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Everything posted by JaxTeller718

  1. Patch has been released! **Patch ** 4.3.1 **Release Date ** Week of 9/16/2018 No Wipes Needed **Ravenhearst** -Several spelling and Localization Fixes -Im Galil should now accept the proper parts to assemble -Trail Mix added to Ingredients Category -Increased loot chances of Hacksaw in Garage Boxes and Worker Zombies -Increased Chance for Station Tools in Worker Zombies -Lockpick Kits will now use all Lockpicks that came in the tier before it. For example, Level 3 Lockpick Kit will use level 1-3 Lockpicks so you no longer need to carry BOTH Lockpicks and Lockpick Kits -5 Bones now needed for Bone Powder instead of 10 -Trees will now have a 50 percent chance to drop a SECOND seed -Tree growing times reduced from 360 a stage to 240 a stage -Lettuce will now have a rare chance to spawn in forests (can only be seen with a world wipe) -Increased amounts of Plastic Bottles that can drop in loot -Farmer Class will now receive a Mortar and Pestle when they open their kit in the event they are not high enough level to unlock the M and P Skill -Fixed glue being in the improper place during Armor Questline -Removed repair capability from Jerky so it no longer shows Entity Damage -Lowered probability for destroyed traders in cities and raised chances of working traders. This change will only be seen on new maps or areas that have not yet been uncovered. -Removed all terrain movement speeds. Road buffs remain unchanged and are still present. This was interfering with minibike speeds. -Drilling Times on safes have been doubled. Previously they were too easy to open. Extra slots removed from stations tools and outputs on benches and forges. You will need to remove any tools or items in outputs to prevent loss of tools before updating. -Even larger rare Apocalyptic City for you to sacrifice your soul in -Decreased size of some UMA textures should help with loading time. **Hell On Earth** -Removed 2 sets of Herd spawning for performance increases -Lowered chance of Night Terror spawns to increase some performance.
  2. We will be releasing Patch 4.3.1 this weekend. This patch includes an exploit fix for forges and benches. We are removing the 4th tools slots from all stations and also the extra output slota from the forge and extra slots in the benches. Please remove your tools and items from these slots ASAP to avoid loss of them. Once we update those slots will be gone and any items in those slots will be erased. This is your only warning about this. No wipes are needed for this. Here is a preview of thenotes **Patch ** 4.3.1 **Expected Release Date ** Week of 9/10/2018 **Ravenhearst** -Several spelling and Localization Fixes -Im Galil should now accept the proper parts to assemble -Trail Mix added to Ingredients Category -Increased loot chances of Hacksaw in Garage Boxes and Worker Zombies -Increased Chance for Station Tools in Worker Zombies -Lockpick Kits will now use all Lockpicks that came in the tier before it. For example, Level 3 Lockpick Kit will use level 1-3 Lockpicks so you no longer need to carry BOTH Lockpicks and Lockpick Kits -5 Bones now needed for Bone Powder instead of 10 -Trees will now have a 50 percent chance to drop a SECOND seed -Tree growing times reduced from 360 a stage to 240 a stage -Lettuce will now have a rare chance to spawn in forests (can only be seen with a world wipe) -Increased amounts of Plastic Bottles that can drop in loot -Farmer Class will now receive a Mortar and Pestle when they open their kit in the event they are not high enough level to unlock the M and P Skill -Fixed glue being in the improper place during Armor Questline -Removed repair capability from Jerky so it no longer shows Entity Damage -Lowered probability for destroyed traders in cities and raised chances of working traders. This change will only be seen on new maps or areas that have not yet been uncovered. -Removed all terrain movement speeds. Road buffs remain unchanged and are still present. This was interfering with minibike speeds. -Drilling Times on safes have been doubled. Previously they were too easy to open. Extra slots removed from stations tools and outputs on benches and forges. You will need to remove any tools or items in outputs to prevent loss of tools before updating. After updating these slots will be gone. **Hell On Earth** -Removed 2 sets of Herd spawning for performance increases -Lowered chance of Night Terror spawns to increase some performance.
  3. *Hotfix for Patch 4.3 Release Date 8/26/2018 Files changed: Localization-Quest.txt, Localization.xml, rwgmixer.xml (HOE - entityclasses.xml, quests.xml) NO WIPE NEEDED** -Fixed Typos in Opening Text -Clarified Text for Ultimate Survival -Added Vanilla Store Grouping to all Mixers (Does not require wipe will show up in uncovered areas) -HOE: Zombies Sight Distance Reduced -HOE: Zombie Health Reduced -HOE: Zombie XP Reduced -HOE: Increased ammo in starting classes -Added Version Info to all Installs located inside Mods/SDX/ModInfo.xml -All related .zip files in Extra Files have been updated as well
  4. Just to answer some of your concerns 1. The whole purpose of Ravenhearst is to make the game longer. There are plenty of mods and vanilla to play for you quick fix. We intended the game to last as long as possible so the content could be devoured and experienced in full. Longer worlds are also great for server population. As for stations being pickable, just like in vanilla you need a land claim block. I'm not sure why this is an issue for you when we are simply copying vanilla mechanics. 2. You must never have played pre A13 when all of that was changed and removed. There are quite a few who enjoy complexity in crafting and we were trying to return it to the glory days of requiring much more than a single recipe or item to do it all. This probably will not change as I feel the game was geared more towards survival and TRUE crafting back pre A13. 3. Zombies that you find tanky on Day one are one shots on day 20 plus. It's supposed to be very challenging when you first spawn in but that challenge does not last forever and with the weapon classes most zeds can be killed with 2-3 skilled headshots. Remember there is way more at play here than just the gun or the bow. You have to purchase skills to be better. In vanilla a lot of those skills are just happy decap bonuses. In RH they MEAN something and that was the intention of how we designed it. 4. Again complexity in crafting and repairing. It doesn't make sense you JUST need iron to repair a gun or a crossbow. Its silly and it dumbs down the game. This falls in line with complexity. Also you keep calling it a slog. The mid is certainly not for everyone. 5. The very first things you asked to remove are two of our more popular additions. This just comes down to what you feel is worth your time. Again complexity of recipes is a big thing for us and always has been. Removing a handful of extras most certainly won't fix the Ui lag to any degree you will notice while playing. 6. That was an addition to keep players on their toes and also to add real danger to the world from being hit by zombies. I went to day 2 without getting any kind of dirty because I was very careful not to get hit by a zombie. There are so many POIs with water in them, not to mention the caves you find in the world that have water in them. If you are quite careful as you play you can avoid filling your dirty meter until you find a water POI. We made sure every town and city had some water pois in some form or fashion. I hope you didn't take my answers as dismissive but I really feel like the intentions of what we are trying to accomplish needed to be pointed out. The great thing about having so many talented modders is if one mod doesnt work for you there are so many others with varying degrees of difficulty to try out. Hopefully in the future into A17 we can appeal more to you.
  5. Traders cant die. They Are protected. The buildings arent and zombies can get inside but a trader won't die to them. What you are seeing is Khaines Destroyed Trader. There's a chance for a working trader and Destroyed Trader. It's just bad RNG as working traders are slightly more likely in cities.
  6. We are proud to announce our final version of Ravenhearst for A16 Patch 4.3. There are a lot of changes and additions so read up below and head to our Discord for install instructions, guides and much more. We thank everyone for their amazing support and look forward to what 17 has to bring to Ravenhearst. Patch 4.3 Notes Release 8/24/2018 Wipe Required -Apocalyptic City Added. Rare spawning city designed for skilled and higher levelled players. Original versions of high loot POIs, Hive houses, and exclusive NEW Massive POIs line this city which is marked by the now abandoned skyscraper HQ of the Makasin Cartel. Low level and undergeared players should not dare try to infiltrate this city that was Ground Zero for the Apocalypse -Casual Version Added to Extra Files Folder. It features reduced timers on all growing blocks, reduced zombie spawns, less XP required to level, stone starting tools given during opening quest, stone axe and stone pickaxe no longer break when degrading, a second support class selection at the end of Advanced Survival questline, mixer with more cities and other balances to help players who have difficulty with the normal Ravenhearst experience. World -Added 14 Day Versions alongside the 7 and 21 Day versions. 14 Days is now the recommended version to play for Ravenhearst. -Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture. -Random Gen streets in cities are now slightly smaller and narrower to increase tension Mechanics -5 points per level now for levelling -Encumbrance removed until it can be properly balanced -Food will now drop to 25 on death -Wellness will now drop no lower than 60 -You should only need one of each type of infection cure to cure infection. the difference is in the time it takes to cure it. -Added lockpickable 2nd house door Classes -Medics now receive access to Medicinal Cream and Medicinal Bandages. Cream is made with 2 aloe plants, Bandages are first aid bandages made with Cream that offer more healing than a normal bandage. -Fixed Medic Quest Requirements being inaccurate -Archery now gets Iron Bow perk Unlocked on Start and the Compound Bow Schem -Stone Knife removed from Survivalist and unlocked for all to make. Skills -Removed Stone Bolts from Archery Exclusive. Everyone can make them now. Loot -Stone Hammer can now be used along with Crowbars and Hammers to pry boards and boxes open -Added gun parts back in as findable loot in all places you can find guns. Military Guns can yield Military Parts, Rad Zone Guns can yield Rad Zone Parts. Also added gun parts to places that previously had NO gun loot. -Increased Probability of guns in all safes and Messiah -Shelves now give back 1 guaranteed piece of loot instead of 2 -Safes have been rebalanced. Now Wall Safes Take One Drill Bit and 20 hits, Gun Safes Take 2 Drill Bits and 30 hits and Rad Zone Safes take 3 Drill Bits and 40 hits. This was done to increase Tension. -Reduced birds nests in the world -Lowered amount of logs you get from trees but also reduced the tress health to match -Removed useless and unneeded loot from rad zone -Removed no longer used loot lists (Rejoice Dan) -Schematic 4 Page loot chance added to Supply Drops and Hive Treasure -Changed how probabilities work for books -Split Rare, Common, Schematic Page and Skill Books into individual groups for book loot and increased chances at each so book loot should be more varied now. -Increased Chance of seed drops in cupboards -Compound Bow Schematic Re-Added, as well as parts for it. All parts have been re-added to loot as well as the schematic. Crafting/Blocks -All building blocks now break into the block before it. No more tiers. You still start at wood frame and stainless steel breaks to reinforced concrete -Reinforced Scrap to Flag now costs 5 cobblestone. Cobblestone to Bricks now costs 8 bricks. -Microwaves, coffeemakers and blenders make their return as findable loot. Each work as a station and can then be crafted along with wood and forged iron to make the Appliance Table for an all in one station. They can be picked up when found by destroying them. -Light Pole Tops now give back guaranteed steel -Added full build line for Wood Plate Centered -Bags now break down into one of 3 models instead of 6 to save block ids -Added Large Garbage Bag, craftable from 3 normal trash bags that offers larger storage than a normal trash bag and saves space -Mechanical Gate Health Raised to 10000HP -All Juices now take the same time to craft -Centered Ammo Table Model -Lowered amount of rich ores that are harvested -Lowered value on ores -Carbon weight raised to 3 -1 piece of carbon yield added to all stone -Iron, Concrete and Stone SI now match up exactly -BBQ Grills can now spawn in yards of houses Recipes -Drill Bit recipe now yields 3 bits to match the rebalanced safes -Goldenrod Tea has been added to the tea cookbook -All wellness giving drinks have had their hydration raised Quests -Fixed Medic Quest herbal antibiotics recipe needing 25 Chrysanthemum Plant -Lowered Blunt, Bow and Blade Step 1 zombie kill quest from 50 to 15 -Removed unneeded craft Iron Bow step -Removed Wooden Spear Quest for Starting Quests (RIP spear) -Reduced schematic pages needed from 8 to 4 Zombies -Completely Removed Prisoners -Set zombie spawns back to 4.1 numbers -Night Terrors now have a very rare chance to spawn in forests and desert and plains -Normal zeds have been added in low probabilities to Hive houses -Removed no longer used zombies from Creative -Reduced Block Damage on Utility Workers -Lowered Herd Health Slightly -Less "crackhead" zombie walks in walk randomizer -Height variation in zombies lessened Additional Last Minute Notes -Changed how Ultimate Survivor works. Now you must complete 1 Ranged, 1 Melee and 4 Support classes in FULL. Each time you complete a quest line you will receive a quest to read that will give you a point towards unlocking the Ultimate Survivor. If you do not need the paper you get it can be scrapped for KP. -Cook is now way more attractive. Cooks get the tea book, the stews book and a food prep table as they quest. Their quests have also been padded out a bit to make them less bland. -Pitchfork removed from Blades questing -Food Prep Step removed from normal questing and added to Cook -Pitchfork Damage Increased -Spear Damage Increased
  7. Unfortunately that is what headshots will do to them. As for the other assets we wanted to move away from using anyone elses work and use our own. I am looking into purchasing some of those terrors for our mod myself though, but that change will most likely occur in 17 For those who wish to continue 4.1 and 4.2 Games and Saves I would start making backup copies of any of your 4.1 or 4.2 worlds in prep for release. The links in the launcher WILL be changing and may force a reinstall for those versions. Saves wont be touched as 4.3 will be on a new branch but previous versions will be moved to new links for archiving. This is the first and only warning for this change.
  8. Preview of the Patch 4.3 Notes! Sometime this week! Below these are the Casual Version Notes Patch 4.3 -Apocalyptic City Added. Rare spawning city designed for skilled and higher levelled players. Original versions of high loot POIs, Hive houses, and exclusive NEW Massive POIs line this city which is marked by the now abandoned skyscraper HQ of the Makasin Cartel. Low level and undergeared players should not dare try to infiltrate this city that was Ground Zero for the Apocalypse -Casual Version Added to Extra Files Folder. It features reduced timers on all growing blocks, reduced zombie spawns, less XP required to level, stone starting tools given during opening quest, stone axe and stone pickaxe no longer break when degrading, a second support class selection at the end of Advanced Survival questline, mixer with more cities and other balances to help players who have difficulty with the normal Ravenhearst experience. World -Added 14 Day Versions alongside the 7 and 21 Day versions. 14 Days is now the recommended version to play for Ravenhearst. -Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture. -Random Gen streets in cities are now slightly smaller and narrower to increase tension Mechanics -5 points per level now for levelling -Encumbrance removed until it can be properly balanced -Food will now drop to 25 on death -Wellness will now drop no lower than 60 -You should only need one of each type of infection cure to cure infection. the difference is in the time it takes to cure it. -Added lockpickable 2nd house door Classes -Medics now receive access to Medicinal Cream and Medicinal Bandages. Cream is made with 2 aloe plants, Bandages are first aid bandages made with Cream that offer more healing than a normal bandage. -Fixed Medic Quest Requirements being inaccurate -Archery now gets Iron Bow perk Unlocked on Start and the Compound Bow Schem -Stone Knife removed from Survivalist and unlocked for all to make.(edited) Skills -Removed Stone Bolts from Archery Exclusive. Everyone can make them now. Loot -Stone Hammer can now be used along with Crowbars and Hammers to pry boards and boxes open -Added gun parts back in as findable loot in all places you can find guns. Military Guns can yield Military Parts, Rad Zone Guns can yield Rad Zone Parts. Also added gun parts to places that previously had NO gun loot. -Increased Probability of guns in all safes and Messiah -Shelves now give back 1 guaranteed piece of loot instead of 2 -Safes have been rebalanced. Now Wall Safes Take One Drill Bit and 20 hits, Gun Safes Take 2 Drill Bits and 30 hits and Rad Zone Safes take 3 Drill Bits and 40 hits. This was done to increase Tension.(edited) -Reduced birds nests in the world -Lowered amount of logs you get from trees but also reduced the tress health to match -Removed useless and unneeded loot from rad zone -Removed no longer used loot lists (Rejoice Dan) -Schematic 4 Page loot chance added to Supply Drops and Hive Treasure -Changed how probabilities work for books -Split Rare, Common, Schematic Page and Skill Books into individual groups for book loot and increased chances at each so book loot should be more varied now. -Increased Chance of seed drops in cupboards -Compound Bow Schematic Re-Added, as well as parts for it. All parts have been re-added to loot as well as the schematic. Crafting/Blocks -All building blocks now break into the block before it. No more tiers. You still start at wood frame and stainless steel breaks to reinforced concrete -Reinforced Scrap to Flag now costs 5 cobblestone. Cobblestone to Bricks now costs 8 bricks. -Microwaves, coffeemakers and blenders make their return as findable loot. Each work as a station and can then be crafted along with wood and forged iron to make the Appliance Table for an all in one station. They can be picked up when found by destroying them. -Light Pole Tops now give back guaranteed steel -Added full build line for Wood Plate Centered -Bags now break down into one of 3 models instead of 6 to save block ids -Added Large Garbage Bag, craftable from 3 normal trash bags that offers larger storage than a normal trash bag and saves space -Mechanical Gate Health Raised to 10000HP -All Juices now take the same time to craft -Centered Ammo Table Model -Lowered amount of rich ores that are harvested -Lowered value on ores -Carbon weight raised to 3 -1 piece of carbon yield added to all stone -Iron, Concrete and Stone SI now match up exactly -BBQ Grills can now spawn in yards of houses Recipes -Drill Bit recipe now yields 3 bits to match the rebalanced safes -Goldenrod Tea has been added to the tea cookbook -All wellness giving drinks have had their hydration raised Quests -Fixed Medic Quest herbal antibiotics recipe needing 25 Chrysanthemum Plant -Lowered Blunt, Bow and Blade Step 1 zombie kill quest from 50 to 15 -Removed unneeded craft Iron Bow step -Removed Wooden Spear Quest for Starting Quests (RIP spear) -Reduced schematic pages needed from 8 to 4 Zombies -Completely Removed Prisoners -Set zombie spawns back to 4.1 numbers -Night Terrors now have a very rare chance to spawn in forests and desert and plains -Normal zeds have been added in low probabilities to Hive houses(edited) -Removed no longer used zombies from Creative -Reduced Block Damage on Utility Workers -Lowered Herd Health Slightly -Less "crackhead" zombie walks in walk randomizer -Height variation in zombies lessened Casual Version Notes These are a preview of the notes for the Casual Edition of Ravenhearst that will be included with every install of Ravenhearst as an add-on. The purpose of the Casual Edition is to give struggling players some breathing space and be able to enjoy what Ravenhearst has to offer. It will be available in 7/14/21 Day editions. -Cars do not respawn any more (Removed for Realism in Casual Mode) -Plants take 5 in game hours now -Animal Traps, Chicken Coops, Composter, Bee Hives and Rain Collectors take 2 in game hours -Slight reduction in amount of XP needed to level (17,000 down to 14,000) -Second Support class selection awarded at the end of the Opening questline -Zombie HP Lowered -Herd Health Lowered -Terror Health Lowered -Backpack now Stays 2400 -Remains now stay 600 -Dropped Loot now Stays 900 -Reduced KP Cost on Items -Skill Points Awarded when Levelling Raised to 7 -300 Level axe, pickaxe and bow along with 150 arrows awarded as you quest in Basic Survival -Break removed from the Quest reward tools and weapons so you will not lose them anymore -Fuller RWG with more towns and cities -Gamestage Increases slowed down a bit -Reduced Zombie Spawning -Animals will respawn every 5 days instead of 7
  9. Like the Pimps I will use the dreaded "It is done when it's done". We have had a very rough few months so I'm not going to put any pressures on myself or my team. We ARE working daily on it. This is all a bonus since Pimps needed to delay 17 a bit and we want to try to keep players a bit busy and distracted while we all wait. Im going to echo was Sinda said. Im going to strongly recommend joining our Discord. It's an easier, faster and more direct way of communicating with us in real time, there is always someone there to help and previews are always shown there. I am there mostly all day or night. https://discord.gg/YBHD9f3
  10. Traders can not be killed only the buildings. What you are finding is Hive traders that were builts to be like that. Like in Darkness Falls. Ravenhearst is about to get a patch that will make some things a bit easier, but also some things more hardcore. It is intended to be run by players looking for challenges and for server play both. It can be played SP and enjoyed. That said we have a very large fanbase and I want to make sure everyone can enjoy RH. So we are designing what amounts to an easier experience for players who may not be into hardcore. It will still be challenging but there will be steps taken to make the game more palatable for players with less interest in hardcore style play. We are also adding a 14 day Version, and that will be OUR official recommended version for Ravenhearst.
  11. Good day to you. Eating bowls is definitely unpleasant. I suggest you stop doing so. Cooks can make bowls and jars. The SP version will allow a second support class when you finish the opening quest so this might be a good choice for you. Alas eating bowls is a mechanic of the mod and a price to pay when trying to make classes attractive to the outside world. One good thing about fixing all those pesky lines is that it is great practice for putting together a mod if you choose to do so in the future. It is how I learned, by modding out all those pesky jars i would get back from valmod. It changed my life.
  12. Hello all, i know i have been pretty scarce here but later tonight i'm going to catch up on everyone posts and answer all the questions I can. With 17 being delayed to who knows when we are currently working on another patch that will see more balances and fixes and also we are PROUD to announce we are working on a Single Player version of the mod that solo players can enjoy if they so choose to.
  13. Thank you so much for your review Space4Ace. Amazing read. Ok there was a HUGE mix up last night in the rwgmixer which resulted in the WRONG mixer being posted on the launcher. I deeply apologize for this. 100 percent my fault. The launcher has now been properly updated. That said I need to walk away for a bit. It has been a tremendously stressful and long 9 plus months of working on this mod, both here in public and behind the scenes before we even released. Thanks to all for understanding, and for the ones we have lost I also apologize. When 17 releases I will head into it with fresh eyes. I'll be around, but I am stopping all work on any mod having to do with 7 days, including bug fixing and balancing. 4.2 is the final version of RH on A16.
  14. Experimental Delay got you feeling blue? Now's the perfect time to retry Ravenhearst! Lots of QoL fixes suggested by you the community. Now available on the Launcher. Patch 4.2 Release Patch Notes Release Date 08/4/2018 No Wipe Needed -Lowered limestone from 12 to 9 per block -Increased Hive Xp from 55 xp per kill to 95 xp per kill -Prisoner Health Lowered A Bit -Compound Bow Description Updated to reflect the arrows it uses -Fixed Blade Smith description -Our Vehicle models now have proper placement boxes and decoration radiuses (may cut down on clipped vehicles) -Lowered Item Weight by 1 on all building materials -Decreased Respawn time of some zombie groups from 0.4 to 1 -Decreased respawn time for Night Terrors from every Night to every 5 Nights -Deceased Hive Group from 3 groups per day to 2 -Removed Herd from Snow -Decreased Workbench perk from 10 to 5 -Craft time of Advanced Workbench Reduced -Fishing Rod removed from Advanced Workbench -Forged Iron now requires the same amount in both Forges -Stone Grinder removed from Adv Workbench as a Craft -Fixed 2nd stage of Rifle Quest needing 200 zombies -Removed Night Terror Spawn from Pine Forest (Shouldn't be in forests) -Reduced chances of Terror Spawns in Desert, Snow and Plains Biomes -No More Empty Bookcases
  15. **Hotfix** **Files Changed** items.xml, loot.xml, entitygroups.xml, spawning.xml and entityclasses.xml Hotfix Has been released for s few nagging issues -Infected Arrows, Bolts and Infected Blood Now Give Infectious -M25 Sniper Rifle Added to the Loot List -Misnamed POI renamed -Jump animations removed from the Prisoners -Terror Health Adjustment -Night Terror and Herd Zombie Spawn Lowered
  16. Release! v4.1 is now released to the Launcher. v4.0 Games and Saves are unaffected and can still be played from the launcher for the time being. 4.1 requires a complete wipe. I want to thank everyone for their extreme patience and understanding while me and the team worked around the clock to bring you what we feel is the best version of Ravenhearst yet. For this version we changed how we address issues and develop our mod. We moved to using Trello, brought on a dedicated test team and redesigned how we develop and work. I'm proud to say that our mod going forward will be developed in the most efficient and professional way possible, and I am extremely proud of what we were able to accomplish here. 17 is around the corner and we look forward to what it brings to the table for Ravenhearst in the future. Thank you all for the kind words, the bug reports and the continued faith and support. We will continue you to bring you the best response time, the most hands on and interactive Dev Team for any mod and look forward to exceeding expectations set by the community going forward. Patch 4.1 Release Patch Notes Release Date 07/29/2018 -Removed Streamer Versions -Added new RWGMixer. New roads, more connecting roads, new terrain, concrete roads, less chance of duplicate POIs. -Rebalanced over 20 POIs for loot. -Added zombie sleepers to multiple POIS that were missing them -Removed a handful of broken and out of place POIS -Added over 12 new guns to rare and radiation loot -Prisoners textures improved -Prisoner AI tweaked slightly -Added over 6 new Herd Zombies -Headshots added to Herd Zombies, Prisoners and SOME Terrors (Some are intended to be difficult) -Boss stages in Horde night now work properly, scale with difficulty and also have better loot the higher gamestage you get. -Reworked Gamestages so they increase more naturally -Added and fixed multiple descriptions for spelling errors, improper stations. -Fixed several Categories for Benches and Stations -Hacksaw can now be found in carboard boxes as well as working stiffsa and construction loot -Adjustments and balancing to spike and log traps -Balance for the Bolt Turret -Building path now makes more sense. There are three tiers. Each tier will break back into itself and will destroy on that first tier. The tiers are Tier 1 - Wood/Iron Tier 2 - Cobble/Flag/Brick/Concrete1 Tier 3 - Concrete2/Steel/Stainless -Adjusted The opening Basic Quest Line -Adjusted multiple recipes including cement and concrete. -Adjusted quest lines for more accuracy (Craft errors etc) -Fixed infinite Burn Time on Grinder and Mixer -Added Reinforced Pant Fiber Clothes -Removed Cooking exploit where you could level cooking to 10 instantly -Added BBQ foods recipe book to Cooking Class starting kit -Added special drink craftable by cooks only on day one -Changed BBQ recipes to use BBQ sauce found on store shelves so cooks can BBQ on day one -Gave cooks the Trash Can Smoker recipe on day one. -Locked Aloe Cream back behind the Mortar and Pestle since Medic Quest has been adjusted -Crops lowered to 240 a stage, roughly 8 hours -Hives, coops, traps, collectors etc fixed and lowered to 4 hours -Added Metal Industrial Gate -Fixed ability to craft shotgun shells -Removed Incendiary shotgun shells due to fire bug -Finishing all the class quests now rewards you with craftable Twine and Crowbar recipe -Added MORe rewards to the Terror Quests -Water Well Added Back to Farmer Class -Added more repair materials to hammer and wrench -All boxes should now be Pry to Open -Radiation zone tweaks. More deadly, need full suit and trioxin no more exploits -Reduced gun loot in the world and increased yields from safes -Buffs were tweaked a bit. They flow better now but still need maintaining to ensure proper cures -Buff added to Bathubs so you can get clean at home over time -Painkillers, honeycombs all have had buff re-arrangements to cure infections. Tooltips also updated so read those info screens! -Removed Warm By Fire new buff and went back to the older one -Fixed improper upgrading blocks -Carbon yields increased and also added to boulders -Legendary and Steel Augers and Chainsaws have had their stats increased to be better at Mining. Also added missing Miner Category to them -Added Tazas Hammer and Pickaxes -Zombie AI redo. They should now focus on Prisoners and Ghouls as well as you. -Carbon can properly melt into BS forge -Removed stone requirement from Bulletproof Glass -Made sure stations have proper recipes for crafting the proper things (Anvil, Mortar and Pestle) -You can equip bait and certain items with a hotkey -Animal Trap, Chicken Coop, Composter, Collector and Beehive loot adjustments -Terror sounds have been lowered a bit -Several Model fixes for placement issues and size issues -Gave Farmers Double Blunderbuss starting weapon in place of normal Blunderbuss and increased ammo -Added Steel Arrows back to loot -Added missing Skillet Recipe -Added craftable dirt -Removed several unused items -Price adjustments on some items, some items that were craftable removed from trader, some added that were not sellable before -Station craft times balanced -Tainted Meat Recipe adjusted -Femurs now have to be ground into Bone Dust using the Grinder to make things like Glue -New wheat model thanks to Khaine! -Lockpicks are now locked behind the skill properly -Stack sizes adjusted on multiple items to correspond with hw much of each can be held in stacks -Birds Nest Increase in certain biomes -Iron Bow now takes Stone Arrows -Store Shevles now give one guaranteed piece of loot -Added some previously hidden Jackets from Vanilla -Balanced out SI block upgrades properly -Screws now used in Repairs -Removed Unnecessary Research Book -Added Lockpicking and Boxer Book -Added Proper Molds and Casings for every bullet -Rebar can now be properly made in the Blacksmiths Forge -Glow added to the BS Forge for effect
  17. That has been updated in 4.0.3, which was updated a few day ago. Its a band aid fix for carbon, the anvil, beehives, traps and collectors not growing as well as some other small fixes. Our MAJOR patch, 4.1 is Days away, perhaps SOONER! It will fix over 80 reported issues, make over 200 changes to the files including balancing and it will ALSO add headshots for herd zombies and some terrors, as well as some HD prisoners. Redone RWG Mixer to bring you less doubles and triples and more variation. New Weapons, New Night Terrors, NEW Herd Zombies, some class adjustments and so many little fixes including station corrections, spelling error fixes and more. It is what 4.0 SHOULD have been and we are extremely proud of the work my team and our testers have done. They have put massive hours in to ensure this release goes absolutely smooth for you guys! Stay tuned for a date, but if i was a betting man I would say its coming BEFORE the end of this upcoming week. As in VERy much before.
  18. Patch 4.0.3 Release Date 7/24/2018 -Diamond Pickaxe was not able to mine carbon, power attack and performance was off. -Made carbon more abundant from stone, also made carbon harvestable from boulders. -Smelting carbon returned iron in the forge, now gives carbon in the forge. -Stainless steel rounded corner was the wrong shape. -Full corner upgrade path was broken. -Chicken Coops, Beehives, Animal Traps, and Composters would never enter final harvest stage. -Farmer quest stage 14 was not able to be completed. -Version number will now display on menu. -Anvil can now be crafted in regular forge. -Ingredients for Concrete Mix have been reduced and Quest updated to reflect -Steel Crafting Time Reduced We apologize for the issues people are having. As Discord knows and has been kept updated on there is a HUGE patch coming down the pike, with over 150 changes, fixes and balances. It includes new assets, headshots on custom models, new rwg and fixes, more pois, and a ton more. We are currently testing it. It will be released soon. We are available daily there for updates and discussions. So if you have not joined our Discord I urge you to do so.
  19. Patch 4.0.2 has been released. We suspect patching will quiet down a bit now as we have been paying strict attention to feedback and made some great balance changes in this one. You WILL want to update as there are some great QoL changes in this. Thank you to everyone for the amazing feedback so far. v4.0.2 Files Changed: buffs.xml, progression.xml, windows.xml, controls.xml, items.xml, entityclasses.xml, entitygroups.xml, recipes.xml, loot.xml, blocks.xml, localization.xml, quests.xml Wipe Required: No -Big Bertha has been sent to the cornfields and told to take a chill pill -Headshots Damage has been increased for ALL Right Click Power Swings on Melee Weapons but will also take more stamina per use -Added Double Body Damage to ALL melee Power Swings -Stunned and Bleeding buffs will now trigger on 90 percent of all Power Swings -Opening Quest Now Rewards a level 150 Stone Axe instead of 100 and a level 300 Wooden Club Instead of 150 -All Shipping Crates and World Crates now have Health of 500 to Encourage Picking up the Boards with E Kep with hands or tools -Headshot and Damage Adjustments to the Magnum, Pistol and SMG to make them a bit more useable -Added screws as a need to repair scrap iron and iron stage of block building -New Recipes: Fried Insects in a Can and Jar can be cooked at campfires and is the perfect beginner food. -Replaced recipes requiring rebar frames with just rebar -Added Material and weight to Pipe and Lug Wrench -Infections Now take a small amount of wellness from you. Recovering with a cure will grant it back. -Localization fixes for cooking and blacksmith hammer -Added new item Animal Trap Bait. Made from jerky and trail mix it can be used to bait traps by right clicking on the trap. -Airdrops Now Give Better Supplies. More rare books, more ammo, more rare clothing, more food. More Infection cures. So make sure to grab every one -Oh and every now and then a bandit will commandeer the plane and drop a decoy box. This box has a 0.00005 percent chance of exploding and killing you. Enjoy! -Axes and Pickaxes now have a power swing as well but come at a great stamina cost -Fixed a hive poi which was not spawning any hives -Added DanCapos fixes for Quest UI -You Can now pick up the Wood Logs you Can place from trees
  20. We continue to work around the clock to get this release stable and up to expectations. All versions have been updated with latest balancing fixes again. We apologize for inconveniences but we do not believe in letting balancing sit for days. We know you want the best experience possible. v4.0.1 Hotfix Files Changed: buffs.xml, progression.xml, items.xml, Localization.xml, recipes.xml Wipe Required: No -Removed Aloe Cream from Mortar and Pestle due to quest conflict -Fixed dysenery buff so it shows proper heals -Trioxin Removed from Medical Skills. It now must be purchased. -Lockpicks are no longer sellable -Archery Perk 4 now displays correctly -Stone Hammer is now a proper Construction Tool
  21. Some quick feedback and balance fixes v4.0.1 Files Changed: buffs.xml, progression.xml, xui.xml, windows.xml, controls.xml, styles.xml, items.xml, entityclasses.xml, entitygroups.xml Wipe Required: No -Added Enlarged Skill Windows -Added Scalpel, Blunderbuss, Cleaver, Kukri and Survivor Machete to Primitive Crafting so they can level and craft them. -Added Sirillions New UI -Fixed Incorrect Level of Skill for Trioxin -Increased body turn time on ghouls slightly to avoid poofing corpses -Raised XP reward for quests slightly -Raised values of meat slightly to balance tainted meat -Hive Zombies Give Slightly more XP -Resting Mat Heals for More
  22. Its been fixed now. the issues was in progressions.xml. The git decided to take the OLDER file and sync it to my working folder so it committed improperly. its now all working.
  23. Refresh those Launchers because Version 4 has Now Fully Released! Download, beat it up, die and come on back here and leave your feedback and help shape 17 Ravenhearst! Thank you to all who have supported us and keep our dream alive. We love every one of you. To 17 and BEYOND!
  24. Ravenhearst 4 Will be releasing THIS MONDAY July 9th in the afternoon (US EST time). Please make sure to backup your 3.1.5 saves if you wish to continue them and also make sure you save a copy of 3.1.5. Your installs MAY automatically update. This version requires a complete and total wipe to play. Below are the notes and a Preview ----------------------------------------- Ravenhearst 4 Preview Welcome to Ravenhearst 4! A scary new world of mutations and freaks unleashed upon the world of the undead. This time around we have peppered our world with new changes and ideas. We hope to gain feedback on these ideas as we plan our future going forward into Alpha 17! Below are some of the horrific and mind bending changes you can expect in this new world. There are many more to be discovered but this should be enough information to set you out on your course of destruction! Building and Upgrading Building your home away from home has completely changed. Now you MUST start with wood frames for ALL shapes. I have added a frame for every piece. There is one upgrade path. From Wood to Steel. So plan accordingly and make every second count as the days rise and the undead begin to take over. You will need innovation to survive! New Items and Classes Having a hard time finding that wrench or hammer? The Survivor now starts with the ability to make a stone hammer, which acts as a makeshift wrench and upgrade tool. Clamoring to cook some delicious dishes? The new Cook Class starts you out with the luxuries of a seasoned cook and as a bonus a Bloody Cleaver to slice your way through the undead. All classes have had their rewards tweaked and their steps consolidated to make for a better questing experience! They are Coming to Get You Barbara We aren't ignorant. They ARE coming to get you. The world is much more dangerous now. The undead have taken over and with them Hive Zombies have infected the population. Mixed in with the normal undead Hive zombies are here to sneak up on you when you least expect it. Easy to kill but offering little reward it is up to YOU to decide if you want to slaughter them, or allow them to overwhelm you in their massive numbers. Don't Go In There The Hive zombies must have a place to call home. And if you happen to find these homes you will be overrun by the sheer terror of their presence. Dotted around cities are Hive Houses. They appear to be normal houses but inside are dozens of hive zombies waiting to eat your flesh. Make it through the horde to find the special Emergency Supply crate for a chance at some much needed survival supplies. The Horde Is Coming Horde Nights are more dangerous and starting out you will see a slight increase in what you are normally used to. Gamestages will increase more quickly and dying...well it wont lower your stage at ALL. So plan accordingly. Oh wait....those footsteps. Is that...Rath? Beware Rath, he packs quite a "Punch" What Have They DONE To This Place Along with the other changes you are going to notice things work a lot differently around here now. Scavenging is gone. Now it passively levels. Engines need to be built, tires made from Rubber you find on the streets and normal 100 level skills can no longer be bought but must be earned through good old fashioned work. There are some new stations like the Carpenters Bench and the Appliance Table. And some older ones are now gone too, consolidated into bigger benches.(edited) I Knew I Saw That Wrench Somewhere Take caution as you work with your tools and weapons. When they degrade they now BREAK. Make sure to repair them often, and with the new repair kits system. Each class of tool and weapon have their own special repair kits you can craft or find. The Weight of the World Is On ME Encumbrance makes its debut in 7 Days to Die. Carry what you like, but mind the weight. Larger heavier items can weigh you down if you carry too many like engines. Guns and weapons are mid level. Special care has been taken to ensure building wont be TOO impacted by this, but it wouldn't be a world of living anguish if there was not SOME penalty for carrying 5000 cement around now would it. The Minibike is now your best friend. The Infection is KILLING Me The buffs system has been entirely rebuilt. It now means something to get infected, dirty or bitten. Hygiene is also very important in the Apocalypse and could lead to infected wounds. Snake Bites can be a death sentence and you must also now rest every night in a bed or chair to ensure you don't start to imagine that this is a world where everything is out to kill you.... even though they are! Please Dont Kill Me Bro Dying in Ravenhearst now comes with "special" rewards. Your food and water will diminish to 25 percent on respawn and your wellness... well it still goes down by 10. But now the minimum it can go is to 50! The Best Cracker In The Business Lockpicking can now be used to crack open safes and pick doors. You will need to become better at this skill by first starting out opening doors. As you progress you can move on to safes around the world. Safes are also now VERY hard to break open so Lockpicking will be the most efficient way of getting those firearms. Board Up The Windows You will notice that now you can pull boards off boxes and doors. When you do you will receive the boards that can be used to place on doors and windows. These boards have higher health and can be very useful to quickly seal up a building. Prying the boards from doors and boxes also allows you to silently access boxes and houses. Using a hammer or crowbar in your hand and pressing E reduces the time it takes to pry the boards off. Research Pays Off You will now need to research before you can make and use a Research Desk and its recipes. Knowledge Points can now be read like a quest in order to gain Experience in Researching. As you level it you will unlock more recipes. The Research Desk is now more useful as well, not only allowing you to craft classes but recipes, quests and more!(edited) Where is My FOOD Beginning is going to be harder. Early stage food is scarce and you will need to rely on whatever you can find, including insects! As you progress you will find recipes for other types of foods with benefits but snacking can come at a cost! The POISON Is STRONG The Fallout Zone has spread! Beware where you step! Medics will now be the sole learner of the Trioxin, and its requirements have been lowered. Antibiotics and other medical items now require compounds and mixtures. Hazmat suits can be found or rewarded one piece for each weapon class you complete in full. Folsom Prison Blues Make your way carefully around the world. Prisoners and Bandits are scattered and while they may get distracted by the normal zombies, eventually they will turn to you! They are quite juiced up on heroin and Blue Ice so be careful! If anything perhaps the cannibalistic Ghouls will take care of them for you? Dig You Son of a Mining has been slightly tweaked. Now you can find deposits of Rock Salt and Limestone and Carbon which will aid you in creating cement, salt, steel and more. No Place Like...Home Over a dozen new POIs, dozens more returning favorites and many more tweaked for loot, zombies and more offers you a world like never before seen. Tweaked RWG by Makabriel brings you populated cities spread far out, close knit neighborhoods ripe for the picking and wilderness POIs like you have never seen before! Traders no longer offer protection and their buildings can be destroyed! There is always something to find, right down to ultra rare super sized POIs. -------------------------- Keep in mind some of these ideas are more of a test to see what works and doesn't for 17. Also PLEASE note this mod slants to hardcore. We will NOT make adjustments based on ease of gameplay. We invite any and all feedback but going in please be aware this mod is NOT designed for new players AT ALL.
  25. I have been hanging around here too much. Next I will demand a Hitler video! release is VERY close. A write up on changes will be out tomorrow. It will give the basics but won't be too spoilery so as to discover some things on your own. Thank you to the streamers who caught some last minute bugs. If Encumbrance isn't too punishing you can thank them lol
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