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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. Confirmed. This is an issue with snakes and vultures. There was a fix for this back in B137. I'm seeing it mostly when they attack.
  2. The stamina of armor is for walking and running only. Here is the xml for armorIronHelmet: <passive_effect name="StaminaChangeOT" operation="perc_add" value="-.045" tags="walking"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaChangeOT" operation="perc_add" value="-.09" tags="running"/>
  3. Was told to not report these issues anymore as they will reworked when characters get a HD pass.
  4. Missing output_log.txt Missing GenerationInfo.txt Missing map_info.xml Can't repro since seed name is not known. F3 info in video not producing the same generated world name.
  5. I'm pretty sure this POI is WIP and not ready for tickets.
  6. By design since baseball bats no longer require them to craft
  7. Confirmed. Coffee and most other plants have been reported internally. Barbed wire will be reported(it's long overdue).
  8. Correct. The exported prefabs are not saved in the prefabs folder. I'll ask Alloc if that can be changed. In the meantime, you can always copy paste the exported prefab to your prefabs folder.
  9. Confirmed, but this one may be by design for some reason. Will put a ticket in and see what the devs have to say.
  10. Book shelves and book piles WIP (localization and hitboxes) is on KI list.
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