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Native Linux server (with management scripts)


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well now when I try start a newly created instance I get this in the stdout.log


"/usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86 (No such file or directory)"

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I tried to run the wiki, I get the following when starting up.


/home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86: /lib/i686/cmov/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86)



when I tried to do the fix I have an issue with the first item 'pinning', it doesn't give the file name. just the directory called pinning


Example for Debian Wheezy with libraries from testing:


Package: *

Pin: release a=stable

Pin-Priority: 700


Package: *

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 650


Package: *

Pin: release a=unstable

Pin-Priority: 600

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well now when I try start a newly created instance I get this in the stdout.log


"/usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86 (No such file or directory)"


turns out steam update failed to complete the first 2 times.. 3rd time it properly updated everything and now works

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when I tried to do the fix I have an issue with the first item 'pinning', it doesn't give the file name. just the directory called pinning


You have to create that file with the given contents.


@SevenDL: yes

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Did something change with teleportation? Before the command needed int and now it seems like it needs float and I will get teleported partially into the ground sometimes and break my legs whereas before I would bobble and land on top of ground.

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Wrong thread.


I deserved it.

Please note v.76 (2015-04-04) hook playerConnect $6 is missing client IP.




root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine --force
Success! App '294420' fully installed.
./steamcmd.sh: line 35: 50227 Segmentation fault      $DEBUGGER "$STEAMEXE" "$@"
Also update the scripts as soon as there is a new release for this dedicated server build.
root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine
Engine is already at the newest build (local: 578130, remote: 1).

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I deserved it.

Why you? That wasn't on a quote of any of your posts?! ^^


Please note v.76 (2015-04-04) hook playerConnect $6 is missing client IP.

Could be fixed in the latest mod, but it mostly depends on Steam providing that information quickly enough.


root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine --force
Success! App '294420' fully installed.
./steamcmd.sh: line 35: 50227 Segmentation fault      $DEBUGGER "$STEAMEXE" "$@"
Also update the scripts as soon as there is a new release for this dedicated server build.
root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine
Engine is already at the newest build (local: 578130, remote: 1).

Looks "fine". Ignore any problems from SteamCMD as long as it says "Success!..."

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Debian 7


Hello, I am expiriencing issues with my machine operating under debian. The server does not launch but it says "Set current directory to /home/steam/7daysded Found path; /home/steam/7daysded/7daysToDie.x86" while it is connecting it says "could not connect to server : could not retrieve comment"

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Hello, I am expiriencing issues with my machine operating under debian. The server does not launch but it says "Set current directory to /home/steam/7daysded Found path; /home/steam/7daysded/7daysToDie.x86" while it is connecting it says "could not connect to server : could not retrieve comment"



Anyone for help me ? ^^

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Dear Alloc,


Can you pls modify your script like this:





Add to lin line 75 the following code:

(before the

cd $SDTD_BASE/steamcmd
               ./steamcmd.sh +login $STEAM_USER $STEAM_PASS +force_install_dir $SDTD_BASE/engine +app_update 294420 validate +quit


               if [$STEAM_USER = ""]; then
                       echo "Steam User:"
                       read STEAM_USER

               if [$STEAM_PASS = ""]; then
                       echo "Steam Pass:"
                       read -s STEAM_PASS


These simple line are checking if the steam user or steam password is empty. if it'S empty it asks the user for the STEAM_USER or STEAM_PASS.


It's better for security reasons. I don't like it to store my credentials in a conf file in plaintext.


Best regards


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Hello, I am expiriencing issues with my machine operating under debian. The server does not launch but it says "Set current directory to /home/steam/7daysded Found path; /home/steam/7daysded/7daysToDie.x86" while it is connecting it says "could not connect to server : could not retrieve comment"

The console/stdout.log won't show any more than this if it's starting normally. The output_log should contain more info though. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Logs

Either the server doesn't completely start up or you have at least the ServerPort on TCP blocked.


LP is a core command, it's not added by the mo


Can you pls modify your script like this:


Good idea. Will have to adapt the bootstrapper too but in the end a few people might like this ;)

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The console/stdout.log won't show any more than this if it's starting normally. The output_log should contain more info though. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Logs

Either the server doesn't completely start up or you have at least the ServerPort on TCP blocked.



LP is a core command, it's not added by the mo



Good idea. Will have to adapt the bootstrapper too but in the end a few people might like this ;)




My log

Mono path[0] = '/home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/etc'
Forcing GfxDevice: 4
   Version:  NULL 1.0 [1.0]
   Renderer: Null Device
   Vendor:   Unity Technologies
   Version:  NULL 1.0 [1.0]
   Renderer: Null Device
   Vendor:   Unity Technologies
Total system RAM: 16384 MiB
Initialize engine version: 5.0.1f1 (5a2e8fe35a68)
AudioManager: Using Unknown: NoSound Driver
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/libnoise.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/libnoise.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/LogLibrary.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/LogLibrary.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/ProfileAttribute.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/ProfileAttribute.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/NSpeex.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/NSpeex.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Client.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Client.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/LitJson.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/LitJson.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UMA.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UMA.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in  0.047 seconds
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/System.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/UnityScript.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: /home/steam/7daysded/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Boo.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
Shader 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Diffuse': fallback shader 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit' not found
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.000 INF Awake
Total system RAM: 16384 MiB
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.052 INF Version: Alpha 11.2 (b3) Compatibility Version: Alpha 11.2, OS: Linux 32 Bit 16384MB RAM
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.063 INF Last played version: Alpha 11.2
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.064 INF Local UTC offset: -4 hours
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.068 INF Command line arguments: ./7DaysToDie.x86 -logfile 7DaysToDie_Data/output_log__2015-04-11__23-58-04.txt
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.073 INF No server config file loaded ("-configfile=somefile.xml" not given or could not be loaded)
2015-04-11T23:58:07 0.073 INF Dedicated server only build
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/SSAO' - Setting to default shader.
HDR and MultisampleAntiAliasing (in Forward Rendering Path) is not supported. This camera will render without HDR buffers. Disable Antialiasing in the Quality settings if you want to use HDR.

(Filename:  Line: 2630)

HDR RenderTexture format is not supported on this platform. This camera will render without HDR buffers.

(Filename:  Line: 2632)

HDR and MultisampleAntiAliasing (in Forward Rendering Path) is not supported. This camera will render without HDR buffers. Disable Antialiasing in the Quality settings if you want to use HDR.

(Filename:  Line: 2630)

HDR RenderTexture format is not supported on this platform. This camera will render without HDR buffers.

(Filename:  Line: 2632)

HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.

(Filename:  Line: 241)

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Suimono/effect_refractDroplets' - Setting to default shader.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Suimono/effect_refractionViewDepth' - Setting to default shader.
2015-04-11T23:58:11 4.160 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 2.601s
Total system RAM: 16384 MiB
2015-04-11T23:58:13 6.067 INF Loading permissions file at '/root/7 Days To Die/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2015-04-11T23:58:13 6.097 INF Loading permissions file done.
2015-04-11T23:58:13 6.117 INF Awake done

My port : 26900 And my firewall

10 permit 26902 tcp any permit tcp any xxxxxxxxxx/32 eq 26902

11 permit 26901 tcp any permit tcp any xxxxxxxxxx/32 eq 26901

12 permit 26903 tcp any permit tcp any xxxxxxxxxx/32 eq 26903

15 permit 26900 tcp any permit tcp any xxxxxxxxxx/32 eq 26900

Edited by Alastar59 (see edit history)
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Not with the scripts as they are as you would have to create two completely independent engine folders. But if you modify the start-script to point to an instanced-path for the engine and create those folders manually this should work.

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