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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. Cheers mate! Just wasn't sure what was holding up God Almighty's suggested changes. One doesn't simply leave God Almighty waiting. Anything else "in the works" you've been tinkering with that you can share? I know TFP and Life keep you busy. It's just nice to hear about even the little things that you do get time to work on for us. Thanks Alloc for everything you do here!
  2. I guess "rev. ??? (?_?_12) (Not released)" is waiting for A14?
  3. rev. 254 (6_8_11) (2015-12-24) is running fine on my Bluefang MP Server running Alpha 13.7.
  4. Sounds like you're not updating InfoTicker.xml in root/saves/ServerTools if you are getting the default motd. Just a thought. It's very easy to put a file in the wrong spot. Do it all the time.
  5. Type se in the command console to see the list. The number is the entity number. You can use the name or the number.
  6. No problem! I'm using dmustanger's Server Tools. He's aware of my investigation and will be looking into it on his end as well. I wrote a small application using VBA in Excel that uses winsock to communicate with the server via telnet. Old as heck I know, but that's what I've got and it works. Maybe that is something to point you in the right direction? ...and before you ask. No. I can't share it since it is not done yet. I'm waiting on Alloc to update the spawn entity command so that I can spawn zombies at x,y,z in my arena. At that point I might.
  7. What are the chances of you changing /sethome or adding a /sethome2 to use -1 for the Y instead of the current position? Here is why I ask. The only downfall I see is that the -1 Y will put you on the top most block.
  8. Lesson of the day: Read The Freaking Manual! Ok Alloc! I think I've got this figured out now and boy do I feel dumb for not knowing sooner. I updated the server to 6_8_11 and tried the following on my dedicated multiplayer server. Debug Menu Teleporting: No lag. Fast chunk loading. No issue. Console Command "tele" with -1 for Y: No lag. Fast chunk loading. No issue. Console Command "tele" with positive integer for Y: No lag. Fast chunk loading. No issue. The following is outside your scope, but worth noting. Server Tools "/home" command: Lag. 10 - 20 second chunk loading. Fell into the void. Now here's the kicker. Server Tools Custom Chat Command: I setup a custom command /comm to use the tele command and used a positive integer for Y. Lag. 10 - 20 second chunk loading. Fell into the void. Server Tools Custom Chat Command: I setup a custom command /comm to use the tele command and used -1 for Y. No lag. Fast chunk loading. No issue. Also, the in game "Elevation" and the console command Y coords are different. Bedrock has an elevation of -57m, but the lp command still shows the Y coord as 3. Looks like -1 is ok to use.
  9. Sorry. Just to be clear, I should have said that it uses your current location when you do the /sethome command. If I'm standing on solid ground at X=100, Y=100, Z=100 when I do the /sethome command, it will put me at X=100, Y=100, Z=100 when I do the /home command. The problem is that the ground is never there to land on. Same cords above, but using the debug menu, I land every time as the ground is there and loaded quickly. Using the tele command with the same cords, I fall into the void because there is nothing to land on. /home and /sethome are outside of your scope, so I'll test a few things tonight with debug menu and tele command only and let you know. I'll "try" to do a video.
  10. AH! I see that now... "1. Teleports the player given by his SteamID, player name or entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi") to the specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on ground." Yup. I'm talking about the in game stats window that shows elevation. Are the cords different for the teleport functions? I'll go to my bedrock bunker tonight and see if in game and lp cords are the same for Y. /home uses the cords from /sethome. As far as i know, it uses the Y of your current location. I have two bases on my dedi mp game. The first one I had was in a plains biome with an elevation of 112 and bedrock being at -57. A 169 block diagonal shaft is not fun to walk up (I found that jumping makes it way faster). My second base is on a beach next to huge lake(ocean) on the western side of our map. ~8k West of 0,0. The beach is at an elevation of -27 with bedrock still at -57. With the /home command, I would fall through the world if I did /sethome on the ground at either base. As an admin always in debug mode, I just hover over the ground until the chunk loads when I do a /home. I also use dmustanger's Server Tools. It allows me to set the time between /home command usage to 0 (FRT makes you wait a minimum of one minute). With the wait set to 0, my players can hit /home, fall into the void, and then hit /home again 15 to 20 seconds later once the chunk loads without having to log out and back in.
  11. True, but we need to figure out how to get the internal commands working correctly first. I have not. Won't this just put me underground anyway? Bedrock is at -57 with in game elevation. Is that not the same? I have 6_8_10 installed. I haven't bothered with 6_8_11 since it was just player bag icons that I don't allow players to use. I'll update tonight and try the negative Y.
  12. Hey Alloc! In my testing, if I use the command console command tele, I fall through the world because the chunk(s) take a painfully long time to load. If I use the debug mode ESC menu set position cords, I don't because no y cord used as you say, but the chunk loads almost instantly. xercesblue was talking about the /home feature found in most server managers which I believe are using the tele command. Using the tele command (or /home) is also causing the entire server to lag. Any ideas? xercesblue, try my "fix" for /home here until this is fixed.
  13. Yes! Thanks to dmustanger for putting this mod together.
  14. In /saves/ServerTools/ServerToolsConfig.xml, set the InvalidItemKicker to True. <Tool Name="InvalidItemKicker" Enable="True" Ban="True" /> This will generate /saves/ServerTools/InvalidItemKicker.xml with the default invalid items listed. You can adjust the list as needed.
  15. Worked great! Thanks for the help! P.S. If I change the InfoTicker delay to 1 minute from 20 in the ServerToolsConfig, I have to wait the remaining 20 minutes for the 1 minute delay to start.
  16. Thanks! I'll give it a try.
  17. Is there a way to add custom colors to each message in the Info Ticker?
  18. dmustanger Will you be working on an update when A13 is released?
  19. With the new map features of A13, have you considered adding a way to add in-game player made map markers to the web map? This would probably only be useful to PVE servers, but would be a nice option.
  20. Hey Alloc! After Madmole dropped that awesome video last night and all the hype for A13 it got me thinking. Do you have a news/updates/improvements you can share that are waiting for A13 to drop?
  21. You could try the safe fall method I have explained here. Not exactly what you're looking for, but works great until A13 gets here. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32862-Server-Tools&p=324602&viewfull=1#post324602
  22. It's not that easy. I've tried this on my server. You're not falling into the void because you clip through the ground, it's because of the time it takes for the chunks to load on your client. Even if someone else has the same chunks loaded on the server. My old solution? I used to have a safe fall shaft that goes from bedrock up to near* build limit. I start by finding a spot to dig a 3x3 shaft to bedrock. I then place a 3x3 pad of hay at bedrock. In the center of the hay, I jump and place a frame under me at the same time. I repeat this until I have used ~230 frames. At the top I use the /sethome command. Once home is set, I remove the frames. When I hit /home, I only see the void and start falling. DO NOT MOVE while falling. I usually don't see the chunks load until right before I hit the hay. The time it takes to fall ~230 blocks is enough time for the chunks to load and land safely. I then have a separate custom command to teleport to my crafting room. It's ok to tp up there once the chunks are loaded. If you're not the admin or on a PVP server, you could dig a ramp or a separate ladder shaft to get back up to your base. *DO NOT go past the build limit of 255 (I think). You'll get null errors galore. It was a pain to get out of. Now, with dmustanger's server tools, I only have to wait ~10-15 seconds and hit /home again to get out of the void. Other server manager's force you to wait 1 minute. You'll have to set /home timeout to 0 in the config file. It is 1 minute by default IIRC. Alloc has said that this will be fixed in A13.
  23. Everything seems to be working great! Could you explain what /day7 does? I'm not finding it in the files anywhere. I'm guessing that sets the game to Day 7. Not good for anyone to be able to set if so.
  24. Thank you so much! I'll try it out tonight when I get home.
  25. It didn't work. It reports back that I have to wait 0 minutes and have 0 minutes remaining. It's as if it is stuck in a loop with no time to timeout.
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