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Posts posted by gpcstargate

  1. For those who don't know, I stream on twitch.


    So tonight, I gave the mod a good test. All my gun mods are working, and my three new spears are working, but they may need their stats adjusting. So within the next day or two, you folks can expect the following.


    • Silenced guns (Pistol, P225, Magnum, Hunting Rifle, Winchester Rifle, Sniper Rifle)
    • Scoped Guns (Hunting Rifle, Winchester Rifle, AK-47, AR-15)
    • Scoped AND Silenced Guns (Hunting Rifle, Winchester Rifle)
    • Shotgun Chokes (Sawed-off and Regular)
    • Spears! (Stone, Iron and Titanium. Longer range than clubs, use more stamina

    Yes, the MP5 doesn't have anything. Silencing an automatic weapon seems like something that shouldn't really work... but I'm in england so my gun knowledge is minimal at best. Same for the choke and the CAWS... that feels like something that shouldn't work.


    But yes, all of those weapons are tested and working. I just need to make icons, do the localization and then it's ready. :)



    Thank you and Looking forward to the AK with a scope ... that is my main weapon in any game that has them.


    Have Fun and Enjoy ... from the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  2. Thank You. Muchly Appreciated.

    Was just about to get going on current game and didn't want to start when was a new version.


    Just a Thought .. I'm personally waiting on New version 3.0 before starting again .. don't want to get to far ahead and to do everything all over again .. BUT .. as always _ that is part of Gaming


    Have Fun and Enjoy .. from the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  3. Good day Subquake;


    Small problem .. I started a new game this morning and did all quest and now on day 3 level 10


    Using launcher ..sync files and loaded game .. But now I have the last 3 quest as showing not done .. but it also will not let me do them again.


    I did not see anything about Update until I got into game .. DO I need to restart again. ?? Thank you


    Subquake ...... NO WORRIES .. I Just went ahead and started another game using same map .. not as good as last .. But workable I think ....... At least I have trees and grass _ lol ... :02.47-tranquillity:

    PS: OH Thank you for getting rid of those Dowels .. they were a pain.

  4. Good day JaxTeller718


    I was wondering are you waiting on A17 to drop before you release v 3.0 .. to do as a all-n-one .. OR .. Just still getting it together which is just fine.


    Just biting my lip here .. LOL .. really looking forward to it .. Have a Great Weekend and Enjoy, from the old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  5. Oh, you mean I should stick with launcher version then and not 5.2.4 ?


    If the Launcher has not updated the file .. I would stay with what your running .. and if it didn't Auto update .. you might want to check that you have the update game box checked .. After clicking on mod and you get (Play Mod) .. right underneath it you have [ Refresh Mods Automatically ] box and if it not checked .. the mods will not auto update ..... Just a Thought .


    Another mod you might like is " UnDead Legacy bigger Backpack " I played it for a bit .. and it runs pretty smooth also, I had no issues with it.

    Just another thought. ....... As always .. Have Fun and Enjoy

  6. Good day Dwallorde


    I see we are still having issues with the trader ... CTD as soon as I walked into trader Jimmy on day 1


    - - - Updated - - -


    V5.2.4 B113 coming to 7D2D Launcher ?


    I can not seem to update the game to the latest build yet...


    It CTD as soon as I walked into Trader Jimmy on day 1 .. if you are running old version stay with it.


    AND that is the current version on Launcher.

  7. Hi,


    As mentioned in the title ay game I try to launch from the mod launcher stops at loading game data. I can load vanilla 7DTD fine through steam. I used to be able to play the mods through mod launcher. Bujt since just before Christmas It hasn't been working.

    My video drivers are up to date Nvidia Geforce GTX which worked fine previously. I have tried having it C: drive loading it without EAC and the other options in the game launcher.


    Anyone have some advice?


    First Question ... What Game are you trying to Launch ??

    Some of the mods _ due to size will take a long time to load up or it seems forever .. examples .. WOW and Ravenhearst can take up to 3 - 7 minutes just to get into the 7D2D launch window where the option list is the first time .. It does get better .. but don't look for Instant ....

    Remember .. this Launcher is updating files as you begin a game each time and checking them ...... Some of the games are quick and some are VERY Slow. ( I sometimes go get a drink while waiting ) .


    Just a thought .. Have Fun and Enjoy .. from the old Gamer

  8. I am sure this has been asked before but 100 pages its making it difficult to find the answer. Anyways is there a way to fix the crafting/Invetory lag in this mod?


    The main reason for the lag is .. this mod is made up of several other mods put into one and it just a lot of sorting for it to work .. Simple answer .. (also it be a Ram issue depending on what you are running .. hopefully a minimum of 16)

  9. Im definitely going to look into this and get this added for 3.0


    That said we are making plans for our next move after 3.0. Currently you can come to our Discord and share your ideas for a new mod called "Extinction" that will be a more traditional but definitely more hardcore style mod like Ravenhearst. The idea behind this mod, is almost NO craftable recipes, scavenger heavy, walk only traditional zombies with headshots only.


    Think Walking Dead where looting is VERY important. Zombies will do minimal block damage but will be ALL over. There have been dozens of great ideas already thrown around in the discord so if you have an idea on how to make a real world based survival version of 7 Days without mutated zombies and with realistic building and crafting head there and add your ideas. There are so many great ideas already posted there.


    Please Do .. after going to all the different pages and reading ... This 72 old Gamer just got confused to be Honest about it .. I've edited files before in many games .. but this is confusing OR I'm just getting Old .. I went to the .xmi files and could not figure out were to put it .. SO for now _ I will look at an arrow in Hand (PS _ this is the only game I have the issue with so far of the 5 that I play)....... Please JaxTeller718 can you fix on next update .. Thank you from the old gamer

  10. <property name="RightHandJointName" value="whateveryoucallyourhandobject"/>


    Guppycur .. good day .. Is this for me on the arrow issue .. and if it is _ which file is this located in ?? Thank you


    PS: I'm using the 7d2d Launcher, if it makes a difference.

  11. JaxTeller718


    Good day and it has been awhile .. I just reinstalled and I see we still have the arrow in hand issue .. after using crossbow ... IS there Anything I can do to get rid of that awful looking mess. ??


    Still Enjoy the mod .. But hate the arrow.


    Thank you from the old gamer

  12. Uh... just wanted to say something, the game takes almost 8 - 13 mins to load and takes like 5 mins to exit. I love everything in this game i came from valmod and was amazed by the amount of work you put into this mod thank you for this wonderful mod, and regarding the gameplay i experience micro stutter like for every single minute or two the stutter was not like a millisecond but 1 - 3 secs and i always get killed when it happens in a moment of extreme survival yep so annoying. Zombie sight distance seems to have increased they can spot me from very long distance and night time sight distance is also increased they can see me while i cant see anything XD and if i play without my earphones they smack me and say YOU CAN'T SEE ME hell yeah man it happens. My Specs are GTX 970 coupled with 8 Gb of ram game running on SSD and it takes all of my ram + 19 GB of Pagefile, would be glad if somebody points me to the right direction sorry if i bothered you.


    Your Ram is killing you .. you could say ... AND MODDED Game should have a minimum of 16 ram running ..


    I'm running 32 ram and it take about 3.5 minute to load up .. Remember this is a very large mod with maybe 5 other Mod's involved with-in it..

  13. Complete waste of time and energy! I spent 4 hours and only got an hour worth of working gaming out of it! I am on windows 10, 2.8ghz quad core cpu with 8 gigs ram. NO REASON THIS "Launcher" should have this many issues. From the start before even choosing mod's it crapped out 16 times no lie! then when i finally got it to load mod's to choose from took me another 60 tries to get it to load into a game with mod without spitting out errors i didn't have going on. After all that i switch mods and within 15 minutes game and launcher crashed. Then launcher refuses to load mod correctly at all. Waste of time. Why put out a defective product that doesn't work like it's created to? I rather just download and manually install and uninstall the mods my damn self. Launcher suppose to make it easier and faster yet does complete opposite! remove your product and go back to the drawing board and fix the program because it's broken af. Or put a disclaimer it's not for certain OS.


    I'm GOING to Call this User Error or someone that is doing it incorrectly .. I installed the Launcher in a matter of maybe 15 minutes ( DID you watch Any video's on How to install the Launcher at all ?? ).


    AND This isn't a review ... it's a kid Ranting. (Just my Thoughts) and maybe you should get a computer that can handle gaming. 16 Ram minimum, because you don't have the Ram needed for a MODDED Game.


    Sphereii is one of the most helpful developers and will be more than glad to help you out if you need help.

    He has helped me many of times with small issues and I recommend the 7D2D Launcher to anyone that wants to play more than a Vanilla Game.


    And let me thank you again for all the help you have given me in the pass from the old gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  14. Subquake .... (In the early stages of development I had a passive buff, that always was on and nullified the effects of the temperature, however it was removed shortly after the testing phase of the mod was done (Early November 2017) and I don't plan to put it back in, because A17 will change how clothing will work against weather, because from what I heard, clothing that will increase your resistance to cold won't decrease your resistance to heat and vice versa, so it should be easier to combat weather more easily in A17, therefore I don't really want to put much effort into something, that TFP will solve anyway. I Hope you understand.)




    Sound good to me .. let's hope it works, Thank you for reply

  15. Good day Subquake;


    I've been playing your mod for about a week now since finding it and do enjoy it .. I can see a lot of work went into making the Mod.


    But I have ( 1 ) request and I know this is an 7d2d issue and not just your mod .. BUT is there anything that can be Done about the Temperature .. my poor girl has put on and taken off her coat 6-8 times a day.

    If there is a setting even you could point me to and maybe I could even turn it off .. Weather I have No problem with .. just the temperature and like I said it is an issue with all 7d2d games that I play and as lately I have over 2300 hrs in overall 7D2D games.

    Being an old gamer nearing 73 .. Gaming is my bad Habit. LOL

  16. Is there any fix incoming for the errors when an NPC gets near to a trader? I just logged out because a bandit was outside a class store. Could barely run away, much less fight.



    Good day Jeraal ..


    As far as I know there has not Been a fix for this ISSUE and it Really needs one.


    NPC's fighting Z's around Traders is a bad thing .. when it comes to the "Null Ref pop-up" .. I have died So many times because of it .. You get the pop-up AND you can't move and you are hit "ESC" to get out as the Z's are attacking you (strange that they can still move as you are stuck)

    I have uninstalled until this can be fixed ... but I love the mod itself.

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