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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Close. You'd need to </append> the first one, before you start working on a different xpath command.
  2. That is valid XML, although it may look a bit weird. The modding hooks inserts that comment after each change. <item name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10" prob="0.15" /> is the same as <item name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10" prob="0.15" > </item> Just on a single line xml node, a short cut can be used. If it's causing a parsing error, than that is a bug. But otherwise, I'd expect that line to be functionally the same as the others. - - - Updated - - - If you want to add a new line, it'd be append <config> <append xpath="/lootgroups/lootgroup[@name='tools']"> <item name="fuellog"' count="1" /> </append> </config>
  3. If you use the 32-bit version of NotePad++, go to Plugins -> Plugin Manager. Do any update it asks for. Then search in the available list for XML Tools. I'm not sure if the 64-bit version of Notepad++ has the Plugin Manager working yet; it may need manual downloads and file placements.
  4. Sure <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="SphereII_PG13" /> <Description value="This modlet tries to make the game a bit more PG, by switching out the stripper model with a nurse." /> <Author value="sphereii" /> <Version value="1.0.0" /> </ModInfo> </xml>
  5. That isn't the expected results. Can you send me the files through discord, and I'll take a look? Are you using <append> or <insertBefore> and <insertAfter> ? - - - Updated - - - The testing version of SDX has removed the ability to merge the xpath, but it kept the ability to apply localization. If your SDX mod folder is like this: JaxTeller718/Config/ JaxTeller718/Scripts/ JaxTeller718/Text/ JaxTeller718/Resources/ It will copy the Config and Resource scripts over into the Game's Mods/JaxTeller718/ as-is, build and apply the scripts, and do the localization merge. It's definitely not ideal, and I believe there's plans to include native support for localization, but we just aren't there yet.
  6. I'm sorry, but there's no tool yet that will generate an xpath file. There are online generators that you can use to help build your xpath. I haven't linked to them yet, since they sometimes do strange things, like using index values.
  7. Not at this point. Maybe layer in A17 or possibly in A18.
  8. It's alphabetical Changes start from the top and end with the last mod in the folder.
  9. You have two options: 1) Update steam to use the latest_experimental ( Right click on 7 Days to Die, click on the Beta tab, then select latest_experimental. ) or 2) Go to The Fun Pimps in the Mod Launcher, select latest_experimental, then select "Download From Steam".
  10. At the top level of your game folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die), make a Mods folder. Then, under that, make a folder for each of the mods you want to make. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\BloodMoonTrickle C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Zicky\ Under your Zicky folder, you should have this: Config/entityclasses.xml ( if you want to make a change to the entityclasses.xml file ) ModInfo.xml The game will look in the Mods folder for mods automatically; As long as it has a ModInfo.xml, it'll try to load it.
  11. Nice to see you again. "A17" doesn't so much exist yet. However, it's available under the latest_experimental build under The Fun Pimp category. That will grab A17e. None of the other mods listed will change until A17 goes stable
  12. <append xpath="/bankAccounts/Account[@name='Gamida']/@balance">+$10</append>
  13. Looking forward to seeing your work Let us know if you have any issues with generating your xpath.
  14. Simplest Example: Mods/Buggi/Config/items.xml: <configs> <!-- this will insert new stuff under the <property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBullet" /> <insertAfter xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']> <...my new stuff....> </insertAfter> <!-- this will change the value of the CreativeMode to false, rather than the default none --> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='clubMaster']/property[@name='CreativeMode']/@value">False</set> </configs> The <configs> tags aren't really used at all; they are just there to make a valid XML file, which needs a root node. This is just as valid: <buggi> <insertAfter xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']> <...my new stuff....> </insertAfter> </buggi> Does this help clear things up?
  15. You'd probably want to use <insertAfter>, rather than append. <insertAfter xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']> <...my new stuff....> </insertAfter>
  16. yes, the first one is correct. I'll update the post. It appends as a string, so it doesn't know any context on what it's changing.
  17. Thank you. It's chilly here too, with a winter storm rolling in tomorrow morning. If you are coming, I'd plan on arriving tonight. We have tostitos.
  18. Probably something like this: <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='woodFrameWedge']/property[@name='MaxDamage']" /> <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='woodFrameWedge']"> <property name="MaxDamage" value="75" > </append> If you aren't appending specifically to a value, but rather an entirely new line, it'll be the slightly longer format.
  19. A quick and easy solution to the issue is to use two xpath commands: <remove xpath="//property" /> <append xpath="//property/@value>50</append> The remove should fail silently if its not there, and remove if it its there. the append would put it back.
  20. I don't believe SDX had something like that. It'd be worth trying it out when we get the experimental release and see what actually works and doesn't.
  21. If I had access to it, I doubt I'd be here I'd be in-game
  22. It's a good thing its not up for re-election! But the term modlet is just used to separate these from what we've been calling mods. Modlet - Small standalone mod that is re-distributed and works with others Mod - Some sort of overhaul, like Ravenhearst, Valmod, Starvation, etc. Ideally, we'd get to a point where we'd call modlets as mods, and what we currently call mods as overhauls, or something to that effect.
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