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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. 1 tunnel lead to 1 more room, 1 more room leads to more...
  2. In a future version, pille commanded no more room additions...lol
  3. Vegitation Pass. Water issue seems resolved in A17 (at least in editor)...
  4. Yep, just focusing on updating blocks and readding foilage/trees. Then sleepers.
  5. That's the plan. I have to resist the temptation to keep adding more rooms. 😅
  6. Had some conversion issues but was able to overcome them using pille's editor. The prison has survived the transition . Time to start updating blocks and finishing it up.
  7. I appreciate that. Definitely looking to get back into it. Been watching your tutorial videos on youtube so I can get back up to speed on the ingame prefab editor. Can you point me to a list of all of the shortcut keys? That will help me tremendously. 😅
  8. I see wyd there lol...also, I noticed my Galleria is alive and kicking still in your video lol.
  9. Amazing work slaan! Been away from forums for a while. Glad to see slaanhatten going strong
  10. If I had to guess, maybe its a density block issue?
  11. Yes of course, thats fine. FyI, you will notice a weird water parting issue in the river up front. If you know how to fix this, let me know.
  12. By popular request, I have included a download link for the latest revision of this prefab to the OP of this thread. Enjoy! Please be advised this is a WIP copy of the prefab for those who would like to get a closer look as it is worked on. There are no sleepers defined, all vegetation have been removed for the time being, and I have yet to make a loot container pass. I have included a basic .xml file to help with manual spawning into the game. No additional installation assistance will be provided at this time.
  13. Old Boiler Room: New Boiler Room: I have some pretty nasty traps added now too *Muhahahahahhahah*
  14. Updated Control Room with new computer "keyboards" lol.....: Cell Block A Hallways (with recessed lightning):
  15. Our new baby was born last week so have not had much time to work on the prison. However, with things settling down a bit I was able to squeeze in a few updates. See below. Old Library: New Library: Old Laundry Room: New Laundry Room:
  16. If im not mistaken you can make it unique per hub, but no longer per world. I hope we get that option back at some point.
  17. Was able to squeeze in a few hours of work. New Inmate Visitor's area. New Prison Wing Specific Colors.
  18. Sorry about the long delay folks. New promotion at work, twin babies and a third on the way in a few months. Free time is quickly vanishing for me. I have a massive 7d2d itch right now though so I may wrap up all unfinished work and put all the extra additions I had planned on hold for now just so I can get a release out for people to play with for now.
  19. Sorry for the delay. I could maybe do a Alpha 16 pre-release with a bunch of unfinished sections if people really want to check it out that bad. Much like the fun pimps, I rather finish all of the planned updates so you get one HUGE awesome experience vs. many good experiences. The following is my current status. Status: Rebuild and Paint iconic Cell Block C (Rick and the gang's main living quarters in the TV show) - Complete Redesign and Paint iconic exterior guard towers - Complete Update and Paint building exterior lof prison - 90% ---------Update iconic exterior jail yard (The area that Rick and the gang cleared of walkers when they first arrived to the prison) ---------Basketball court ---------Prison Security Fencing & Barbwire Replace Incorrectly A16 Converted blocks - 90% Update Prison Command Room - 75% Update Prison Cell Corridoors (The narrow hallways that rick and the gang stumbled around in the dark clearing zombies) - 75% Update Prison Library and connecting rooms. - 0% Update Prison Laundry Room - 0% Update Prison Kitchen - 10% Update Prison Infirmary - 10% Update Prison Boiler Room - 0% Update Prison Armory - 0% Update Prison Guard's Quarters - 0% Re-add exterior trees, bushes, boulders, etc. - 0% Add Sleepers & Traps - 0% General Block Density Pass (blending of organic and flat block transitions) - 25% Add new areas to explore - 0% --------Prison Sewers --------Prison Isolation Cells
  20. Yes, but its an old one from 13.6. I will most likely replace it. Edit: if you didnt notice it, the burnt wood blocks are paintable. Might be some creative uses for it.
  21. As promised here is an update pic. Alpha 13.6 jail yard (after Hal's A16 converter): Alpha 16.3 WIP (expanded to be more proportional to the tv show):
  22. Lol...your editor and hals empty world has helped me tremendously with the improvements. : )
  23. Sorry about the delay guys. Im on a business trip for the next 2 weeks. Plus just had my girls 1st birthday. I do have a few new before/after pics that i could post this weekend when i get back.
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