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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. If you have access to the actual files (FTP, or web tool), you should be able to look at the version number in root/Mods/ServerTools/ModInfo.xml.
  2. Just to make sure, have you guys setup the config file? Install Mod in the Mods folder. Start the server. ServerToolsConfig.xml will be created in root/saves/ServerTools. Enable the commands you want to True in ServerToolsConfig.xml and save/upload updated file. If you had the mod before 3.0, you have to delete all of the config files so that it will make the new ones.
  3. The problem is in Hook.cs. I was able to fix my version by replacing all instances of _playerName to "Server". We don't use announce, so having the actual player name is not an issue. GameManager.Instance.GameMessageServer(_cInfo, EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("/{0}", _message), _playerName, false, "", false);
  4. FRT is now dead. The chat methods were changed and FRT is no longer being updated. If you only need teleport and gimme commands, I would HIGHLY recommend dmustanger's Server Tools. It is a dll mod that runs on the server.
  5. No problem. Glad I could help! I did have to bug the crap out of Alloc to figure it out though. I've had my version running for a few hours now. Boy! What a pain in the a$$ that was to get everything working again, huh? I'll have to compare your additions to what I've got and post my version on github for you to look at if you'd like. My additional features: Teleport to a previous spot /setreturn /delreturn /return commands Arena setup commands /setsite /delsite /allsitedel - sets/deletes zombie spawn sites /listsites - displays all of the sites currently setup /spawn - starts a wave of zombies to randomly spawn at the given spawn sites every 2 seconds Coming Soon: Enhanced Quests for epic loot. Want a 15 round sniper rifle? Well, you're gonna have to fight for it! A custom quest instructs the player to go to an "Abandoned Military Bunker" (custom built prefab setup by hand. tells the player to go to map coords). Once there, the player has to find an item. That item will then instruct the player to use /quest1 command. This will start a wave of zombies to spawn in the various rooms of the bunker so the player has to fight their way out.
  6. As always, thanks for the updates Alloc! Could you give us a little more detail behind this one? I see that parameters have been changed and/or added . I'm guessing this is something that has changed in the game that we'll need to change in our modded dll's as well? i.e. my modded version of ServerTools.dll with custom chat commands What exactly is the chunk density and why should I need to repair it? I know what density is, but what does it mean to the game? In RepairChunkDensity.cs under the GetHelp method, it looks like you've left a copy of the teleport instructions.
  7. I finally got a minute to update my files and upload to GitHub. Please read the instructions on the page and use this mod at your own risk. I've been running this on my dedicated server over a week now without any issues. Let me know if you guys see any. Once again, thanks to dmustanger for the original work. Note that I have the Y coords hard coded to -1 so that you don't fall through the world. This will put you on the top most block at the set X and Z. If you have an underground base, build an air shaft where you want to set home. /return is best to be set on top of a building. https://github.com/schwanz9000/ServerTools-with-Return/releases/tag/v1.0
  8. I've added this function to my modded version of Server Tools. I've been testing it on our server the past couple of days without any issues. All of these A14 updates have kept me super busy updating my other mods and there will hopefully be another update tonight for the memory leak Madmole talked about. I'll try to update my github soon and post it here for you guys to try.
  9. These are separate items. InfoTicker - You have to enable it True in the ServerToolsConfig.xml and then setup the InfoTicker.xml Command /day7 will show you how many days until the next horde night as well as the number of entities.
  10. Will Lowlatency allow you to install the mod manually? i.e. FTP files to the Mods folder from your local files? Yes! Once the mod dll is in the Mods folder and the server is started, ServerToolsConfig.xml will be created in root/saves/ServerTools folder. It will require a /setreturn command too which would write the position coords to a file similar to the SavedHomesData.xml file when performing /sethome. dmustanger will have to look into that for you. I modded my copy of the dll so that doesn't happen. I hard coded the y coord to -1. Super fast teleports/chunk loading and no more falling, but you always land on the top most block in the world. In other words, if you are in your crafting room and do /sethome, /home will spawn you on the roof of your base. I could share my version after I remove some other code I've added. dmustanger said he'd look into this as well.
  11. It looks very similar to what it looks like if someone was flying or teleporting with a cheaters dll on a MP map.
  12. LOL!!! Yeah, I wanted to make sure all bases were covered to help you troubleshoot. Glad I could help!
  13. Install Mod in the Mods folder. Start the server. ServerToolsConfig.xml will be created in root/saves/ServerTools. Enable CustomCommands in ServerToolsConfig.xml and save/upload updated file. CustomChatCommands.xml in will be created in root/saves/ServerTools. Add the custom commands and save/upload updated file. There are several examples in that file. Add your own and make sure they are not commented out (Remove these <!-- and these -->). This will add the command /website which displays http://www.7daystodie.com in the chat window with GREEN text <Command Command="website" Response ="say "[00FF00]Visit www.7daystodie.com.[-]"" />
  14. 1. dmustanger said it's doable. You can setup custom chat commands until he gets around to adding that. Example: <Command Command="9000" Response="tele {EntityId} -2232 -1 -13840" /> 2. /saves/ServerTools/GimmeItems.xml
  15. You'll have to be more specific. Do you mean /sethome -->> go to xyz -->> /home to do stuff -->> /return to xyz?
  16. If you haven't done so already, you'll need to update the following to the /day7 command for the zombie counts... FROM: (_name == "zombie04" || _name == "zombie05" || _name == "zombie06" || _name == "zombie07" || _name == "zombieBoe" || _name == "zombieJoe" || _name == "zombieMoe" || _name == "zombieYo" || _name == "zombieSteve" || _name == "zombieSteveCrawler" || _name == "zombie01" || _name == "zombiecrawler" ||_name == "snowzombie01" || _name == "snowzombie02" || _name == "snowzombie03" || _name == "spiderzombie" ||_name == "burntzombie" || _name == "zombiegal01" || _name == "zombiegal02" || _name == "zombiegal03" || _name == "zombiegal04" || _name == "zombie02" || _name == "fatzombie" || _name == "zombieUMAfemale" || _name == "zombieUMAmale") TO: (_name == "zombie01" || _name == "zombie04" || _name == "zombieScreamer" || _name == "zombieBoe" || _name == "zombieJoe" || _name == "zombieMoe" || _name == "zombieYo" || _name == "zombieSteve" || _name == "zombieSteveCrawler" || _name == "zombieNurse" || _name == "zombieDarlene" || _name == "zombieArlene" || _name == "zombieMarlene" || _name == "snowzombie" || _name == "spiderzombie" || _name == "burntzombie") In my files I've also added else if statements and phrasing for animalChicken and zombieBear. I'm going to wait unitl the zombieMaleHazmat and zombieFemaleHazemat are actually added to the game before adding them.
  17. I figured it out if you'd like to try/add it. You'll need to change... EntityPlayer _player = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId]; _player.position.x = x; _player.position.y = y; _player.position.z = z; NetPackageEntityTeleport pkg = new NetPackageEntityTeleport(_player); ...to... EntityPlayer _player = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId]; [color="#FF0000"]UnityEngine.Vector3 destPos = new UnityEngine.Vector3();[/color] [color="#FF0000"]destPos[/color].x = x; [color="#FF0000"]destPos[/color].y = [color="#FF0000"]-1[/color]; [color="#FF0000"]destPos[/color].z = z; NetPackage[color="#FF0000"]TeleportPlayer[/color] pkg = new NetPackage[color="#FF0000"]TeleportPlayer[/color]([color="#FF0000"]destPos[/color]);
  18. Can I also be cheeky and ask what your top 3 priorities/fixes/additions will be when you do get time? There is quite the pile of tickets to go through.
  19. Yeah, for some reason, the log stops at ~<100 lines. Alloc is aware of the issue and he'll get it fixed when he has time. In the meantime, you can always look at the output_log.txt file in the root/7DaysToDieServer_Data folder.
  20. Reading comprehension fail! It's working now! Thanks a ton! Here's the code for anyone that would like to try it... if (playersMappingList.hasOwnProperty(val.steamid)) { marker = playersMappingList[val.steamid].currentPosMarker; marker.getPopup() .setContent("Player: " + val.name + "<br/>Position: " + val.position.x + " -1 " + val.position.z + (HasPermission ("webapi.getplayerinventory") ? "<br/><a class='inventoryButton' data-steamid='"+val.steamid+"'>Show inventory</a>": "")); } else { marker = L.marker([val.position.x, val.position.z], {icon: playerIcon}).bindPopup("Player: " + val.name); playersMappingList[val.steamid] = { online: !val.online }; }
  21. Is this what you meant? .setContent seems to work just like the .bindPopup. It works, but doesn't update the coords when the marker moves. I'm going through the Leaflet docs to educate myself, so I'll play around with it some more when I get home tonight. var marker; if (playersMappingList.hasOwnProperty(val.steamid)) { marker = playersMappingList[val.steamid].currentPosMarker; } else { marker = L.marker([val.position.x, val.position.z], {icon: playerIcon}).bindPopup( // // "Player: " + val.name + // // "<br/>Position: " + val.position.x + " -1 " + val.position.z + // (HasPermission ("webapi.getplayerinventory") ? // "<br/><a class='inventoryButton' data-steamid='"+val.steamid+"'>Show inventory</a>" // : "") ); [color="#00FF00"] marker.getPopup() .setContent("Player: " + val.name + "<br/>Position: " + val.position.x + " -1 " + val.position.z);[/color] playersMappingList[val.steamid] = { online: !val.online }; }
  22. The code and hot swapping worked great! The only problem is that I have to refresh the whole page and find the player on the map again for the coords to refresh. I could move around the map and see the same coords below until I F5'd it.
  23. Currently at work, but had the idea. Ah, dang it! I see what I did there. Thanks dude! Can I hot swap .js files? I'm guessing no.
  24. Hey Alloc! If I add this line to the player icon popup code in map.js... marker = L.marker([val.position.x, val.position.z], {icon: playerIcon}).bindPopup( "Player: " + val.name + [color="#00FF00"]"<br/>Position: " + val.position.x + " " -1 " " + val.position.z) +[/color] (HasPermission ("webapi.getplayerinventory") ? "<br/><a class='inventoryButton' data-steamid='"+val.steamid+"'>Show inventory</a>" : "") ...will it work? Sort of like what you did to landclaims.js, but on the player icon popup.
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