, I want to be sure other items I loot won't magically turn into other things I don't want.


    Its in the changelog:


    -Fixed Admin Wrench Spawning in Loot






    - - - Updated - - -


    It was so fun while it lasted. Smacking a cop and watching his head explode


    Yeah lol :)


    Only prob is that its not only fun. This thing cuts through claim protected blocks like butter too ^^



  7. Mine was gone when I logged in last night. I wonder if this is a bug considering you still have one (unless there was an update I was unaware of that you hadn't done yet).


    Trust me. It was never supposed to be in game for "normal" players. Its a pimp admin tool, just like hammerOfGod, gunJustDie and the supahDiggah. Creative menu dev blocks is where these weapons of massdestruction should stay.


    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>

    <property class="Attributes">

    <property name="EntityDamage" value="5000,10000"/>

    <property name="BlockDamage" value="5000,10000"/>




  8. Hello there,

    we've setup a server first on linux, later tried it on windows aswell, but the problem is everytime the same.


    As soon as someone of us disconnects, every single item in his, through BiggerBackPack, extended backpack will just disappear. In short, original backpackspace works fine, the extended doesnt.


    Is there any fix for that kind of issue?


    Would really appreciate any kind of help there; till now, WotW is awesome, but this bug is a downer :-/





  9. When will correcttly release on 7DTD Mod Lancher ?


    Dunno. Sent Dwallorde a PM and a msg on discord. I editted dll myself to correct value for WoW, but have stopped interfering with other man's mod. So its up to the creators.



  10. Hello.

    I've set a dedicated server 5.2 BBM . (All downloads via 7DTD Mod Lancher) . Not all items are saved in my backpack char. Is client 5.2 wrong version on Mod lancher - not BBM ? Or I doing somethink wrong ?


    The dll in 5.2 on github release (modlauncher uses that) is not patched correctly/completely.


    Bag.AddItem -> this.ZZ = ItemStack.CreateArray(32);


    should be this.ZZ = ItemStack.CreateArray(72);



  11. Ok I nailed all of that but the server still kicks me for having mismatched versions.


    Everything you said seemed to work. This is all a learning curve for me but everything is a curve ball at the minute.


    Is there not a file on the server, that recognises what version the server should be running? because I can upload my edited files, and change server info(although it doesn't appear in the mod lists).


    You must use the exact beta name as it is in beta tab of steamclient. So use -beta alpha16.2.


    You can also use anonymous login if you like. Just do "login anonymous"


    You can change the destination of installation by force_install_dir. Ex. "force_install_dir E:\Servers\7dtd_16.2"



  12. even if it a rented server that would be on my personal pc?


    If its not defined in serverconfig it doesnt matter what windows you use. It goes into roaming profile.


    Dunno bout linux though as i dont do penguin.



  13. i typed version and is shows up but i dont see config file anywhere


    if its not defined in serverconfig.xml and you are on windows check:




  14. That brings me to a question:

    When someone heavily modifies or just completely wipes a prefab, the distant POI doesn't match with the actual blocks anymore.


    For example people are often letting the broadcasting tower collapse. From far away you still see the tower, when getting closer, it disappears. -- Is there a way (existing or moddable) to regenerate the distant POI based on the current structure? If so, can the server trigger that or must the client remove it's local hub cell data cache itself?


    Would be cool to have like a command "update-distant-poi" to regenerate all that...




    Quick investigation:


    On RWG the hubcelldata is generated and sent to the client by NetPackageHubCellData by the BaseRWGDataLoader class.


    You could try fiddle around with the RWG hubcell data objects (like a conversion of realworld data to RWG data) and resend them to the clients.



  15. Huh? No idea what you're talking about... the game's been using Steamworks (i.e. the Steam API) since as far back as I can remember. Possibly not right from the first versions of the game on Steam but certainly at least since like A6. So what are you referring here? ^^


    Oh lol. :) Forget i asked. I redownloaded source and totally missed a broken reference to firstpass.dll.


    In your privatemessageconnection.cs there was a using SteamWorks; which i never saw there before and broke so i thought it was something new. But its part of the firstpass.dll and after repairing the reference all was good.


    Mah bad.



  16. Hello Alloc,


    I was wondering. is there any particular reason for introducing the use of steamworks? it seems a bit overkill having it for only pm.


    Its not part of the game as far as i can see. Does the dedi gonna need steamworks installed?


    Or am i missing something here?



  17. Hello All,


    I am running a dedicated A16e B129 server on a separate computer that I have, I only have steamcmd on the machine and installed 7d2d server via "start "" steamcmd.exe +login username password +force_install_dir "C:\Steam" +app_update 251570 validate +quit".


    I mention that because I read the other user from a while back is having the same issue and was not on dedicated.


    so I copied over the mods folder to my root directory "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die", started my dedicated server. went and looked in "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie" and did not see the server tools folder, I opened up the saves folder and did not see it, or in any of the subfolders.


    I looked in the root\data\worlds folder and did not see it either, where can I find a log to look at? or what might be the cause? It looks like the mod is not loading in at all, not sure if I need to enable it somehow?


    Thanks in advance for advice!


    App id you use is not dedicated server. Try 294420



  18. I noticed my map and admins files weren't loading. After reviewing the log, I notice the config files are being loaded from /home/sdtd/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/


    Did this change in Alpha 16? is there a way to configure where these files are loaded from? I tried to specify the full path in the config.xml, but it still tried to find the file in .local.


    Debian 8.


    Only real codebreaking change (modapi wise) was PlayerSpawnedInWorld API. ModManager feeds it spawncoords since b129. But Allocs does not use that.


    Everything else is absolutely fine.


    Cheers mate

  19. Yeah, stats are basically summed up events. Problem is with storing that stuff, I'm still looking for a good data store solution (not a lot of free fully embeddable DB solutions for .NET to choose from it seems :( and I don't want more custom binary serialization or ♥♥♥♥ like that ;) ).

    As for dmustanger's reserved thing: Whatever is accessible in code can in theory be used. In the end for players that should probably be about everything the game knows about (e.g. what you can see in your UI menus while playing).




    Added for the next release. instead of "location=DONE" it will be "SHOWINVENTORY DONE" though.


    Fully free, embeddable and most of all portable (no net connections needed).




    which is a .NET wrapper for https://www.sqlite.org/



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