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Posts posted by gpcstargate

  1. sphereii .. How can I send a couple screenshots of issue .. I checked the link in their launcher and IT is unchecked .. but still happening .. all of 7D2D boxes are unchecked on that pop up screen about their [7d2d] launcher.

    Is there on email link that I can use .. didn't see one on the Launcher Web page .. just the [sphereii software 2016] and that did nothing when I clicked on it.


    Thank you


    PS: I can not make them small enough for here, I can rar/zip them .. but my program will not reduce size.

  2. Morning sphereii


    Something strange started after your update .. I Was and Still am using the .. Experimental version of Valmod Overhaul for A16.1 (b1) .. but after the update the 7D2D loader would pop up also while loading game along with Launcher .. Which it has Never done before on any game that I played using the Launcher.


    Now it does Not interfere with anything it seems .. other than popping and loading game .. game seem to be fine .. But I did notice that the .... [7DaystoDie_EAC.exe] is at the bottom of load list in the Valmod Overhaul, but it does not prevent you from using the CM while in game. Just thought I would give you heads up on this.


    Enjoy your day, Gary

  3. Dwallorde ... Take the time it takes to Update your Mod ... I know there is a lot of work involved in making the changes


    But I'm looking forward to it and being able to get back to playing. Thank you for a fun mod/game.

  4. Thank You sphereii


    You are by far the most responsive person on the forum and That was fast.


    I'll keep an eye out for A16 stuff .. But haven't played that much because of A16 dropping any day and finally has .. I will be back into the game more so now. Hope the Fun Pimp's got most of the bug's worked out.


    AND So I can go ahead and let Steam download the game into folder with hopefully no problems and the launcher will sort. Great


    Just a thought .. Valmod and War of the Walkers are my main 2 games that I play.


    Have a great day and thank you again

  5. Good Day sphereii


    Been a while .. I was wondering, what will happen since " Alpha 16 Stable " .. has just been released today with the launcher .. Do we need 2 sets of files in the Steam folder until the modders have a chance to update their mods OR can we redirect location of launcher to see where A15.2 file is.


    I think I said that right and hope you can figure out what old gamer is trying to ask ... in short . A16 Stable verse A15.2


    Anyway .. I will check back later to see what yours thoughts are on this subject and I already checked your Homepage this morning, didn't see anything yet.


    Enjoy your day and thank you

  6. No problem. I'll watch his thread in case he has any questions. He created a special repos for the Mod Launcher, so it was probably overlooked.


    THANK YOU for posting to dwallorde site .. hopefully we can get it straighten out.

    I don't want to update from his site .. because it could adversely hurt the launcher or the game.


    Anyway have a great weekend and Enjoy :tickled_pink:

  7. I am the one with the red NullReferenceError problem.


    I just assumed that I was playing the latest version of War of the Walkers. I checked and I am getting the error on Version 4.4.2 stable. The7DtD game is on Alpha 15.2 experimental.


    Would it do any good to update to Version 4.4.3? How would I do that by using ModLauncher?


    Just a thought .. I had the same problem .. on 1 game No Problems so far .. But decided to start another and had the error message also .. deleted it and started another-so far no problem on 2nd game .. But all are running v4.4.2 launcher isn't auto updating to 4.4.3 .. SO I'm just waiting and playing both characters .......... dwallorde and spherell are AWARE of issue.

  8. dwallorde / sphereii


    I have a question .. Isn't the launcher suppose to auto update to newest version of mod automatically??


    I've been playing "War of the Walkers" and I have noticed a newer version has been out for awhile .. my version is 4.4.2(Stable) r4/14/2017


    and the newer version is 4.4.3(Stable) r4/20/2017 OR does it only update for a new game and not a game that is running ??


    Hope you can help on this ... Other than that everything is still running great. Enjoy




    Hey gpcstargate


    Glad it's working well for you. The Mod Launcher updates every time you play, and I think you are playing the latest version it has access too.


    I looked at War Of the Walkers, and it's pointing to this download location: https://github.com/dwallorde/WaroftheWalkersMod/


    I'm thinking maybe dwallorde hasn't updated that link with the new version of the mod yet. Might be worth mentioning to him; maybe he's forgotten, or maybe he has changed his download links. If he has changed his download link, then I can update where the Mod Launcher is looking.

  9. sphereii


    I have a question .. Isn't the launcher suppose to auto update to newest version of mod automatically??


    I've been playing "War of the Walkers" and I have noticed a newer version has been out for awhile .. my version is 4.4.2(Stable) r4/14/2017


    and the newer version is 4.4.3(Stable) r4/20/2017 OR does it only update for a new game and not a game that is running ??


    Hope you can help on this ... Other than that everything is still running great. Enjoy

  10. This launcher is really difficult to use... How can I use my own progression and item mods in junction with these mods? And how can I load multiple mods?


    I guess first thing is first. Valmod? Doesn't work. Loaded it up and crashed on loading the particles. The friggin' particles, man, the quickest and easiest to load. Tried several other mods and got the same thing. Is nothing updated for 15.2 yet, or am I doing it wrong? I suppose it would be worth mentioning that I used the patch for bloom and fog before loading a mod. I'll validate and try again, without the patch.


    Also the UI got bugged out when I went from SMX to another mod, and the description was frozen on SMX. Had to relaunch.


    About my custom mods... They got wiped when I loaded in another mod. So I have to redo the changes from the 1st of the month again. Kinda pissed. I would really like to see some sort of custom mod plug-in mechanic added instead of jumping through a million hoops just to *try* and get a mod in the launcher. And after you load a mod, how can you clear it from loading again? In essence, how do you un-mod the game from the launcher, without validating? Is that not a thing, or..?


    Ill be here for the next two hours validating and trying to figure out what all I had on my progression. Message back whenever.


    If you are still having a problem .. Watch this video .. it is helpful about install:


    Have fun and Enjoy

  11. Thank you for the kind words. The launcher does have a lot of successful installs ( measured in the thousands now ).


    The Starvation entry you may have seen was when DONA (Dawn of the Apocalypse ) was running a Starvation Server. DONA uses the Mod Launcher for all the servers in that group. Since then, the Starvation server was retired and a new server was rolled out (True Survival SDX), as we typically swap out mods every few months. It was never intended for a standalone, single player instance :)


    OK, Thank you for the update on that.

    A couple of YouTubers have been playing the Starvation Mod and I was just wondering.


    I've been playing Valmod_Overhaul_Horde_Big Backpack ... I could never get the backpack to work before NOW and using the launcher has made it SO much easier. Thank you again, Have fun and Enjoy

  12. Good day Sphere2,


    Launcher is still working GREAT ... I just don't understand why so many people have problems .. unless they putting it in the C:\program folder and not the game folder. But anyway, it doing just fine for me. :)


    I do have a question .. in the older version you had the Starvation Game listed and in the new version it is not .. Just wondering why and if it will be coming back. [ NOW, I Don't play that game anyway .. I prefer Valmod over them all, it is the most stable of them all .. Have played ST-SDX and liked it until he required electric for lighting and took out the vanilla light ]


    Have a great day and Enjoy

  13. GOOD Morning sphereii


    Just wanted to let you know that the update is working great ... I have installed a couple other 7D2D versions and the launcher is sorting as it should.


    One question .. When you do an update to your Launcher .. will the launcher update by itself or should I check back once in awhile to see if a newer version is out.


    I was just wondering .. Have a Great Weekend

  14. Good luck, and let me know. I'd like to see you get this to work, so you can retire the shortcuts and get your updates :)


    Windows 10... what an interesting release Microsoft gave us. A nice platform to deliver their ads to us :)


    THAT Made me LOL about Win 10 to be honest .. I hate it .. BUT to much work to go back and so many new games require it.


    ANYWAY ... ALL GOOD .. This Old gamer - THANK YOU AGAIN.


    It remembers the drive and folder location ... I also tried it under restarting the computer and still good so far.


    I do have 1 question - no big deal - but both games show a different version of 7D2D ... my current version 15.2 b8 - Valmod has b8 - but SDX has b7 ... is that their program versions, just wondering.

    Thank you

  15. I found the Properties settings bug, and I fixed that.


    I also fixed the Download from Steam option, so you will now be able to specify your Steam credentials to download fresh copies, and older alphas.


    Latest version is now:


    Thank you the quick reply ... I tried it again before update and it didn't recognized any of the already installed 2 games.


    I will install update and all is good ... I thank you


    If I still have an issue .. I will let you know .. I forgot to tell you earlier that I'm running Windows 10 :(

  16. Good Day sphereii,


    A couple question ...

    1. I tried to change default fold from C: to my gaming drive which is G: which it did do, BUT every time that I open the launcher it wants to go back and put it on C: and reload the games as new folder in turn doubling the space [ Is this normally ?? ] or shouldn't it leave the it set as the new default of G: (hopefully I said that right and you understand what I'm trying to say)


    1a. Even if I change it back to G: [existing folder] path .. again it does not recognize the existing games already installed in the folder and want to reinstall all.


    2. So what I have done is to fix this problem for the moment is create short cut's using the .. exe. launchers from the game itself.


    I'm running Valmod - Overhaul-bigger bag and Spiders - SDX , so I have 2 desktop short cuts - no problem for me .. but not using your launcher per say to load the game every time I want to play .. [ the problem with doing this is that the game is not updating - if there are any new updates for said game ]


    Any suggestion, Thank you

  17. OK Spider, a Couple question


    1] .. I've tried to install the SDX as a solo game mod and can not get past the load screen ... I get the drop down (F1) screen saying there are errors in the load and I have to .. alt F4 out. [ I'm running your regular True Survival and don't get this, What am I doing wrong ??] or is SDX a server build?

    2] .. In the True Survival game ... I have lost several mini-bikes .. I stop to do search and loot, bike was full health, come back to bike and it is dead "0" health .. I have to take it apart to repair and a couple of time have nearly dyed trying because I'm being attacked by Z's. Is this a game bug??

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