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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Well, we are definitely still with you in troubleshooting. Just want to clarify a few things before you dig too deep. The Resources folder is definitely what is causing your slow down. That's where the mod's main folder is installed, and is definitely the biggest chunk of data (over 1 gig). Renaming the folder cause it not to find any of the assets, so you effectively loaded into vanilla, but with heavily modded, and broken XMLs. Starvation's mod alone is significantly larger than most of the other mods, and has over 3 times the amount of assets in vanilla. There's no script or delay involved in the load process. It wouldn't make any sense in adding fake delays or sleeps. The delay you may be seeing is the log buffering, and isn't a really good indication on the speed in which its actually loading. If the log is still being updated, and loading the assets, no matter how slowly, it means it's still working. I think you said it loaded just fine on the Windows 10 machine? After you hit Play, and the mod launcher copies the files over, and launches the game, it's done its task and no longer interacts with the game. From that point on, it's the base game loading all the new assets. The choke point appears to be still loading all the assets. How much memory do you have in your PC? What kind of processor? Having a fast solid state is great, and does help, but it in itself won't resolve all performance issues.
  2. Only in his thread I won't even know when he flips the switch
  3. Correct, with Direct Download checked, and Refresh Mods Automatically unchecked, there will be no additional downloads. When you hit Play, it copies the mod from TempMods to the game folder and starts. If your copy from TempMods to the game folder is still slow, something obviously slowing it down. The Launcher uses standard copy API in windows to copy. My guess is that Avast still has its fingers in it, or something else is reading the files, slowing it down. Starvation includes DLLs as part of the mod, and a lot of anti-virus and spyware tools are rightfully suspicious of these types of files. The Launcher's Direct Download uses a standard https request to download the zip file. My guess is that whatever is slowing down your copy, is also slowing down the download too, by inspecting all the bytes. Any other security systems in place, or special overlays you use?
  4. Windows 7 does have issues with github, as previously mentioned. I'm looking for potential solutions. If you are running an anti-virus or anti-spyware software, consider adding an exception to the mod launcher's folder (C:\7D2D) by default.
  5. Some ISPs seem to be filtering, or slowing down, traffic from github, or somewhere along the pipe.
  6. After deleting that level1 file, did you delete the mod, and re-install fresh? That could be your current issue.
  7. It is good information, but the mod hasn't really loaded. Did you by any chance alt-tab? HandleD3DDeviceLost HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) that usually shows that the video driver was unstable.
  8. No worries. Hopefully we can get you up and running. Starvation does take a lot longer to load than vanilla, but I would think 15 minutes would have been enough. However, if you have a slow hard drive, slow CPU, etc, it'll all factor in loading it up.
  9. The level1 error is just a false positive. All SDX mods have that, and its not a critical issue. The first log you posted wasn't completed. Is it possible it's taking a lot longer than expected? How long have you waited?
  10. The Windows 7 and GitHub issue is really strange, and some people are still having issues regardless of our attempts to fix it. I found a new library that might fix it for sure. The Direct Download uses a different protocol, and thus usually works. If you are stuck on the loading main menu, then I'd check to make sure you have Enable EAC disabled. If it's disabled, then would you mind posting the output_log.txt? It's accessible via the View menu, then Log Files, and select output_log.txt from the drop down.
  11. Oh, I'm so sorry. I completely missed this one. have you confirmed you have this version of .NET? https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=49981
  12. Once you have the mod installed, and played once through the mod launcher, you can navigate to the folder and run the games right from where they have been installed. Support for full offline features is coming though
  13. It's safe. Microsoft has patched Windows 7 with the new protocol (TLS 1.2), however, they never turned it on. I'm not sure why they didn't, but they did release an "EasyFix" to turn it on after the fact. So all the patches I can do through the Mod Launcher has been done; everything else is from Microsoft. I don't think anyone wants to see the Mod Launcher "automatically" fix this type of problem, or even having that ability.
  14. Try clicking on the Disable SSL check box, and restart the mod launcher. That should get the list to show up again.
  15. The Pre-Sync downloads the Mods into TempMods. When you press the Play button, it copies the mod into your folders. This in-between step helps you identify potential problems. If you haven't tried the Play button, I'd suggest that as your next step.
  16. Hey TARCH26 Are you running Windows 7 by any chance? Github had pushed an update at the end of february that broke some of the features for Windows 7 users. They retired an SSL protocol, and went with a newer one (TLS 1.2). However, for Windows 7 users, this protocol is not enabled by default. If you do have Windows 7, you can review this post: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die&p=792405&viewfull=1#post792405 for possible fixes.
  17. Sorry for the trouble. Would you mind posting your log files from the Mod Launcher? 1) In the Mod Launcher, try to play the game again. 2) When it fails, go back to the Mod Launcher, and click on the View menu, then Log Files 3) Click on Upload Log File, and give me the pastebin.com link it gives you.
  18. Touch base with Subquake. He manages his configuration. Should be fairly straightforward to drop it from one of them.
  19. The flag for the faster download option wasn't explicitly set. I've updated it. Next time you sync, it may take you the same amount of time, but subsequent loads should be fine. Pre-Sync is only really needed when you are doing the initial download, and is recommended for larger mods. This allows you to check to make sure the download actually worked, before launching the game. Without the pre-sync, if you simply hit Play, but for some reason the mod didn't download, you'd load up automatically in vanilla.
  20. Click and expand Ravenhearst, then select which of the actual mods you want. Then you'll be given the install choice from either your local steam folder, or a sync from steam option. Once installed, then you can Pre-Sync the mod, and let it download. Once downloaded, you can press the Play button to start playing.
  21. The Mod Launcher makes a copy of your game, and adds the mods into that new copy. A Red X indicates that the modded folder does not exist for that particular mod. Selecting your mod, choosing your Steam folder, and doing a Copy Game will make the red X turn into a green checkmark. Then press Pre-Sync to make sure you can download the mod, and then play to play. If you've done the above steps, and no mod was installed, then something prevented the download. This could be anything from your ISP filtering GitHUb traffic (this is where most of the mods are hosted), or a firewall / anti-virus issue. After attempting to install a mod, and pressing the Play button, please click on the View Menu, then go to Log files. Click on the Upload Log File button, and send me the Pastebin.com link, and I'll take a look. If the Mod Listing isn't showing, than that indicates that the Mod Launcher was not able to reach the github hosting site to get the listing. You can try to click on Disable SSL, then restart the Mod Launcher and see if the list returns. Some ISPs filter SSL connections to GitHub for some reason. Rizzano supplied the original icon for the Mod Launcher at my request; I'm the sole developer of this tool. Thank you for your feed back for the Browse for Folders implementation.
  22. I am doing well, and it's never a bother reaching out to me Yes, you are correct. Nexus offers users to download and manually install mods, and as far as I know, don't offer a way to download automatically, and certainly not in a format that the mod launcher likes. Maybe at some point I'll look to see if I can integrate with nexus, but I'm not sure how large of a community it is, or the need of it actually is. I think the mod launcher has nearly all mods that are current in it.
  23. 7D2DLauncher.exe is the OneClick application itself. It has certain limitations on what it can do, because its a OneClick application. One of these limitations is that steam prevents it from reaching out to the update server. The reason it fails is that it's more of a dynamic link. It changes every time the mod launcher updates. No idea really why, but it's a Microsoft hook. The 7D2DModLauncher.exe is a very small program that acts as a wrapper to that OneClick application, and it *does* let it through steam to update, and it's persistent, meaning it won't change. Download the 7D2DModLauncher.exe, and place it somewhere safe, that wont be deleted. Then in Steam, click on Add Non-Steam game, and select it. You should only have to do it once.
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