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Posts posted by gpcstargate

  1. I did everything whats on this video
    and its still the same heres what im getting when i try to make it with start_8G_Ram_16kMaps https://prnt.sc/qhdo2s


    @ Cread .. Sorry have no clue what you are doing wrong .. Something_somewhere is not set-up correctly or a file is in the wrong place or did not transfer correct.


    I've even made RH maps and haven't had any problems, as long as files are in the correct place.

    But I have always used the "resource" as import from.


    One note .. don't try to make a 16K map on a low Ram computer, stay with 8k and 10k and if you only have 8G of ram .. " Only " a 8K map.



    here is another video to check out ..

    .. just a thought


    Also: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp … 64 bit Java ( Windows Offline (64-bit) ) is the one you want.

  2. Even with everything off , and low as it can be its the same error on compo pack 42 and vanilla ...




    USE ,, Import from (( Resources )) .. Not the " Existing Output Folder"(nothing is in output folder Until you generate a map, unless you have put game info in that folder.)

    In other words you are building a world with no info and that is causing the error.


    AND make sure you are using 64 java .. that is a manual download.


    ALSO .. Make sure you have Compo 42 files are in the Vanilla prefab list folder ( IN the Steam Game folder )or it will not create compo42 .. you will have a lot of empty spaces. (a map with only vanilla prefab's on it)

  3. I made a map using these parameters; https://imgur.com/swqobTB

    and I used this as my config file; https://pastebin.com/rUKTaDMY


    All I get when I launch the server is a repeated error.


    ERR Error sending to console server:

    InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a control until the window handle is created


    I'm assuming this has to do with the name of the map not being recognized. I copied the generated map into the Saves folder it created in my main directory right next to the Navezgane folder though.


    USE ,, Import from (( Resources )) .. Not the " Existing Output Folder" … (nothing is in output folder Until you generate a map, unless you have put game info in that folder.)

    In other words you are building a world with no info and that is causing the error.

  4. @ HarveyUK and zyncosa


    Adding the Ravenhearst 6 to Nitrogen .. can be done .. But it's not all that easy by just adding the RH 6 prefab list .. You have to :


    Some technical details: (from page 1)



    The POIs are selected from an included list, in a format such as this:


    (Name, 7dtd zone, face-north-direction, y-offset, wide (x), high (y), deep (z), NitroGen zone

    the zone defines where it will be placed (on mountain, on a farm, only in cities, in trailerparks)


    Take a look at your resource folder and look at the prefab list there .. that will give you an ideal of what work is involved and then if you want CompoPack 42 also .. then he will have to update the links .. so they will talk to each other.


    I also Look forward to it, but it might take a bit of time before we see it, Just some thoughts .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    Have Fun and Enjoy the Holidays

  5. @ xFORCERx ……. I went ahead and started on one of my Nitrogen maps.


    I'm running it on 1 of my 8K maps with the COMPOPACK 42 that I made using .. Nitrogen .. and So far it seems to be Fine .. some the terrain is a bit different (more colorful than before and that is from RH textures pack he is using, I'm fairly sure of that).


    The 1 thing my map does not have is a Radiant zone and I don't know if it is Needed for any quest or not .. we will see.

    But it seems Ok .. with current 7d2d game A18.2 b5 and using version 0.474 nitrogen. Just my thoughts


    PS: I also using the Mod Launcher .. it does take a bit for it to install or run, because how big the prefab list now. But loads nicely.

  6. JaxTeller .. I do have a Question


    Can I use one of my Maps that I made with the Nitrogen map maker .. OR .. Must we use your map that comes with mod .. Just Wondering??

    the Old Gamer _ again … :02.47-tranquillity:

  7. Good day JaxTeller718


    Question .. I just checked the Mod Launcher .. will it be added to the Launcher anytime soon? .. Have Fun and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    EDIT .. NEVER Mind .. She just popped up on the Launcher .. I guest I was to quick going there.


    JaxTeller .. Thank you and You have a wonderful Holiday and hoping it is a Good one.


    the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity::smow:

  8. Ravenhearst 6.2.0 for A18.2b5 Stable Has Been Released!




    AND A Merry Christmas to US ALL .. Thank you JaxTeller718 and everyone that worked on the Update


    From .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

  9. Damocles, Good day


    Have a question .. One thing that I have Noticed and not sure How to fix it.


    When I make a map and I have tried all types of Roads so far .. I can not seem to get roads, that will go all the way across the map from N to S or E to W .. they break outside of towns or cities on the most part …. I'm just looking for a couple, like the main 7d2d game has going all the way.


    IS there a setting that I am missing or is there a way that you could "ADD" 1 more road condition .. like " A Few full connected crossing roads" .. Well something like that in Wide .


    It's a thought. Hoping you have a great week .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

  10. Folks, are the generated maps that go in the "GeneratedWorlds" directory stored someplace else as well?


    I really messed up my game, in short, I created 2 16k maps of the same name, one with Compo and one without, when I did this, both would appear in game. Since that point, I've started having crashes and losing my bikes on a reload. Another weird thing is, every time I craft a bike and put it down, 2 appear.


    So I uninstalled the game, I made sure the 7d2d dir under both the steam apps/common and the user/app data/roaming were both deleted. I then reinstalled the game, when I loaded it, 1 of the 2 16k maps was still available (not sure how this was possible when the appdata/roaming dir was gone and now re-created with the defaults and that 16 nitrogen map was not in the directory).


    I didn't even try to load it, I created a new 16k map and started playing that. The problem is, I'm still getting crashes and the double bike drop is still happening.


    I know I dug my own hole, I've played nitrogen maps and compo by themselves and never had a problem, everything started when I stupidly created 2 maps of the same name, but I thought I'd ask for any suggestions, even for a clean install (still don't understand how that generated map was still in the list after a reinstall).




    You have your Save files .. that need to be Cleaned out also .. which do not delete .. unless you manual do it and normally are on the user _ roaming. Don't know how your system is set-up .. only advise is look for 7d2d save files.

  11. Damocles, Good day


    Something I have noticed on the last couple 10k maps .. are areas of lakes that are dried up and they are fairly large area .. example would be more like a dried up lake with a small pond or puddle in the middle .. it is all dried up dirt with no grass of any kind ..

    Doesn't bother me that much, but looks strange compared to other maps ..

    Now with that said .. on the Pre-view map .. they are a darker green areas, so you think it was a meadow of some kind .. but nope just plain old dry dirt.

    Is this something New that has been added.


    Thank you .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    I could do a screenshot if needed to explain better.

  12. Good day KhaineGB,


    Have a question in ref to DF on the Launcher .. I make most of my own maps now days and I was wondering .. if I could use my map with the "NitroGen and COMPOPACK 42" with that version of DF or will that mess up the workings of DF, because you have a lot of special stuff already in the game and I add more Traders than most do .. normally I have about 10-15 traders on a 10K map when made. {[No wastelands or burnt on my maps].


    Anyway .. I was just wondering before starting a DF play.

    Have Fun and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    Just a thought .. If need be .. I can make one without the CompoPack 42.

  13. Happy Holidays .. first off


    I always loved SMX .. but I for one _ not liking the new version, because it is to Hard to read For Me .. might be the black background, not sure .. but I can not use it.

    Not saying it is bad, just that I can not use it. So be it.


    Everyone hoping you have a great weekend.

  14. Good Day Damocles ..


    Question .. Can your " CompoPack 42 " be Added on top of COMPOPACK 40 by Maqolis ? and just let it overwrite any existing files.


    I using his right now and not having any issues with it .. other than the normal rotation maybe in the wrong direction, but not on that many.


    Just wondering .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    And as always .. Have Fun and Enjoy

  15. Great Tool, great Dude. Thx for that tool, awsome work, love it.


    - - - Updated - - -




    hi there, where you got the prefab list from ? i only have it for v.39.



    I used the COMPOPACK 40 .. by Magoli and it working just Fine with his v.39

    Address: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28057-Compo-Pack-for-Random-Gen


    But remember to put it in the 7d2d Prefab list in Game folder .. I forgot that the first time.

    works with Stable and Experimental :02.47-tranquillity:

  16. @Damocles:


    Is it possible to set trader points by colors such as your cities (red) and towns (green), are there any other colors we can use for specific spawns?


    Is there any way we can set an exact number of cities, I found "tCities" in the config but unlike the other entries which are integers it contains decimals.


    (Update: I figured out which entry corresponded to what and simply did a few tests tweaking the decimal number to get what I was looking for)


    Check FIRST PAGE for Color Code :02.47-tranquillity:

  17. @ Damocles What decides on the placements of POI's like Crack A Book, Pass N Gas Shotgun Messiah or Shamway Food etc...?

    Is there a settings to adjust the frequency or placement..?


    On one map I had a large building which had the lit signs for perhaps all of the above within the single structure (only seen that once). In my recent generated map I have two Pass N Gas almost next to each other.


    Can those be seen on the preview map, not sure about all the different colours...?




    Quick answer .. Front page there is a color code .. but for each type of building .. I don't think so. ….. But the master can answer it better

  18. Thank You Damocles


    For that bit of info about what I was doing wrong .. downloaded the COMPOPACK 40 from the forums and it works great .. OMG, I have forgotten ALL the neat buildings out there that isn't in the Vanilla game and loaded with Z's and even got the undead traders along with the good ones.

    Having a blast with it so far .. the trader also have xcustom quest working also .. Made a 8k and a 10k .. both are good.


    Have One question thou .. if Steam 7D2D _ does an Update .. will I have to redo the Data folder for COMPOPACK to work or should it be OK??


    Thank you again for the help .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

  19. For CompoPack you need to download the pack also, and install the prefabs.

    NitroGen is only telling the game to load those. But they still need to be in its Data/Prefabs folder.


    OH said the blindman .. so I was only half right. got it, I think .. Thank you .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

  20. Good Day Sphereii


    Been awhile .. gotten use to the cold weather yet? I'm not ready .. 3-4 blankets on the bed, lol.


    Anyway .. I was wondering what is with the Graff Modlet .. it takes forever to download and install


    I tried the other day and started at [ 3:46 load game folder .. 3:49 pre-sync / cloning started at 4:08 / pre-sync completed at 4:28 and into game menu at 4:38 ] and then on to a 8K map another maybe 10-15 minutes .. that is a lot longer than any of the other mods normally take and do you know if it is ready for A 18.1 b 8 or just experimental still. It has a good balance of Modlets inside of it, Just takes forever to install.


    Thank you .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

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