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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Yes, this is true for now, but may change in the future. But if you zip up your Mods folder, and upload to the dedi, it should work.
  2. Have you opted into the experimental through steam? If so, make sure you select your steam path in the Install Game folder. If you haven't, you can select Download From Steam. Once the Test Mod is installed, you'll see the Manage Modlet button.
  3. Whatever it is in the XML. I usually not in a position to cross reference the particular names; they are usually just to get you started.
  4. Filename: Mods/YourMod/Config/XUi/windows.xml <configs> <remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDLeftStatBars']" /> <append xpath="/windows" > <window name="HUDLeftStatBars" > </window> </append> </configs>
  5. This should do it: Filename: Mods/YourMod/Config/XUi/xui.xml <configs> <remove xpath="/xui/ruleset/window_group/window[@name='HUDLeftStatBars']" /> </configs>
  6. Yup, using <set <set xpath="items/item[@name='toolsPickAxe']/property[@name='Meshfile']/@value">#@modfolder:Resouces/meleeToolPickaxeSteel.unity3d?meleeToolPickaxeSteel</set> that's assuming you have a Mods/YourFolder/Resources/meleeToolPickAxeSteel.unity3d exists.
  7. If an extended item does not have stacknumber, then you'd have to do an append to it, rather than doing a set. <append xpath="//" > <property name="Stacknumber" value="6" /> </append>
  8. == Testers Wanted: Version 1.1 of the Mod Launcher == I have a new version of the 7D2D Mod Launcher that I'm testing. I don't want to push it out to everyone just yet, I'd like to get some feed back on the new functionality, and if it works well. - New Functionality - * Manage Modlets - Available for each installed mod, gives you a listing of some of the modlets, and allow you to easily install them. * New Host - In order to shave off the costs of the hosting, I'm hosting this version on Github. * Alpha 16/Alpha17 Separation - I've seperated the installs for Alpha 16 and 17, allowing people to keep their existing copies I'm interested in how installing and removing modlets feel, as well as the Alpha 16 / 17 alpha separation feels. I'm intentionally not including any documentation or screenshots, as I want this to be 100% straightforward without tutorials, although they will come later. I'm welcoming people are running a variety of different versions of Windows, from 7, 8.0, 8.1, and 10. Modlets will only for for Alpha 17. They will not do what you expect if you try Alpha 16. A Test Mod has been set up with no downloads for you to play. More can be added through the "Add New My Mods". If you are interested in helping me do some testing, then by all means download and install this link: https://7d2dmodlauncher.github.io/Installer/publish/
  9. You are close. I don't think you need to evaluate the loot_quality_template at all, and you were missing the /item/, which takes it inside each loot container to the change you want. <configs> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='25' ]/item[@name='foodEgg']/@count">1,2</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='25' ]/item[@name='foodEgg']/@prob">0.3</set> </configs> [/COdE]
  10. What about /property[contains(@name, 'AITa')] ?
  11. Xpath gets applied when the game and worlds load. Seeing what the final XML looks like can help figure out when things don't go right. However, it'll only be useful if your changes were not fatal to the XML parsing.
  12. Once in game, type in the console: exportcurrentconfigs It'll save them to your saved game folder under %APPDATA%. Delete the folder, if you want to re-run the same command in the same world. - - - Updated - - - Maybe the order is getting confused. change your append to insertAfter <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[@name='gunCrossbow']" > <!-- your stuff --> </insertAfter> That'll insert it after the gunCrossbow.
  13. Try removing the slash between item and [@name xpath="/items/item[@name='....
  14. if you wanted to explicitly exclude the meleeToolHoeIron, you could add a condition. /items/item[@name != 'meleeToolHoeIron']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value
  15. Your set could be replaced by this: <append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">,resourceSteelPolish</append>
  16. It's not the most elegant way, but if you are already generating replacement nodes, it's certainly a way to do it. It'd probably wouldn't be compatible with many other modlets, unless they loaded after your nuke.
  17. You could probably do a <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup" />, and re-append the entire file. I'm not sure what the format of your game stage is in.
  18. The top level that you are seeing <configs> and <config> are what's called a root node for an XML file. It can nearly be anything (except for leading with numbers...). I try to use <configs> because that's brought over from SDX, but as long as your opening node and closing tag matches, it doesn't really matter. <FastBurst> <!-- all your xml changes --> </FastBurst> Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do? Are you trying to add 95 new entities to a single group, or scattered about? If you can give me an example of what you'd like to see, I'd be able to help more.
  19. The edit was less cheeky than your original post. We do have a manual download for the Windows 7 users. The jump in framework was required for the majority of the users since Windows and Github updated their security standards. https://github.com/SphereII/Release/archive/master.zip
  20. Pre-sync only downloads and updates the changes to a mod; not the base game. You'll have to Delete Mod, and do another re-copy of the game from steam to get the latest copy. This is by design, since most mods don't handle updates between alpha releases.
  21. That happens because the animalBear probably appears before the animalTemplateFriendly. Instead of an append, which puts your animalTemplateFriendly at the bottom of the entityclasses.xml, try an insertBefore <insertBefore xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalBear']" > <entity_class name="animalTemplateFriendly" > <!-- snip --> </entity_class> </insertBefore> - - - Updated - - - Interesting. Glad it worked. I don't think what you pasted would have been your final line though. It's probably something like: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']/@blockname">terrOreIron</set> <Setattribute> can add a new attribute that does not exist. Maybe it updates the value if its found to exist. But your starting tag of <setattribute> wasn't matching your ending tag of </set>
  22. This sounds like a bug in the implementation. I'll report it. Until then, would contains() give you enough uniqueness to make your changes? - - - Updated - - - If you show us the XML you want to change, then we can show you how to reference it.
  23. Good eye. I think that's the issue here. The root node can really nearly anything, other than numbers.
  24. Yes you can, but you'll need to escape them See below: the change willonly happen if the stage is greater than 23 and less than 153. <append xpath='/gamestages/spawner[@name="BloodMoonHorde"]/gamestage[ @stage > 23 and @stage < 153]' > <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="10" maxAlive="8"/> </append>
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