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Posts posted by gpcstargate

  1. I have my own dedicated server at home. I am using the Mod Launcher to launch my undead legacy mod to get into the game. When I do this all it shows is the cursor and a black screen when the game starts. So I tried to replicate this on my other computer and it does the same.


    Second Try: I try and load it with the standard backpack and the game loads, but I see the Big Backpack in my UI, but it doesn't let me initially put in things in that extra space until I move something. Then on reload I lose a bunch of items.


    Is this my client issue or my dedicated server issue?


    Many things can cause it .. For I have no issue.


    They will need more info .. OS .. Win 7 or 10 .. if running Win 7 you might need the patch MS put out ..


    But just saying it doesn't work .. doesn't help them figure out if it is you or something else.

    Also you might want to let Sphereii know that You might have an issue ... ALSO make sure EAC is UNCHECKED .. BBM will not work with EAC.

  2. Good day JaxTeller718,


    I saw an early 3.0 play-thru from " Grumbul " game looks good .. but not to sure about the Giant "Extra Tall " Z's that can pass thru a doorway shorter than they are without being slowed down. Just doesn't look right. ... ( Something that you might want to fix and Just a thought ).


    Have a Great weekend ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  3. Turns out Nitrado doesn't support big mods like this, so i switched to bluefang.


    However, my bagpack isn't bigger at all...

    Storage chests are bigger, but give me an "array index out of range" error after which i can't do anything anymore within the game. The game doesn't feeze or crash, but i can't do anything meaning i have to force close the game and restart it.

    Anyone any idea?


    HOPE >> YOU WILL Be waiting to install 3.0 on Monday 3/26 .. When New version is released .. " 3.0 will not be out until then to public ".


    Just a thought ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  4. Good Day KhaineGB


    I Do have a question and Not sure this is a bug in 7d2d or Not. But it happens in a couple of games including yours, but not all.


    When I put down a "Lands Claim Block" it works just fine for picking up item that I Built and put Down .... BUT after logging out of Game and coming back into the Game they do Not work anymore ... But if I make another one .. destroy the first one and put down a New one, all is good again .. UNTIL I LOG Out again and come back into game later .. then the same thing.


    Any Thoughts on this ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  5. Good Morning KhaineGB


    Thought of the week .. " You can Please Most of the people .. Most of the Time .. But You Can not Please All the People All the Time. "


    I will say that I'm Enjoying the Game as it stands 99% of the time .. It is Well balanced and thought out. You have added just enough challenge to make it Fun and if they want it harder just tell them increase their Level of Play to InSane with full Bloodmoon .. LOL


    Also you have just the Right amount of new Equipment to make it interesting .. I (personally opinion) maybe would add Titanium Block and Rebar. (that is just a thought)


    Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer ..:02.47-tranquillity: .............. Also have a great weekend

  6. I can't start the singleplayer version of 7 days horde neither 21 using the game launcher or without it copying the files its always getting stuck at loading main menu, can anyone help me ?


    Thanks in advance!


    The game is a long load and you might just think it is stuck .. Using the Launcher .. Pre-Sync it first after it is done .. hit play mod and walk away from for a bit .. it can take 2-3 minute's to get to 7d2d screen and another couple minutes after that point to get into game ...

    But You might want WAIT UNTIL March 26th for 3.0 to come out ... because it will require a wipe for new.

  7. Good Day ... JaxTeller718


    Have a Question ... DID we FIX the arrow in Hand issue in .. 3.0 ????


    Other than that .. that is the Only issue I have had ever with the Game. Thank you for a Great Game.


    Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

  8. Sounds great Jax :smile-new:, looking forward to it! (and thanks for the reply!)


    On the Single Player comment; Sinda (I think) corrected me a while ago about my assumption that Ravenhearst was mainly built for Team play.


    Ravenhearst has always been set-up for all Types of players .. I play as SP in all 5 of my 7D2D and No issues with them.


    But Ravenhearst is just ... more demanding of a player and having to be on your toes.


    Thank You Jax for a great game .. the Old Gamer and can't wait .... :02.47-tranquillity:

  9. I downloaded this mod from the mod launcher and tried to start a new world but i got errors immediately when the loading screen came up. i have since deleted the mod and reinstalled 4 times with no luck. Please help.





    ALSO .. ARE you running Windows 7 .. IF SO .. You need an Update patch that came out end of Feb 2018: There is a link on mod page in the forums.

  10. Can't craft welding torch? Just from loots ?


    Day 175 and havn't found calipers or sewing kit....... (saw sewing kit at trader at day 5, but couldn't afford it)


    Where do i find those ???


    Should be able to craft welding torch .. if you have the right bench and items OR buy from trader and maybe find in loot.


    ALL LOOT IS POT LUCK AND RANDOM ... OR BUY AT A TRADER. ............. AND If that isn't good enough .. then go into the CM and get it / then trash it when you do find one.

  11. Hey everyone, maybe it is my fault and i dont see it.. Where can i find version stats of the current version of DF? Would be nice, when there were some information which Version was when uploaded in the first post of this thread. One last question: How to farm sap?



    IF you are running the latest version ... WHEN in game click on "ESC" like you want to exit .. it will show up in the middle of screen.

  12. Cant get the mod working even intalling it with the mod launcher doesnt work i get to the main menu then it goes to 1fps and crashes


    here are my error logs postet via pastebin


    output.log : https://pastebin.com/mCSE8LLs

    error.log https://pastebin.com/06013pwx


    Is this the Launcher Logs ?? IF so you need to post this on Sphereii site .. Just a thought ... Also dropping to 1fps is normal and a few load.



  13. Hi guys, sorry for my English, first congratulate them for the incredible work you are doing, I love this mod.

    My question is, if there is any way that electric cables can not be seen, for example a fuse box or something like that.


    There is a YouTube gamer called Z Nation that did a show on wireless connections: Here ..


    But I still have not figured out how he did it .. I'm missing something .. but give it a look see .. Hope it helps. the Old Gamer :02.47-tranquillity:


    But you can hide the wires inside walls as long as you can connect them.

  14. Hey khaineGB and everyone, Enjoying the mod as always... Just wondering if anyone else having any issues with towns/city areas spawning? i have gone through a few different names to get it, But nothing. So i am either having the worst luck ever or something went abit wrong with the creating the world.. I get maybe a handful of buildings in a town, and even some of those are disappearing when you get towards them. I created one world and flew around looking about, and it was pretty much the same all over the world.. If anyone has any suggestions i am ears open. Thanks again..


    OK .. If you playing a SP game and would like to try my Map .. which is a really nice map if it works on another computer Try without (") marks " SallyO_DFBBM " .. you spawn in a forest with 2 traders near by .. Spawn area about 3295S - 4W .. But you will have to go west to find the BIG towns/cities and if the map works 1st big city should around 2309S-5097W with 4 other large towns/cities around it.


    And if it works .. let me know, please. Have Fun and Enjoy ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


    - - - Updated - - -


    Seems to be working to me...




    I got that while looking for an error a streamer has been having.


    That looks like one of the cities near me off to the NW. ;)

  15. Good day Sphereii


    Have question for you ... I've been playing " Darkness Falls BBM " and I use the (Pre-Sync Mod) when getting ready to play then go to (Play Mod) ... And I was wondering if I need to .. Because pre-sync takes about every time 2:43 minutes and then play mod also takes about the same amount of time before getting into the 7d2d game launcher itself .. so you are looking at about 5 minutes just getting in.

    Question is that normally for this mod every time .. or is the link out of sync with GitHub ??


    I will say thank you now .. incase I miss you later .. Have a great day ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:

  16. OK KhaineGB and a Good day


    Just ran a bit in game and seen some of the new Z's .. nice job and the Version is working nicely when you use "ESC" mode to check for version .. nice ..


    The Only issue is (7) Z's spawned into the New base I was working on .. Now I didn't have a bed down yet here and need to go back to first base to check out that has the bed and will do later ........ getting ready for 14 day horde night and with the Update my town grew to a city more or less .. LOL .. plus I'm in the middle of 4 other towns it looks like, SO my map has become a really Nice MAP.


    Other than those couple of things .. Everything is going good ... Have fun and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:

  17. Ok..... so just completed the day 7 fun times. Logged off earlier, went out.... came back home logged back on and BAM


    Load up my save to find it's on day 8 but everything has gone... items... skills.... map is all not uncovered again.


    Anyone else had this issue, don't mind too much as i'ts only on day 8 but dont fancy having it happen on a longer play through.


    Well .. I can say or asked .. did the game really save on that last play-thru .. I've heard of maybe something missing ... But not everything except day log ... or sounds like maybe a corrupt file.

    I would if it was me .. Reinstall game mod and verify files.

    Just a thought

  18. Good day KhaineGB:


    Question; did your get the version number added into game as of yet ??


    I just went into game and it took alittle better than 2:37 min for it to "Pre-Sync Mod" and about the same after hitting play mod using Launcher ....... Anyway .. The game really looks good .. not sure what you did .. but looks good .......... But still no version number to be found.


    Just wondering if that had been done yet .. OR .. Do I have to start a totally new game for it to show up ... I check game log and it said 1.4


    Thank you ahead of time .... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:

  19. Good day Sphereii


    Hope you are doing well :smile-new:


    You know that I'm a "Old Gamer of 72" and I Have very few issues with any Game that I run or have installed and as you know only a couple small issue once in awhile with the Launcher. Thank Goodness


    IT Scares the hell out of me with some of the people that have No Clue .. They refuse to watch any how-to videos or read and see if they can an answer before complaining ... IT Doesn't Work ...


    I just read a post on another site of 7d2d game .. someone trying to install nexus mods with your Launcher and as Far as I know that IS A No-No ... I am correct on that .. left him a message telling him that he just messed up the works. ( He was trying to add the same mod that is already in the launcher ).


    Anyway .. I just wanted to Rank for a minute and I thought you might get a kick out of it .. Sorry if I bothered you for no reason


    Have a great rest of the week and enjoy your weekend .... the Old Gamer :02.47-tranquillity:

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