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  1. fnfear

    District Zero

    Looks sick! Been watching it in the discord, didn't expect it to be out so soon tho 😮 Can't wait to try it!
  2. I feel like silencers don't seem to work with your mod? Whenever I shoot with silenced weapons I get endless hordes coming just as much as I would if I shoot without silencers.
  3. So in alpha 21 they made it so you automatically mark all traders when you find them on the map. I changed map but transfered my character, however waypoints follow you to the new map if you don't remove them which is not possible with these waypoints, so I'm stuck with a bunch of stupid misleading waypoints everywhere. Is there no way to remove these things at all?
  4. Haha, yeah it gave me a big fright lmao, had to close the game and go back in. I was and still am using the latest version so Idk what happened o.o
  5. Day 28 horde was a cluster fk. There were probably 200+ zombies at all times and at the end of the horde suddenly like 100 radiated screamers spawned lmao, here's a screenshot of the screamers coming in, idk why the screenshots became white like this but I kept trying to take new ones and they all got like that 😕
  6. Thanks for the quick fix!
  7. The console keeps spamming this in red tho.
  8. Ohh okay, thats cool. They eventually stopped indeed x) Sorry I thought it might have been a problem or something haha
  9. Not sure if im the only one having this issue but I get a massive horde one after another and they just keep coming, i kill like 16-32 zombies and suddenly another wave comes 10 seconds later o.o
  10. Hey, I'm playing war of the walkers and i would love to use one of these two mods alongside it because I'm sick of only getting the same old quests over and over while others never show up. However they don't work with the smx/wotw ui. When I try to use it it displays 3 extra quests in the small window but removes the next and previous buttons. Do any of you know if it's easy to make a quick patch for it or would it require alot of work? https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2608 https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2618
  11. @ErrorNull So I removed all the spawns from pois and only kept screamer/wandering hordes/blood moons/natural spawns in biomes and it now works fine with undead legacy so far atleast.. I'll let you know if anything comes up but so far it seems fine. So it seems if you want to add a version for undead legacy maybe just add a download to a version that removes the poi spawns and near poi spawns? Up to you ofcourse, just wanted to let you know
  12. (Only using the main mod) It doesn't seem to work with undead legacy sadly. Getting errors whenever I go into pois and they spawn. But would that still occur if I removed them from spawning in pois so they only spawn in the wild? Although I have no clue how to do that lol.
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