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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. That's a new one for me! Thank you! I'll add it as an example.
  2. I like the 32-bit verison of Notepad++, which comes with a Plugin Manager to allow you to install XML Tools... helps tons when you are working with XML files.
  3. Great to hear you got sorted out. Good luck with your modlet.
  4. I'm working on a solution that should be able to work for players and modders.
  5. Can you show us what XML code you want, and where you'd like to see it?
  6. Which modlet is it? maybe I can spot something.
  7. What about your case sensitive on your folder and files names? The Config folder structure needs to match the case exactly. Do you see that the mod is loaded in your output?
  8. The angle brackets and syntax needed to be escaped; Sorry about that. You can just duplicate the appends and clip the conditions around until you get everything you want. <configs> <!-- Updates the Game stages, under the BloodMoonHorde, to change the maxAlive to 50 for all nodes --> <!-- By default, it only looks at the the game stages that have a 4 element into it, so it doesn't kick in until gamestage 23 --> <remove xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='BloodMoonHorde']/*/spawn[4]" /> <append xpath='/gamestages/spawner[@name="BloodMoonHorde"]/gamestage[ @stage >23 and @stage<153]' > <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"/> </append> </configs> Produces: <gamestage stage="23"> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS16" num="22" maxAlive="9" duration="1" interval="28" /> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS19" num="22" maxAlive="9" duration="1" interval="14" /> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS23" num="22" maxAlive="9" duration="1" /> </gamestage> <gamestage stage="27"> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS19" num="23" maxAlive="11" duration="1" interval="21" /> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS23" num="23" maxAlive="11" duration="1" interval="30" /> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS27" num="23" maxAlive="11" duration="1" /> <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"> <!--Element appended by: "Guppycur's BloodMoonTickle"--> </spawn> </gamestage>
  9. We've tried a few ways, and so far haven't figured out how to remove or add a new attribute yet. I think the intention is for us to do so, so it may just be an unimplemented feature so far. Until we get that, we'll have to replace entire lines.
  10. This is a completely theoretical few lines, but may get you on the right track: <!-- Remove all 4th lines so start off fresh --> <remove xpath="/gamestages/spawn[@name='BloodMoonHorde']/spawn[4]" /> <!-- Let's add a potential range for the stage variable. Since we aren't access the attribute itself, but the value, I think we can drop the @ --> <append xpath="/gamestages/spawn[@name='BloodMoonHorde' and stage > 23 and stage < 153]" /> <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"/> </append> <append xpath="/gamestages/spawn[@name='BloodMoonHorde' and stage > 153]" /> <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="666"/> </append>
  11. Devs have added all these hooks. And I believe it's being prepped for proper workshop support. However, they did say that workshop support would probably be post-gold. Until then, we get to play with the hooks, and we'll design a gap-solution so we can easily find and install mods. And yes, servers should be pushing all XML-based modlets. They still won't push icons though.
  12. If you have multiple nodes, that do not have anything unique about them, you can use their element Something like //effect_group/passive_effect[3]. which will change the third entry. It can be a bit risky, since any kind of change in nodes would break the mod, but if you don't have anything else unique about it, you can use it.
  13. Yes, a solution will be shown soon on how we can deal with modlets. Right now the modlets are a bit of a mess for distribution, but it's experimental, so it hasn't be a huge concern of mine. However, a github/gitlab based solution, like we do with mods, will have hooks into this "modlet" launcher.
  14. Localization isn't supported yet, but I think it's coming something in A17.* or A18. So we'll have an awkward period where we don't have a lot of flexibility with it. Only the XML files from the Mods folder get pushed from the dedicated (localization doesn't either). As for SDX, it will work along side with the Mods. You will still neet client side installs for any SDX mods, any mods that contain asset bundles, or custom icons. SDX can compile Scripts and PatchScripts into the DLL, and it also can handle the Localization merges, like it always has. From a player perspective, they'll install the mods like they normally do: Copying a zip file with all the files in the right place. xpath and modlets are an easier way for modders to create small patches and portable mods for others to enjoy that is also less maintenance for them.
  15. <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='gunSMG5']/property[@class='Action1']" > <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true" /> </append> It'd look like that, for each gun you want.
  16. I've never tried; have you tried <remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name=foodGrilledMeat]/@tags" /> ?
  17. If you show us an example, we can help get you started
  18. IDs in the items.xml and blocks.xml aren't a thing anymore. We can have about 32,000 unique items and 32,000 unique blocks now. Be sure your block name is unique.
  19. The Mod Launcher isn't ready yet for modlets, but support is coming. Right now I'm just watching to see how people are setting things up. If you create a folder called "Mods", then place all the modlets in there, the launcher should copy the Mods folder in the correct place. TempMods/Mods/<modname>
  20. No sorry, there's no math operation in the current xpath system. xpath is just a method of finding stuff in the XML. The game uses the xpath to make the appropriate changes.
  21. Case matters. Mind your "L" in log. Make sure it's consistent.
  22. Found it, I think. You have an extra ' after "fuellog".
  23. In loot.xml, the <lootcontainers> is the root XML node.
  24. Yup! The append looks good. I think your xpath may be a bit off. xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name=tools]" may be more accurate, since the loogroup is under the <lootcontainers> node.
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