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Posts posted by Telric

  1. 3 hours ago, neb6 said:

    Stop trying to argue the point the point here is that 8 players is set for liability/headroom reasons for the exact reasons you are describing. But at the same time that does not mean you get to come in here and try to override someone who simply stated that 8 players is not really relevant anymore nor is it relevant to those who have adequate hardware or even redundant amounts of headroom.

    I also don't really appreciate you regurgitating stuff i said and trying to twist it back on me thanks that is what people do when they are trying to argue with someone.
    End of the argument because we are not going to go around in circles thanks. TLDR: 8 players is not relevant now

    I simply said my two cents on the matter (which is called discussing the topic). But I agree, great place to end the convo. Thank you for your time.

  2. 10 hours ago, neb6 said:

    No point trying to incite an argument thanks. That is the divide those who know how to host a game and those who don't any game is going to have the same sort of conundrum.

    Which is those who complain about performance because they don't actually know anything and expect miracles on their perfectly fine X because it does Y and has no problems doing Y vs those who can run well past the intended threshold because they actually know what they are doing and what they can expect at any given time from the hardware that they actually obtain.

    Imo if you don't have at least upwards of 64gb minimum but more like 128GB redundant then you cannot even really complain about stuff not working as intended if you are trying to push 50 ppl on a 7dtd server with 8GB of ram then that is your problem not everyone else's.

    Bottom line was that the game runs fine post 30 players if the server admin actually know whats happening

    Just because someone quotes you and goes against your post doesn't mean there's a fight. I'm pointing out things that I can guarantee will happen if TFP come out saying they support higher numbers. You said it yourself that the game will work just fine IF the admin knows whats happening. A large large majority do not. And that's the problem. Just look at how many users complain about fps, etc and when they post their specs they barely meet minimum requirements. The point you made of 'if you don't have atleast...' amount of ram you can't complain, well... That already happens.

  3. 19 minutes ago, neb6 said:

    Not trying to start an argument but personally from my own experience i feel that is an old throwback that has been losing ground for a long time if 8 truly was a significant barrier then we would not be playing 30 slot or even 50 slot servers without issues. What i mean is that there is many servers out there that run perfectly fine with 30 or more concurrent players irrelevant of what the supported max is. 


    realistically I would say pre hub city is the last time this held any relevance and towards the end of hornets around a15 def 16 was when the 8 player soft limit srtarted losing its reality.

    Unless they actually come out an update the stance on this then yeah 8 is the max supported/recomended and the game is still early access so i think it is more of an over/undersight at this point than a hard requirement. Truly though if it was that significant then they would make it so that we are only allowed to have 8 players capped with the ability to have no more than that.   


    I use to play on a server that would average 50 players at any time and was perfectly fine it had good hardware though and have played several in the past that average 30 or more that also have no issues running those sorts of numbers.


    I have hosted this game numerous times so i know how taxing it can be but if you have proper hardware then its not an issue.

    If it's working for you and your peeps, what would TFP coming out saying they support more players do? All that would cause is people with the lesser systems and no knowledge of the inner workings of the game to complain that they are getting bad fps and such when they are trying to run 50 people on 8 gigs of ram. Those people would put all the blame on TFP and clog support channels even more.

    Also, a majority of players wouldn't even see the benefits of more focus going into this as they play solo / coop with a handful of friends. Seems like a lot of manpower to put into something that won't pay off, imo. But, this is coming from someone that has never set foot in a 50+ server. Max I've done is 10, and even then the server was never full. I just don't see the point of them claiming to support more people if a) it wont matter much and b) the people who are already doing more players will continue to do that...? Just my two cents on it.

  4. Hey all! It's been a while since I did anything for this forum, but I've been working on the fantasy mod. It's coming together. Had to take a bit of a break to not get super burnt out, so I swapped over to the deco pack for a bit.

    First off, I've reordered some things in the xml and cleaned it up a bit. This *may* cause slight issues with existing worlds where blocks already placed will turn into something else. Since xmls are read on load up now, and read top down, any form of re ordering may cause this issue.

    I've created some new cabinetry for you to decorate with. The new download will include 470 total variations of cabinets, including bases, tops, hanging cabinets, and even a few 3x1 sized ones. Also, it includes a few other blocks such as some hanging towels for bathrooms, a paper towel holder, and a rolling pin. Several blocks have been retextured as well. Windows and fences now have textures to match the cabinetry. Some of the pillows have been given a more HQ texture.

    Another change is that light fixtures default to the on state. Had some feedback about having to turn them on when returning from being out. Since I do not know what causes them to turn off when leaving the area, a compromise is to have them default to on. Hope it works for you!


    Here is a demo of the new cabinets! Enjoy!
    Video2 (cabinet release)

  5. On 6/23/2022 at 2:19 AM, Numinous said:

    a worthless accomplishment

    I mean... Achievements from steam are pretty much this exactly, specifically for this game. How do we know you didn't just mod one of the zombies to have 1 health, set it's entitytype to npc so it counts as a player, then just spam spawn kill them for the achievement? There's no way to prove that you did this the correct way. Not sure there's a benefit to getting worked up over achievements at this stage. Almost all of the achievements in this game can be modded / done by turning cheat mode on / off. Just my two cents though. Take it, or leave it for the next person to pick up.

  6. Good idea for a building game, but that's only part of it. Imagine on horde night, or if you get caught off guard by a screamer. Building a 20x20 wall with just the click of a button... Not good for the overall scope of the game. If you are just playing it as a building game, there's world editor that gives you access to the stuff you mentioned, in your world directly. But for the survival mode, this could be abused quite easily to negate most of the challenge.

  7. Can you not use the way vanilla uses for items?


    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/>

    The problem with the randomroll stuff is it's applied to the player. So that requirement is on the player, not the item. Once you roll that number, that number is applied to the player, meaning any items equipped after that will still have that first randomroll. So if you have two different item modifier items, equipping the 2nd will do nothing, unless you reset the cvar on the player, which then if you equip the first item modifier again, it will reroll, making that item not feel like the same item. What you'll need is a way to do this on the item itsself...

    Under the buff reference stuff, you have this:



            RandomRoll:             target, min_max, operation, value, seed_type, seed_additive
                    seed_type:        Item, Player, Random
                                    Random is the default in most cases. A simple random number.
                                    Player is the static seed of this player on this map. You can create random "genetic" effects that permanently remain with this player.
                                    Item uses a seed that is generated based on creation time of the item. (so yes, that could detect dupes with some certainty, you're welcome)

    So you might could use that in some way. Ive done 0 randomrolls using an items ID, so you're on your own for that part, but there's an idea.

  8. Yes you have to use a triggered effect to set or edit a cvar.


    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="CustomDroneLightPlayer" operation="set" value="0"/>

    That's part of my mod. It will work for your case, but in this instance, when player holds the drone to deploy it, it will set the cvar CustomDroneLightPlayer. You can have a onSelfEquipStop to remove it. Do note that each time you equip and unequip, your cvar will randomly roll again. I'm not sure what your end game is for it, but if its a one time roll, you can put a requirement check for cvar being higher than 0 before the roll. That way, if you have equipped the item before, it will not re roll... Though that then raises more issues with w/e item you're using this for becomes upgraded or something, the cvar won't reroll... Without knowing the exact plans, this is about as far as I can offer. lol.

  9. As someone who is actively working on an RPG style story based mod, it is exceedingly difficult to make a storyline with an incomplete world and incomplete systems. Even today, I am backtracking stuff I finished years ago on it, to change and modify story bits to include stuff I recently created. For example, I recently created a dungeon for the very first area you'll go through.... However, the storyline is currently in the next area. So, to put that dungeon into the first area in a way that made some form of sense, I had to backtrack, completely change one of the NPC's backstories and quest text to reflect stuff for the new dungeon. Now, this is just for my mod. Imagine that on a full game that's not complete yet. That's why story comes after the full game and systems are in.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't. It'd be interesting to see what story unfolds, but it's not as easy as it may seem...

  10. 1 hour ago, Aesirkin said:


    Thanks.  Unfortunately, that's not viable for me because the plants always return seeds, so there will be no point where they would swap out the old seed for the new.  That's okay, though.  I'll just keep the books unlocking the tools that allow them to take action on the blocks and that will work well enough.



    Doesn't always have to drop seeds, unless you're making it downgrade to the planted version.


            <effect_group name="Allow Drop Rates">
    			<requirement name="PlayerItemCount" item_name="questItemTrainingDummyParts" operation="LT" value="4"/>
    			<passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="1" tags="TrainingDummyParts"/>

    I use this quite a bit in my rpg mod. A certain quest will give the player an item that changes a cvar or just sets the harvest count amount like this one. So if a player is on this quest and has less than 4 training parts, they will be able to harvest them from my training dummies. Once they have over 4, or are not on the quest, those training parts do not drop from the block.

    You could do that with seeds. Have a master buff that would set the harvest count to 0 / 1 based on what perk. So if no perk, they can only harvest seedlingtype1... but if they perk into or read a book, that buff then makes it so they harvest 0 of seedlingtype1, but now harvest 1 seedlingtype2.

    For this to work, i have:

    <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="TrainingDummyParts"/>

    on the player in entities.xml, then when the player gets on the quest to get these parts, they are given an item which gives them a buff (the stuff from earlier). You could make this happen in a master buff via progressionlevel check requirements.

  11. 2 hours ago, Aesirkin said:


    Have you found any way to make certain block possibilities dependent on books?


    For example, suppose that I have:


    				<placeholder name="place1">
    					<block name="block1" prob=".4"/>
    					<block name="block2" prob=".2"/>
    					<block name="block3" prob=".8"/>


    But I only want block3 to be included in the rotation if the player has read the book that unlocks it.


    I looked at the default blockplaceholders.xml and gameevents.xml files, but don't see any option to do this.  the placeholders appear to be straightforward with no logic allowed, and the "requirements" listed at the bottom of gameevents.xml don't include the possibility to look at a cvar.


    Any ideas on a creative way to do this?

    Only way using xml only would be having multiple blocks that the player gets that follow different lines. So by default player can craft place1 which has block1 and block2 as possible outcomes, then player gets the book and that book inverts recipes so player can no longer craft place1, but can now craft place2, which will have all 3 blocks as possible outcomes. Wouldn't affect blocks already placed, so they'd have to re plant the seeds or w/e you're doing. Blocks have no way of tracking player information besides what's hard coded (like ownership and what not, for certain blocks)

  12. 3 hours ago, Aesirkin said:


    Telric, could you please help me understand this better?


    I think it's a little clearer to me now.  I understand exactly what it does, and it's awesome functionality that's going to be the core of my new farming mod.  But I don't actually understand how it does what it does yet.


    I see where DepositTier1Air has the property PlantGrowing.Next set to DepositTier1Helper.  This makes sense to me.  After 5 minutes the air block should 'grow' into the helper block.


    But then you have two entities named DepositTier1Helper.  You have a block in blocks.xml, and then a placeholder in in Blockpaceholders.xml.  I don't understand what the placeholder does or how it is used.  If you showed me this code and asked me to guess, I'd say that DepositTier1Air would always turn into a DepositTier1Helper block (as defined in block.xml) after 5 minutes, and that's it.


    What causes 7DTD to know that there's a placeholder and to use that placeholder?  Does any block that has an identically named placeholder immediately roll against the placeholder list and then turn into whatever block is chosen?



    Also, what is the point of the air block?  Why not just bounce between the ore blocks and the placeholder blocks?


    Thanks again!  :)


    Blockplaceholders are defined by a matching name of the block in blocks.xml in the blockplaceholders.xml.. So if you have a block named OMGIMABLOCK in blocks.xml, in order to use it as a helper style block, it needs a matching OMGIMABLOCK blockplaceholder. Then, any block you wish for that OMGIMABLOCK to become when that placeholder is called, you put in blockplaceholders.xml. This is why my deposittier1helper is named the same in placeholders.xml, but you can see the list of possible blocks it will become. In my example, there is a chance for it to spawn air again, so for your purpose you can remove that.

    As for why air blocks, in my rpg mod, ores are in specific areas. Once you mine them, they will come back in that same spot, but have a chance to become different ores. You can only have one timer for plant growth, so to counter that a bit, the ore has a chance to respawn as air, which will then regrow. The effect would be adding more time on that plantgrowth timer. Instead of just 5 mins or w/e i have it at, it could spawn an air block so it would be 10 mins.. At this point in time, the mod hasn't been balanced, so times and what not are subject to change, but the essence of the idea is there which is all that im after at this point. lol

  13. 3 hours ago, Aesirkin said:

    Thanks Telric!  This is awesome!  It doesn't make sense to me yet, but it will when I have time to sit down and really work through it.


    If that mod is public, could you link it please?  I'd love to see all of this in context.


    Are the probabilities something that can be worked into the skills system?  So as a player ups their skill they are more likely to require less cycles to complete the process?  Specifically looking to integrate with the action skills mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/action-skills/

    The rpg mod is not out yet and wont be for a long long time. Already around 2 years spent on this project lol. As for requiring player skill, the only way i can think of right now is to have multiple versions of the plant that can only be planted with certain skills or something. Very sketchy stuff. Maybe one day blocks will be able to take buffs, but I doubt it. lol. If that was the case, this would be sorted very easily.

  14. External sources can't really affect blocks, but you can do more than a preset path like H7SB... You can have:

    Planted Plant grows into a placeholder block. This placeholder could spawn the next stage block, a block that requires water, or a block that is infested. The player would have to react to whatever spawns there. So if its infected, spray it with pesticides (using a tool item to upgrade the plant). This would upgrade the block back to the planted stage, allowing it to regrow and choose what blockplaceholder it grows into again.

    This is something I use in my rpg mod, though not quite in this context, but the idea is the same.

    Here is the blocks. What this does is, I place the HELPER block into a poi. When world gen starts, it randomly picks something from that placeholder (linked further down). Player can break it, it downgrades into the AIR block. This block then regrows back into the helper, which will then choose between placeholders again. If this placeholder chooses the tier1air block to spawn, it repeats the process as that block grows.  A cyclical loop.  Hopefully this makes sense to ya.

    <block name="DepositTier1Air">
    	<property name="Material" value="Mair"/>
    	<property name="Shape" value="Invisible"/>
    	<property name="Texture" value="250"/>
    	<property name="FilterTags" value="fterrain"/>
    	<property name="SortOrder1" value="d0j0"/>
    	<property name="SortOrder2" value="0050"/>
    	<property name="Class" value="PlantGrowing"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.FertileLevel" value="0"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.Next" value="DepositTier1Helper"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="5"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.IsRandom" value="false"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="0"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="0"/>
    	<property name="PlantGrowing.IsGrowOnTopEnabled" value="false"/>
    <block name="DepositTier1Helper">
    	<property name="AllowAllRotations" value="true"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="OreBlueIcon" /> 
            <property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
            <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
            <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
            <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/TelricsQuestWorld.unity3d?DepositIronOrePrefab"/>
            <property name="Collide" value="melee,movement"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
            <property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/>
            <property name="Group" value="Building,Building2"/>
            <property name="EconomicValue" value="300"/>
            <property name="FilterTags" value="fdecor"/>
            <property name="SortOrder2" value="0050"/>
            <property name="MaxDamage" value="125"/>
    		<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/>
    	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
    <block name="DepositCopperOreBlock"><!-- tier 1 ore -->
    	<property name="AllowAllRotations" value="true"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="OreBlueIcon" /> 
            <property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
            <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
    	<property name="DisplayInfo" value="Name"/>
            <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
            <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/TelricsQuestWorld.unity3d?DepositCopperOrePrefab"/>
            <property name="Collide" value="melee,movement"/>
            <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
            <property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/>
            <property name="Group" value="Building,Building2"/>
            <property name="EconomicValue" value="300"/>
            <property name="FilterTags" value="fdecor"/>
            <property name="SortOrder2" value="0050"/>
            <property name="MaxDamage" value="125"/>
    		<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/>
    	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
    	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceCopperOre" count="1,2" tool_category="DepositTier1Harvesting" tag="tier1gathering"/>
    	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFlint" count="1,2" tool_category="DepositTier1Harvesting" tag="tier1gathering"/>
    	<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="DepositTier1Air"/>


    	<placeholder name="DepositTier1Helper"> <!-- tier 1 -->
    		<block name="DepositTier1Air" prob=".2"/>
    		<block name="DepositCopperOreBlock" prob="1"/>
    		<block name="DepositIronOreBlock" prob=".2"/>


  15. Few ways you can do this.. First being using the healthchange function.

    From notes:
    HealthChangeOT,    Alter hit points by this much every 1second

    So if you're wanting 1 health every 5 seconds, your healthchangeot value would be .2.. Every second it would restore .2 health, hitting that 1 health on the 5th tick.

    Another way would be to have the duration of the buff set to 100 seconds, then the update rate set to 5 seconds. OnSelfBuffUpdate, trigger a heal of 1.

    Or you could have that update rate set to 1 second, and add .2 health like the healthchangeot would do.

    I personally, so that I'd have more control of it, would use the onselfbuffupdate example with it healing 1 health every 5 seconds. It wouldnt be as smooth as the healthchangeot, but  thats how i'd do it.

    <buff name="buffSpellHealHOT" hidden="true">
    		<stack_type value="ignore"/>
    		<duration value="6"/>
    		<update_rate value="2" />
    		<effect_group name="Attach">
    			<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AddPart" part="SpellHealHOTParticle" prefab="#@modfolder:Resources/TelricsQuestWorld.unity3d?SpellHealHOTPrefab" localPos="-.15,.75,1.2" localRot="0,90,90" parentTransform="Camera"/>
    			<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="RemovePart" part="SpellHealHOTParticle"/>
    		<effect_group name="Heal">
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="add" value="@SpellHealHOTAmount"/>

    A little snip from my quest world mod with an example. This buff lasts 6 seconds, and heals for a cvar number (the @SpellhealHotAmount, which can be just a normal number) every 2 seconds. So 3 total heals will happen. Say that cvar was set to 5, that would be 15 health over the entire duration.

  16. 3 hours ago, AaronG85 said:
    <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammoBundle9mmBulletHP']" name="craft_area">

    This isn't a valid xpath format. 1) you're closing the xpath with the ]" so the name= part isn't even making it into the format. 2) your very first xpath is correct.


    <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammo9mmBulletBall']/@craft_area">

    This line will append whatever you add within the node to the craft_area attribute. So if you put




    that will be added, which will make it show up. Your tag changes look correct as well.

    On another note, if you are making a custom crafting station, you'll need to set up the UI for that. Not sure if you've done this already.

  17. <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammo9mmBulletBall']/@craft_area">,AmmoCraftingStation</append>

    You may want to get rid of spaces in your item names. Chances are it'll cause issues. Use underscore in place of them, or use localization to add spaces.

  18. 10 minutes ago, MikeSixx said:

    My friend wanted to start playing this game again as one of our friend was thinking of buying this game. With new server search we could not the server we played on so we gave up on this game and our friend refunded this game that he just purchased. 

    Sounds more like impatience than a fault of the game. It's day 1 of a new patch. You can't expect everyone from every server, all across the world to update their servers on your time. It will take a few weeks for everyone to get on board with how things work now. It's like when things went from having to choose single player worlds vs mp worlds, to how it is now, where you're considered always a MP server with settings that hide the name of it. Confusion happened at first, but since then it's become a non issue. Same concept here. No sense in rage quitting day one of a new system patch. Give players time to update their servers to use the new feature.

  19. 5 hours ago, ktrain said:

    Found a few small typos in Localization.txt for fishing a20v2, lines 21-25 are missing a quote, replace with the following:




    Thanks! Fixed it.

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