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Record Comments posted by NekoPawtato

  1. 18 minutes ago, 3ternalDamned said:

    Confirmed that it can happen, but unable to repro right now since seeds are not replicating properly. I did find a single POI that also crossed a wilderness road, so I can put in a bug report on it happening. But not sure what can be done with out a working repro. Thank you for the report.

    Is there any additional info I can provide so that you can replicate it properly? Do you need the actual parameters on the advanced rwg screen?

  2. 58 minutes ago, schwanz9000 said:

    I've tried to reproduce this for over an hour now in A21 B324. The only thing that comes close is the demo @NekoPawtato posted, but I don't think that is the case since @AmethystLainey was only level 2 when they died to the snake. I even tried the suggestion by @Elidey without any luck.

    If anyone can find 100% repro steps, we'd love to see it.

    Was able to repro using Elidey's info

    1. Place down a bedroll
    2. Reach level 2 (No points in anything)
    3. Make yourself hungry (either waiting or using "buff messmeup" in console)
    4. Locate a snake or spawn one in using F6 menu with DM enabled
    5. Let snake kill you (I found it doesn't have to be a snake though)
    6. On the screen where you select option to revive, hold shift + W
    7. While having the keys still pressed, click "Spawn on my bed"

    You will respawn while sprinting and the food bar is not full

    video: https://imgur.com/a/C3WsRgs

    logs: https://pastebin.com/bCxd5tXX

  3. Just now, Diaboliko said:

    > notice it also starts draining significantly faster than before you died

    I never used the "healing factor" ability, but healing mod (which replenishes 1 hp every 6 seconds or whatever, whenever your health is at 50% or less) always did consume food to heal you, whatever the ratio is. If its the same kind of regeneration, it looks like intended then.

    Whether its faster or not I could not tell, however.

    I didnt have any healing mods installed on my weapons at the time, the problem is even if it did consume food, it's at an inconsistent rate. After dying, I could see the food bar going down every second, whereas before I died it was not moving that fast.

    You also can compare how fast my health was regenerating before and after dying and see it started regenerating really fast after reviving

  4. 6 hours ago, LordeHelixx said:

    So my wife and I have been playing this game for a long time.  Been playing on A21 since it dropped.  Both had drones for a bit.  I had the same issue, driving 4x4, hitting invisible walls everywhere, now major fps drop when we go away from the house.  If anyone finds a work around let me know please.

    Also, at some point my drone poofed.  So just now, she gave me hers to see if it would sort of "reset" my drone, and it says max deployed.  So either one, I'm thinking it got destroyed and the game doesn't know what to do, or two, it got stuck in limbo under the map when I fell through shortly before all the issues.

    See if this post helps at all in retrieving your stuck drone


  5. On 7/6/2023 at 3:11 PM, Pokketninja said:

    Was there anything else that you did? I am trying to repro this, but I haven't been able to. Did it only happen once or were you able to repro this as well?

    Can you try this and see if it also happens for you?

    1. Put 4/5 in healing factor
    2. Wait until hunger bar goes down a bit (doesnt have to be until you get hungry debuff, just low enough that it's noticeable when you revive)
    3. Put down a bed roll and surround it with spikes
    4. Die
    5. Spam click so you revive on your bedroll as fast as possible
    6. Hold movement key so you run into spikes and take damage almost immediately after respawning

    Your character's hunger bar will not refill, and I notice it also starts draining significantly faster than before you died

    Here is a video: https://imgur.com/a/Pc2HDL6


    I don't think this is what have happened to the user per-se since it wouldn't make sense for a user to surround their spawn with spikes, but my theory is maybe some odd timing with a debuff before the player died could cause it (like maybe you're still bleeding when you revived and then healing factor kicks in and makes you hungry which cancels out whatever it is that refills your hunger bar?)


    By the way, would you happen to know how to use the console command to make yourself hungry? Using command "thirsty" works but trying "starve" "hunger" or "food" doesn't affect my hunger bar at all

  6. 2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I started a fresh game with a friend and the bug exists there too. This also works in vehicles. So long as you're in a group, you cannot be hurt by radiation.

    Is the server PVP settings set to "No Kill"? I believe there was a similar bug in A20 where players cant take radiation damage and it was because of that setting

  7. @Jugginator here is a repro for the invisible barrier and "vehicle [...] in ground. Chunk regen" logs


    1. Load up Navezgane map and go to downtown_filler_09 in the desert
    2. Find the entrance to TOP INs
    3. Replace the door with an unlocked one so you can move in/out freely (I used iron door)
    4. While outside facing the entrance, place the drone on the rightmost side of the bulletproof glass, as close to the glass as possible
    5. Quickly go inside using the door and stand on the other side of the glass from the drone while it is still booting up
    6. Walk backwards while still facing drone, eventually you will bump into a door on the other side of the building
    7. Wait a little bit, you should faintly see the drone icon "twitch", the drone teleport a short distance away, and then approach the glass again
    8. Go outside to the drone and slowly move away, it should not follow you
    9. When you get a certain distance away the drone will constantly teleport back and forth between you and it's stuck location
    10. Ride motorcycle and drive very far away (I am holding sprint entire time), you may notice on the compass that the drone icon constantly appears and disappears
    11. Eventually you will start bumping into invisible walls while driving



    Logs: https://pastebin.com/SjkTCRW1


    My theory is the issue has something related to breaking the drone's pathfinding (in the way the buildings are designed, what block it's bumping into, and/or where the drone is relative to the player).

  8. I think it's definitely related to the drone, I got mine in a weird state again and noticed when I drive too far away the drone starts teleporting like crazy everywhere and then I hit invisible walls


    logs just in case, but I was derping around a LOT trying to repro so i dont know how useful it will be: https://pastebin.com/p8Gsp759

    video was taken around 1:40 in the logs

  9. @Riamus take a look at this bug report, the person posted a video, is the behavior he showed the same as what you experienced?

    I just had my drone disappear on me today too after getting a motorcycle for the first time and driving thru the city. Had to eat dinner so didn't play much longer after it poofed, but based on this person's report it seems the trigger is motorcycle + drone.

    I had been using a minibike up until this point with my drone with no issues and literally the same day I got a motorcycle my drone disappeared on me

  10. 10 minutes ago, RustyCookie said:

    Because of this, we also have the same issue with triggering events which doesn't allow us to complete the trader's quest, forcing us to abandon them.

    For now, if you are on the stable release, you should be able to break the button/switch block to force it to activate. At least a workaround until they figure out/fix the button issue

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