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  1. Yvels

    A21 NPCMod and Addons

    Thank you for this. I couldn't hire at all after one of my hired bugged out and I tried to dismiss him to finally picking him up and throwing away (it was still bugged after I placed it so there was no use). I can finally hire others. thanks.
  2. Yvels

    Guppy Mods - A21

    Updated to latest 0-code and SCorePortals. 250+ meters away and I can still hear portals noise in-game and while afk with ESC. All I asked is how to shut those up for good. I likes the functionality but permanent in-game AND afk with ESC grinding and burning wood noise is driving me up the wall. Im done. Cheers.
  3. Yvels

    Guppy Mods - A21

    I think some of them do that. I tried only 2 of them; 1st is the grindy stone noise and second a fireplace noise. Didnt look too much into it because it was driving me crazy; biggest issue is that once triggered those just wont shut up unless you exit game. even 5 its too much. making those permanently shut up would be the best outcome imo.
  4. Yvels

    Guppy Mods - A21

    "Any1 know an easy way to disable ALL portals sounds? Its a permanent stone grinding an fire burning noise; even when I pause the game. Thank you in advance." plz help, once portals get active in-game they make a non stop noise that can be heard for like 50 blocks radius. its noisy even when I pause the game with ESC. Only way to stop the noise it to exit the game and load back without going remotely close to portals.
  5. Yvels

    Guppy Mods - A21

    Any1 know an easy way to disable ALL portals sounds? Its a permanent stone grinding an fire burning noise; even when I pause the game. Thank you in advance.
  6. Yvels

    Guppy Mods - A21

    Teleport Portal Mod: All I could do is to place only 2 portals that work (both marked gupDestination01 by default. guppyFuturePortal2 portal was hardcoded in blocks.xml <block name="guppyFuturePortal2"> <property name="Extends" value="portalMaster"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockMulti"/> <property name="MultiBlockDim" value="3,3,3"/> <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/gupFuturePortal2.unity3d?guppyFuturePortal2.prefab"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="guppyFuturePortal2" /> <property name="Location" value="gupDestination01" /> <property name="RequiredPower" value="0" /> All others are just showing Not Connected when placed. I have no option to Edit in-game (as shown in your video). Update: I hardcoded all other portals <property name="Location" value="" /> to Jen, Rekt, Bob, Joel and Hugh so I can at least use those now.À Awaiting update for Edit in-game. Thank you.
  7. Hey guys. Any plans to make it compatible with Alpha21 now that's its stable? This mod adds so much qol by repairing 2+ blocks deep builds. Danf zombies and their long a55 arms that damage blocks behind other blocks. Cheers.
  8. Hi, I got this from my traider but I don't see it in my crafting.. Also bought this:
  9. Issue when looting a safe: Can ESC or move. Stuck in the opening safe window. Only way out: ALT+F4.
  10. Farming issue: from planting to ready to be harvested in 4 mins irl.
  11. Mip-Boy wont open. Shows only radial menu. I was using it for time instead using regular mod (Mip-Boy is more immersive tbh) No red errors in Console. Just wont show. I tried to "USE" Mip-Boy (I had extra laying around I looted) in-case it reset with 3.17 but I get: "You cannot use that at that time". Cheers. Update: can still see it on my wrist:
  12. Why are all those vehicles are included as separate mods AND inside Bdubs Vehicles at the same time? Adding those together wont let me open my save game at all. Might be an issue at my end. Plz confirm. Update: removing all those vehicles and leaving only: savegame opens and containers are working too. 3.17 is a go! (I couldn't use 3.16 because of containers not opening issue). /happy Related to logs: Im usure why but my logs are old af.. like from a year ago and no new logs are generated for some reason? Update: my guards inventory is working well as well compared to 3.16 not opening at all.
  13. error on price? Update : This thing wont open 😕
  14. where is the log file located? I'll copy it when weird stuff happening. I can't find a single mod with Blessed name. A bug?
  15. I get this error pop on random during horde. Hope this helps.
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