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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. This is a known issue that has already been reported internally.
  2. This is a known issue that has already been reported internally.
  3. Looks like there are a few other lines that show up for other clothing/armor items when hovering over the popup icon.
  4. Looks like there are a few other lines that show up for other clothing/armor items when hovering over the popup icon.
  5. 5.8 is being done by another author that has taken over the project. You can find it here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?77267-Servertools-updated-to-5-5/
  6. MOTD line should be something like this... <Tool Name="Motd" Enable="True" Message="Welcome to your server {PlayerName}!" />
  7. You have to setup the permissions. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Integrated%20Webserver
  8. Find a new server host. They don't allow mods apparently. You need a full access host or one that will install mods for you. Good Luck!
  9. Look in saves/ServerTools for the config files
  10. Wouldn't it be easier to set the server up to drop nothing on death?
  11. It's mostly additional commands and the web map stuff. You can check it out here.
  12. What did you have to change? The current version is working just fine on my server. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Mostly no, but it depends on what The Fun Pimps change. Yes....or maybe not. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32862-Server-Tools&p=318231&viewfull=1#post318231
  14. I asked Bluefang support and they say that I have full access. I tested and was able to copy over the Assembly-CSharp.dll without any issues.
  15. Bluefang is pretty much open for the most part. There is a drop down menu for all of the released versions, latest experimental, and development(whatever that's for). Would this work? I could download it to my local test server and then FTP a copy over to Bluefang? Maybe TFP could setup a test server and invite some of us forum members over to stress it? Willing to try anything to help if you can think of anything else.
  16. I'd be willing to test something on my Bluefang server. I don't have 20+ since I keep it locked down, but I could possibly get 15+ to load up the server. What chya testing?
  17. Yup! Just what I thought. Missing the closing quote " at the end of your MOTD. ...assist you [color="#00FF00"]the[/color] next time they are online.[color="#00FF00"]"[/color] />
  18. What other mods are you running besides Val Mod? What is at the end of your MOTD config stetting. If you look at the line under it,"Tool" is a different color than the rest indicating something is wrong with the line above.
  19. DOH! *facepalm* Well, if anyone else wants to always see it, use my mod.
  20. This or something like it has been requested a few times. We'll just have to wait and see if dmustanger can/will add it in. I "might" tinker with it if I get some free time.
  21. Alloc Thanks for adding the code for the days of the week so I don't have to mod it back in every update! I've noticed that you have code to show the number of days until blood moon. Could you double check and make sure that is working on your end? I had to mod it to show up. I did the following... In index.html I added... In stats.js I added/changed...
  22. I'm pretty sure it's all or nothing as it uses a different set of image files to create the webmap vs. the in-game map. Basically it's Server vs. Client.
  23. In root/saves/ServerTools/ServerToolsConfig.xml, make sure Tool Name="CustomCommands" Enable="True". With the server still running, it will generate root/saves/ServerTools/CustomChatCommands.xml Open CustomChatCommands.xml (preferably with Notepad++) Add the following and make sure it's not between the default comment markers <!-- --> (text will be green in Notepad++ if it is) <Command Command="rules" Response="say "[00FF00]This is where the rules go![-]"" DelayBetweenUses="0" />
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