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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Would it, though? I'm not saying make the damage output on-par with a steel sledge. But it really shouldn't be weaker than a primitive weapon.
  2. Int is pretty good, though a third baton weapon would be nice, and some sort of proper firearm. I don't really get why There are only two baton types (pipe and stun). What ab out something inbetween, like a police baton? I'm also hoping the Stun Baton gets a damage boost in A21. I know the stun effect is supposed to make up for it, but it's not like it happens a lot, and a higher tier weapon should not be dealing less damage than a standard wooden club.
  3. But as combat is part of the game, it'd be nice to not feel required to go into another tree to better survive in a fight. Robotic turrets run out of ammo very quickly, and while yes it's ridiculously easy to craft ammo for them, you still have to keep picking it up to reload it, then set it back down. Even with a drum magazine, they chew through ammo fast.
  4. I'm wondering if the individual attributes will go back to being more than just "Oh, you have a higher chance of dismembering zombies with X weapon." I feel like a higher fortitude should result is more natural damage reduction or more HP, higher strength should result in more melee damage, etc. Right now the attributes (yes I know they allow for higher levels of other perks) just feel too samey and homogenized.
  5. Is that why INT only has the one firearm (robotic turret)?
  6. It never stopped being active. I can answer question 3 - there was one, the Behemoth. As I understand it, they couldn't get it working right (yet modders have no issue getting it to work), so it was removed and and replaced with the demolisher zombie.
  7. I'm wondering then, if TFP considers the robotic sledge as the "T3 Baton." Regardless, Int still only has one firearm regardless of tier - the robotic turret.
  8. Oh? More melee weapon improvements in addition to the spear? I'm eagerly awaiting stun baton buffs.
  9. Or how about more than just two types of batons? Other melee weapons have three types - I'd like to see a police baton or cattle prod in between the pipe baton and stun baton.
  10. You wouldn't even need piles. They could do it like Fallout 3 and New Vegas do, and have a random chance of casings to populate into your inventory, if there's room.
  11. It'll be nice to see the stores become Crack-A-Book instead of being Lack-A-Book.
  12. Duke Nukem Forever had a whole different set of issues that delayed though.
  13. Hmm.. 7DTD going gold or Half-Life 3? Which will come first?
  14. Correct. I think the R&D is a T4 though, given how much smaller it is that the other T5s. The underground military base is Red Mesa, and there is Higashi Pharmaceuticals, which is also a much larger medical-themed T5.
  15. Right, but I was (poorly) clarifying that Miner 69er doesn't affect salvage tools like the wrench/ratchet/impact driver. Salvage Ops, as I understand it, will have its own baked-in Sexy Rex, as will Miner 69er.
  16. Salvage Ops also affects tools though.
  17. I wonder with the vehicle changes - will we be able to run over Demolisher zombies now instead of being dead-stopped as though we hit walls?
  18. Well yeah, but what I mean is Sexy Rex is being baked into those two. I just worded it badly.
  19. You're in luck! A21 is rebalancing many of the perks. Sexy Rex is being baked into all melee weapons, as well as Miner 69er and Salvage Operations, for example.
  20. Yes it only resets skill points. But OP mentioned wishing they hadn't put so many points into Agility and Light Armor.
  21. You have to do that now though if you're using knives and tools. You just have to spend extra points currently if you want to get as much benefit out of tools and knives now (Deep Cuts, Sexy Rex, and Miner 69er, as well as Strength and Agility) instead of one less perk in A21.
  22. Or a couple of more batons? Kinda sad there's only two batons, but all the other melee weapons get three types. Maybe like a police baton or a cattle prod?
  23. What, you don't like your anti-gravity arrows and bolts? In seriousness though, it would be nice to see this fixed/changed. The current problem though is that a salvageable bolt or arrow would probably be destroyed in the current system, like what happens when debris collapses even further after breaking a block below it.
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