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Posts posted by Telric

  1. 4 minutes ago, Burntcheese said:

    whenever i swing my bugnet at a bug, it explodes and i don't get the bait item. am i doing something wrong?

    Hmm.. are you on a server? I did hear the new game events that can be triggered through buffs aren't fully working in MP and will be fixed at some point in a20, when everyone gets back from break.. That'd be my first idea.

    If not on a server, exit the game, then reload it, find a bug and slap it, then send me the output log so i can see if anything funky is goin on.

  2. 2 hours ago, mr.devolver said:

    Interesting new game mechanic, does it allow you to skip horde night for when you absolutely can't be bothered with it? :p

    It could, but I have the check for IsBloodmoon in the mod. It wont work if its' bloodmoon nights. You could remove that requirement check if you wanted it to work for HN though.

  3. Hey all, just added a new mod that I've seen requested here and there. It's a simple mod to let you sleep some nights away. It is a single player only mod as it WILL cause issues on multiplayer. Once the check for IsBloodmoon is fixed, it will work for multiplayer, though multiple people sleeping at the same time will trigger double or more time acceleration.

    Check under the Utility modlets to find it, and let me know how it is.

  4. 1 hour ago, josefdarks said:



    I'm not sure if I'll make that type of decoration or not. There is a person that usually makes all lights into craftable working ones. They might end up doing it, but atm I'm not lookin to do a traffic light decoration.

  5. 8 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:



    Thank you. On a different note, I wanted to ask you about the baits being found in cupboards in the first version, but I guess this new version changes that completely?

    Correct. No bait in loot or harvesting, except worms from digging. Other baits you gotta hunt for with the bug net. More interactive.

  6. 18 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

    Excellent. Is it safe to uninstall the first fishing version and replace it with the second version in the existing game?

    I did not test that, but i think it should be fine... If anything, you might have different items due to the way things are loaded in. I added the bugnet just above the fish types, for example, so if you had one type of fish, it might change into another type of fish. I don't think anything would trigger a corruption.

  7. Hey all, just put out the 2nd version of fishing. I changed how bait works. Now you gotta hunt for it using a bug net (Surprisingly fun to do). Just equip a bug net, crouch, and listen for the chirps. Follow those chirps and find the bug.

    Fishing also has been redone a bit. Different fish now are fishable in different biomes and depend on day or night. A few fish also have new buffs attached to eating their meals, so it's worth it to go for the fish in harder biomes.

    Hope you like it!

  8. @mrgreaper I fixed the doors and gates. The coffee cups were on purpose. There are four total cups. Two of them are normal (further down the line within the master block) that can be placed directly on counters. I cannot for the life of me remember why I made the other two drop down 1/2 a block. I thought it was for the plates so you could place it right on the plate, but it doesnt line up. It also doesnt line up with the end table which looks like a coffee table, so.... I'm not entirely sure why I did it. It was for a purpose, but I completely forget. lol...

    On another note, I've added two new blocks that can be use for a little storage space. A blue and red tackle box (from my fishing mod).

  9. 2 hours ago, mrgreaper said:

    We do have an issue where the 2x2 metal gate from the outside master block is not placing how the preview shows and the coffee cups from the kitchen master block are showing(and placing) half way in the block under where you place them. (a20 teething problems I am guessing lol)

    Ill look into it. I tested on the first experimental, so it could have changed something since then, but will look at it. Thanks for telling me!

    3 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

     With almost every other game, nexus is my go-to, but when 7DTD has that new-alpha-smell, I spend so much time on the forums so since I'm here anyway... LOL Plus it's fun to watch the excitement as people's favorite modlets get updated to A20. Also, modders usually only post here if they're somewhat interested in some interaction, questions, updates and/or support. In early days of a new alpha, that can be important. 


    Edited to avoid double-posting... but this is important.


    Y'ALL! That deco modlet?? The ceiling fan spins!! (That may be in the linked video, I wouldn't know because I didn't watch it, I just download the same way I loot - with wild abandon.) It's probably clear from some of my recent posts that I tend to get giddy over the smallest things but I have seen people in the past (here or Nexus, can't remember where) asking about animated ceiling fans and there's one right here!!


    But the lights light up but they aren't real lights. I mean, they do what lights do - they light up a room (very effectively) but they don't "count" as lights so you can stand right next to one with a stealth visibility score of 1. LOL I suspect this actually helps performance, so this is NOT a complaint. But if you were to use them outside or in a non-base POI, it could be a bit cheaty.  :D Doesn't bother me a bit, cuz I just want to light the inside of my little house up with style and also save my animal fat for food instead of candles.


    Also, I love the windows. Very pretty! And they open to let in that fresh apocalyptic air! 

    Lol glad you like the ceiling fan 😛 and the other stuffs! I'm actually not sure how to make lights behave with the sneak mechanics without using a powered source. But I'm okay with it just being light and not worrying about you being seen... lol

  10. 10 hours ago, Aulit42369 said:

    Bonjour Telric ;
    Dans un premier temps, merci a toi pour ton travail sur ces mots. 👍

    Dans un second temps, sur le lance-flammes, est-il possible d'ajouter des emplacements de modificateur, en effet il serait génial de pouvoir augmenter la taille du réservoir d'essence et pourquoi ne pas ajouter dessus les mots pour le tir au juger. 😁

    Added the mod slots and allows for the gas tank mods. I'm not sure what you mean by the words for shooting in the last part.

  11. You need to create a folder titled:


    and put it inside the UIAtlases folder of your modlet. Then, you'll need to label your icons correctly in this folder. You can't just put the name of the icon. it has to be:


    Some xmls like items.xml just use the icon name, but you still need the ui_game_symbol infront or it wont read correctly. Buffs.xml use the entire icon name, including the ui_game_symbol stuff.

  12. 3 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

    Telric, I think this item has some problem in the description. I guess it got cut off somewhere in the localization file.



    Good catch. Just fixed. That's what I get for copying from the wiki... But I have 0 clue about what fish types are. lol. Can redownload or replace with the new localization:


    The bluegill is a species of freshwater fish sometimes referred to as 'bream', 'brim', 'sunny', or 'copper nose' or 'perch' as is common in Texas.


  13. 5 hours ago, ktrain said:

    Is there ANY hope that we get a server-side only fishing mod EVER? I still don't understand why the server can't push assets but we can push external pngs for logo's etc...


    Fishing is the only thing my users request that I have been unable to get working...

    It would be doable for sure, but with some imagination from the player. Example, there is no real fishing pole in game, so people have done it before with spears... But I personally have no interest in doing server side stuff. Much more freedom with custom assets.


    5 hours ago, iicecube said:

    Wish your horse 🐴 riding and animal breeding farm mod can be revive as well into A20. 

    Thank for your nice fishing mod.

    They will be eventually. Usually when i update things, i like to expand on it or change things around a bit, such as the fishing mod. But in time i'm sure ill get to those as well.

  14. Personally, i like it. I had the same uhh "problem" in my playthrough. I got up to i think 40 something before i started finding stuff, but it meant that infection was an actual threat. It hasn't been a threat in quite a while. Imo it's still not enough of a threat... i mean in any zombie type setting, getting literally infected by a zombie should be a death sentence. It shouldnt be curable and should do it's effects quite rapidly.

    But back to the honey, I enjoyed having that thought in the back of my mind. If honey was in every stump, or even every 10 stumps, that would completely negate infection yet again. Maybe try going for a pop n pills instead of hunting stumps. Or look at the traders for some antibiotics.

    Of course these are my personal points... I do like the challenge, should i get infected.

  15. So, what you're doing is adding a new attribute to the Tags property.. meaning it now has two value=""... Setattribute is only when a node does not have an attribute (for example a value=) and you want to add it. So <property name="tags" /> you would use a setattribute with the value like you have it and it would turn into <property name="tags" value="adskfaj;sdlfks" />

    If a node already has the attribute you need, you can either remove it and append, or use a <set xpath>.. This will basically wipe out what's in the value="" and change it to what you use.

    Hope that helps!

    Also, just noticed.. you have a closing double quotes before the name part of your setattribute. Though that doesnt matter when you change it over to <set>

  16. Hey all, I just put out my fishing mod for a20. It's seen some changes since the a19 version, along with working with Ragsy's raft modlet! Go check it out! In the display video, I do a little tutorial using quests that aren't in the actual release. They were just created because well, I dont wanna talk to a microphone or type every few seconds.... So watch and enjoy!

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