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Posts posted by Telric

  1. Just updated my health bars mods. There are two versions. V1 uses the texture from the very first health bars mod, while V2 uses the latest one.

    Also, if you are interested in testing some mods before they are released, join the discord. I have a fishing mod ready to release, just want some testing before I put it out to the masses. Other mods will be put under the testing category as they are ready for release.

  2. 10 minutes is more than enough time to find wood, plant fibers, feathers, and rocks to make a bow and arrow. Even one arrow to shoot the animal and lead it away. You don't have to kill it with the bow, just lead it away so you can get your stuff. If you die this second time, all you'll lose is a bow and couple arrows, so no biggie.

  3. 9 hours ago, magejosh said:

    That dart set looks like such a cool multiplayer game. I would assume it works multiplayer client side install for all involved. I'd be up for testing it either way. Awesome work on all of the decorations, beautiful additions to the world. The functioning faucet and showerhead were a fun surprise.

    It should work just fine in multiplayer. Clients will need to install of course.

    Fixed some errors that i forgot to change before uploading. I changed the name of the unity3d file and didnt reflect it in the items. Should work fine now!

  4.  Welcome! If the mod requires a restart or specifics, you will see them labeled in red. If there is no red, it does not require a restart. You can search for the different mod categories with this table of contents:

    [--Event Mods--]

    [--Weapon Mods--]

    [--Decorations and Utility Mods--]



    Here you can keep up with some of the stuff I'm working on. Not everything will be posted, just a few snips.

    [--Telrics Youtube--]


    You can also join my discord where I post even more snips. You can also help with giving requests or input on the mods being made.

    [--Telrics Discord--]


    If you find any issues with the mods, let me know and I'll do what I can to fix them. Thanks for playing!


    [--Event Mods--]


    [--Added 12/28/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- This mod works with Ragsy's Boats modlet! --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    [-- Does not work with Telrics Fishing A20 --]

    In this version of the fishing mod, you no longer get bait from punching grass. Instead you need to craft a bug net and hunt bugs to use as bait. Equipping a bug net and crouching will allow you to hear the chirps. Follow those chirps until you find the bait to catch. You can also find worms quite commonly by digging dirt, though they are quite expendable and don't offer too much bait catch chance.

    The fish have undergone some changes as well. You still fish with left click and reel in with F (or your activate key), but catching the fish is automatic. The fish that you catch will be random, based on biome. Day or night also play a factor in the fish type you catch. Several fish are also used in recipes that give bonus buffs when consumed, so fish in all of the biomes during day or night to find which fish is where!

    Be sure to also craft a fishing chair to fish from your own docks, and even the new tackle boxes to store some goodies in, near those chairs.

    And don't forget to download Ragsy's raft modlet for A20 so you can fish directly from a raft!


    Note to other modders: If you want this mod to work on your own rafts or boats, first you need to be able to walk on the boat, using unity and colliders. Then, you need to add the correct tag to the entityclasses file. The tag is: fish . Very simple.

    Alpha 20.4 (b42)



    [--Added 12/17/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- This mod works with Ragsy's Boats modlet! --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    The latest version of fishing! It's had some changes since a19. You'll need to craft yourself a fishing rod to start fishing. This rod has a base line 4% chance to catch fish. Not very high. But no worries, with perks in Living off the Land, you can increase that chance by 3%, 6%, and finally 16%, bring it to a max of 20% chance. It doesn't stop there. You can find bait in loot, or through harvesting grass. Each perk point in living off the land increases the chance you'll get bait from harvesting. There are three bait tiers. Worms, which give 5% additional catch chance, grubs with a 9% chance, and the more rare dragonfly with a whopping 25%. These baits have individual chances to be consumed when you get a bite, and a 100% chance should you fail to reel the fish in.

    There have been more fish, along with more recipes added, but most of these recipes will require fish fillets of a certain type. To get these fillets, you must have a knife weapon equipped. This will unlock the fillet items. There are grilled, fried, marinated, and other foods that can be crafted.

    Be sure to also craft a fishing chair to fish from your own docks, and even the new tackle boxes to store some goodies in near those chairs.

    And don't forget to download Ragsy's boats modlet for A20 so you can fish directly from a raft!


    Note to other modders: If you want this mod to work on your own rafts or boats, first you need to be able to walk on the boat, using unity and colliders. Then, you need to add the correct tag to the entityclasses file. The tag is: fish . Very simple.

    Alpha 20.4 (b42)



    [--Added 1/18/2023--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    A very simple update to the horses mod. In this version, you can find horses in loot, as well as on traders.

    There are a couple of issues when using in multiplayer, all cosmetic really.
         1: when another player is on their horse and are running (turbo mode), they do not display the running animation. i have no idea why as it plays the idle and walking animation fine, but the trigger just doesnt register the running animation.

         2: other players' horses tend to disappear for a half second or so when starting / stopping movement. i've attempted to lower it to as little as possible, but it seems not to want to go below a certain amount.

    Alpha 20.6 (b49)




    [--Weapon Mods --]

    [--Added 12/19/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    The new release of the flamethrower. I retextured it, as well as changed the particles a bit. It no longer does direct damage, but all of it's power comes from a debuff on the enemy. Your first attack will start this debuff, giving a growing damage over time effect. The longer you burn the enemy, the more damage it will do, up to a point. Over time, this effect will slow down, so finding the sweet spot of burning and allowing to cool off a bit will increase your efficiency. This debuff also deals increased damage to radiated zombies. Flamethrowers deal an additional 300% damage to wood, making it a quick breaking and entering tool on wooden structures.


    The flamethrower uses Demolition Expert perks to increase crafting quality, however as stated before, it does minimal direct damage. You can craft this once you've found the schematic. It's possible to loot as well, being part of the Tier 2 demolition weapons. You can also find and purchase flamethrower canisters which change your flamethrower's flame color, as well as the flames on enemies.


    Note: this has had a little testing for balance, but not excessively. Any input on the balance would be greatly appreciated.

    Alpha 20.4 (b42)



    [--Decorations and Utility Mods--]


    [--Changed: lootlist for cabinets from playerStorage to cupboard 09/24/2022--]

    [--Updated 06/28/2022:
    added cabinets, towels, paper towel holder, rolling pin
    changed: light fixtures default to on.
    changed: ordering of blocks in xml (may cause blocks placed to shift around in existing worlds)
    changed and added: colors of windows and fencing to match the new cabinet textures.

    changed: retextured a few blocks--]
    [--Updated with new blocks 03/30/2022--]

    [--Fixed: Window 2x1 positions 01/12/2022--]

    [--Added: 2x1 windows that open left or right 01/10/2022--]

    [--Fixed: Doors and gates were placing incorrectly 12/23/2021--]

    [--Added 12/13/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    New editions include a wood picket fence set, some clay vases, a few food decorations, and a tent that you can fill with other blocks. Also includes 470 variations of cabinetry!

    This mod adds several new blocks of decorative value. They can be crafted with just a few wood and are not meant for defenses. Simply search 'master' in recipes to find the master blocks. Hold R when one is equipped to choose which block you want out of that set.

    Alpha 20.5 (b2)
    Note: As all of these models are personally made by me, feel free to include them in whatever you wish. Any overhauls or mods.


    Video2 (cabinet release)


    [--Added 12/15/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    A light weight mod that displays a rough percentage of health on your targets. This only appears after you have damaged them. This version uses the texture ( created by @Mumpfy) from the first health bars mod.

    Alpha 20.4 (b42)



    [--Added 12/15/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]

    [-- Client and Server Install --]

    A light weight mod that displays a rough percentage of health on your targets. This only appears after you have damaged them. This version uses the latest texture that I created in a19, the blue one.

    Alpha 20.4 (b42)



    [--Updated - requires crouching to sleep 01/08/2021--]

    [--Updated - affects critical injuries 01/05/2021--]

    [--Added 12/28/2021--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]


    Warning: This is a single player only mod. It WILL cause errors in MP.

    This is a simple mod that allows sleeping to progress time. Upon entering the game, you'll receive a buff that begins counting up a sleepiness percent. Every 30 real time seconds you gain one percent. You will have to choose when to sleep.

    Stepping on a crafted bedroll, while crouching, (does not work with king size bed) will begin your sleeping, as long as you have more than 0% sleepiness. Time will start accelerating at roughly 12 in game minutes per real time second. For reference, if you are on default settings, going to sleep with 100% sleepiness at 22:00, you will wake up at just before 5 AM the next day. Of course, you can cancel this by stepping off the bedroll. During sleep, you are unable to use weapons or tools, though you can still eat and drink.


    Thanks to @magejosh :

    Sleeping also is beneficial to your health. It will help recover sprains, broken limbs, and concussions. Perking into Iron Gut will help increase fatigue recovery. Perking into Fast Healing will help increase laceration recovery. Should you perk into both Iron Gut and Fast Healing, you'll also have a fighting chance to recover from infections, but you do need both perks to gain this benefit.

    Sleeping will not work during horde nights.

    To get this mod working with UL, you must rename the folder, as well as the mod.xml content to come AFTER UL. ZZZTelricsSleepingA20 will work.

    Alpha 20 (b238)



                      [--Added 01/11/2022--]

    [-- Does Not Require Restart --]


    Warning: This is a single player only mod. It WILL cause errors in MP.

    Just like the original sleeping mod, this will progress time while on your bedroll. You'll need to crouch in order to begin sleeping. Time will start accelerating at roughly 12 in game minutes per real time second. You can cancel sleeping at any time by standing up, or walking off your bedroll. While sleeping, you are unable to use weapons or tools, though you can still eat and drink.


    Thanks to @magejosh :

    Sleeping also is beneficial to your health. It will help recover sprains, broken limbs, and concussions. Perking into Iron Gut will help increase fatigue recovery. Perking into Fast Healing will help increase laceration recovery. Should you perk into both Iron Gut and Fast Healing, you'll also have a fighting chance to recover from infections, but you do need both perks to gain this benefit.

    Sleeping will not work during horde nights.

    Alpha 20 (b238)


  5. 3 hours ago, Jay_ombie said:

    Any reported issues with A20 with your mods, specially the Telric’s Decoration Pack ?




    I haven't gotten any, but I also haven't tried any of my mods. When a new alpha comes out, i enjoy the vanilla experience for a while before modding. I did start back modding, so ill look into them over time.

  6. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    Item degradation upon repairing really needs to come back. I know they always bring up mod slots as an issue, but that's a cop out. Just give a tooltip, attempt to move a mod off into the player's inventory, and if it's full then throw it out on the ground. Could even have a little sound so you know it fell out. It would add so much with just that change. I'd even be totally fine if combining items doesn't come back. Ever play Dying Light? I love their method of each tier having one(I think?) more repair as you find the higher tiers, but even the best stuff eventually wears out and is junk. It keeps you looking for replacements, makes you debate using certain weapons all the time instead of as SHTF backups. I love that.

    I think part of the issue is the loot vs. craft balance. You spec into something so you'll be able to craft q5 things in that tree, but almost always find one before you can craft it, either by rng luck or not having the needed parts. Or get it from the OP traders, but I assume that is/will be balanced in a20.

    Not sure this is something that would interest you, but I've done playthroughs where I use what I find. No crafting, etc. That includes repairing. So if i find a half damaged axe, i can use it till it breaks. Then scrap or sell or whatever. It was very interesting at times. For example I wanted to break into a house... But I didnt have an axe on me because the one I found earlier broke... So I had to decide if I would break into the house using a club that has half health, or come back to this place later on when I have the right tool.

    Personally, I think not being able to repair items would be the best... But of course that's just me and how I like to play. Repairing to me, even when it dropped the quality, seemed like a gimmick that greatly benefits the player. Having to go out looking for a specific item because yours is nearly broken and there is no possible way to repair it gave a greater sense of urgency. This ontop of playing with no respawn really makes you think about your decisions on what is the best use of the items you have on you at the moment...

    Just thought I'd throw it out there incase you, or anyone else, wanted to change things up in your playstyles :)

  7. A lot of the requirement checks can be used in this way, not just the item tags. You can do:
                <requirement name="!EntityHasMovementTag" tags="walking"/>

    for example... I use this to apply an idle animation to my modded entities. Sometimes it doesn't work for some requirements, but the invert="true" parameter usually works if the ! does not.

  8. <passive_group>
       <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="zombie,animal"/>
       <requirement name="IsAlive" target="other"/>
          <!-- Needs to pass the EntityTagCompare, and IsAlive requirements -->
          <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyStats" stat="Stamina" operation="add" value="10"/>
       <requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,100" operation="LTE" value="25"/>
          <!-- The first 2 requirements still apply to this triggered_effect, correct?? -->
          <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="add" value="5"/>




    Now that you've fixed the syntax errors, I see why you're confused. I thought the randomroll requirement was supposed to be in the first triggered effect.

    So now, if all 3 of those requirement checks return true, both will fire off. If any of those req's aren't met, none will fire. If you are wanting the random roll to only effect the second trigger, you need to put it inside of that trigger: like this.


         <requirement />



  9. In the first example, those requirements must be met by anything within the effect group in order for that to trigger. So 3 triggered effects, all 3 would need to meet all those requirements. If 1 of them meets the req and the other two don't, only that one trigger will fire. the other two will return null.

    In your example, both of those triggers would need to hit an enemy with those tags, and the enemy alive. If that returns true, the 2nd will fire off immediately, but the first will then check the 2nd set of requirements (the randomroll)... If that turns true, then it fires. You do have some syntax errors in that example, with closing the trigger effects though.

    As for your 2nd question, yeah you can do that, but you first must make the randomint into a cvar, then use that as the value. So i guess the easiest way would be onselfatackother > set cvar > randomint, then onselfkilledother > modifystats > value="@cvar"

  10. Hey all, it's been a while. No, I haven't quit modding. Just been working on a very massive overhaul that takes 7dtd and wipes it clean, starting fresh with a fantasy based RPG style mod. It's still in fairly early days. Been working on it for several months, but scrapping literally everything from the base game to change it is no easy task. As well as keeping it xml only.

    This is not a post with a download link or anything, but rather a video link. Since a20 is around the corner, chances are this mod will be broken and take a long time to fix. Luckily I'm remaking the entire game, so it won't be but minor changes. Just the amount of changes that will be required could be high. I wanted to get a bit of a teaser of the mod out while it's working order.

    I have about an hour to two hours worth of content done in the mod. I've asked @Briston574 to do a little playthrough of it to show it off. It is still in development, and as of his recordings, it has had 0 balance passes. Things could be quite rough for him lol.

    I hope you check it out and even sub to Briston. He does weekly recaps of different mods, which is how I came to speaking with him about a showcase for this mod. Be sure to check out his other vids as well. He will be doing more of this mod as he is able to.


  11. Sleeper volumes trigger spawns via the gamestage.xml, which has it's own spawner entries. These use specific groups from entitygroups.xml... None of these sleeper spawners use the zombieboss group. You'd have to look at gamestage.xml to find the spawner entry you want to spawn your enemies with, then find the group that spawner uses and add your entities to that group.

    Example:  if you want an enemy to spawn in a hospital type group, you can find the 'HospitalHorde' spawner (in gamestage.xml)... This spawner uses 'zombieHospitalGroupGS1' and a few other groups. So to get your enemy to spawn along with the nurses and what not, you'd have to add your modded zombies into the 'zombieHospitalGroupGS1' group, as well as the other ones used in this spawner...

    Hope that  makes sense.

  12. Those quests use the goto objective, which checks the poi tag for a trader:

    <property name="QuestTags" value="trader" />

    One way would be to make your custom traders not have that tag. That would, unfortunately, make it so the player is not lead to that trader should it be the closest one when they do the tutorial quest. But it would remove it from being a target of goto trader, which is how the player is lead to the next trader in the quest progression. Other than that, I have no information on another way of doing it.

  13. "how many mods I see, most of them are useless"

    How do you expect someone to help you when you start your post off with that? Sure, art is subjective and modding is art, but when you come here asking for someone to make an art piece, you don't start off by saying their art is useless..... Just a helpful tip for your future.

  14. I get where you're coming from, I just think you're coming from it the wrong way about. All games throughout the course of history have been made by the devs, the devs way. If they determine they want something done a certain way, that's their choice to do so. This one happens to allow you to mod just about every aspect of the game to be how you want it. There is Romero mod which removes all of the non traditional zombies, as well as makes it so headshots kill in one bullet. Then there is the crazier mods like snufkins zombies which add much more, i guess you could say, cartoony style mechanics to zombies. (Including your rocket launcher reference...)

    As for the drone, I know a lot of people are not excited about it. There will definitely be a mod to remove it. I do believe there was at one point a mod to remove jumping zombies, though i could be hallucinating. I know there's been people that dislike that feature. But at what point does it stop being someone elses job to make a mod that someone personally wants? As a modder myself, I'm wrapped up in all of what I personally want the game to do / be. I don't have time to go off and make someone elses dreams come true. There comes a certain point where one should pony up and learn to mod, even if its a small amount.

    I'm fairly sure the mod for jumping zombies will require a DMT mod, which is advanced modding for sure. But removing an entity is extremely easy. Drones included. You could learn that in a weekend with zero modding experience.

    On the options point... Again, i must ask... At what point do things stop being a toggle feature and become a modded feature? To please everyone, you'd need sliders and toggles for every setting in the game. Zombie walk, zombie run, how many crops of each type spawn, etc. At an eventual point it becomes more of a nuisance for everyone else as the menus are then cluttered with toggles THEY didn't ask for.

    Do you get where I'm coming from?


    Edit: I totally just realized the person replying to the thread was not the OP..... So this is directed to Virgil, not necessarily the OP.

  15. You've solved this with your own post... Mods. Let them make the game for these so called "casuals" and you can enjoy it with mods. Why is it that you think you should get the game you want, while these "casuals" have to mod their game to be easier? That's the power of games like this is the mods. You can literally tailor the game to exactly what you want. I just don't get the viewpoint that your opinion should be the base game, while the "casuals" as you call them are required to mod it to be easier or how they want. Imo it should always be the other way around. The more experienced gamers should, infact require mods to increase difficulty beyond the base game.

    Imagine if a brand new player came to the game and were part of this "casual" crowd. They jump in all hyped up and end up in a death cycle due to it being too hard for them. Well, since they are new, they might not know about modding or anything like that. So they end up putting the game down. Now, take yourself. You know of modding. You think the game is too easy, so you're able to mod it to be harder to your hearts content. I see this only as a win win situation for all.

    Look at minecraft. The base game is extremely simple and easy. The players who have progressed past that base game have installed mods to create an endless amount of difficulty and experiences. But if minecraft had all those difficulties and experiences as base, many people would be turned off. In the end, the more people that aren't turned off, the better for the game and the community, even if some of those people come onto forums to scream into the void.

  16. Audio source is the point where that sound comes from. It's coded, but i've never really tried to target a custom one. If i add a specific sound to a block, itll have a audiosource already. If changing the audio source doesn't do anything, i guess put the sound through audacity and increase it's volume. Easy enough to do.

  17. One thing i can think of is... that passive effect you're appending after is in an effect group which has a itemhastags requirement. This means, anything within that effect group would need that tag in order to be active. In other words, you holding an item with that tag. You could test this by holding one of the weapons with that tag and crafting the item. That may work. If not, just append a new effect group without the requirement tag and see if it works.

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