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Native Linux server (with management scripts)


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So I have this Dedicated Linux management installed on Ubuntu, and it's currently version 9.3.

Question is... can anyone tell me the simplest way to update to v10... I know how to delete and readd the instance when updated, but how to update? Thanks... Clinton


7dtd.sh updatescripts


followed by


7dtd.sh updateengine

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Okay i have this problem on my debian server:


Mono path[0] = '/home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed'

Mono path[1] = '/home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono'

Mono config path = '/home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono/etc'

PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics settings: Could..... not preload global game manager #0 i=0

Failed to initialize player



any ideas?

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Also a big Problem


Found path: /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86


Unable to load mono library from /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/Mono (x86)

Failed to load mono


Server Failed to Start, any Ideas ?


you have to install 32 bit version of libstdc++. On Ubuntu that's lib32stdc++6

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Hi, after installing lib32stdc++6 it still failed to start the instance. I got the following error messages in output_log.txt:

2014-11-23T15:09:57 0.063 Error parsing property 'PlayerDamageGiven'. Message: The requested value 'PlayerDamageGiven' was not found.
2014-11-23T15:25:45 0.058 Error parsing property 'PlayerDamageRecieved'. Message: The requested value 'PlayerDamageRecieved' was not found.
2014-11-23T15:27:33 0.053 Error parsing property 'VACEnabled'. Message: The requested value 'VACEnabled' was not found.

I removed them from the config.xml and tried again (each try the next of the three properties showed up).


Additionally after the first try I tried to edit the instance-settings and saving without change. This introduced the property "EACEnabled" without any value which resulted in an additional error, which I forgot to copy. (Something with True/False).

I filled it manually in the .xml and then the server started :)

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[hmm, am I blind or is it not possible to edit my posts?]


The server runs, but I cannot login. One noticable entry in the log is:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
 at GameManager.RequestToSpawnPlayer (Int32 _clientId, System.String _name, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at NetPackage_RequestToSpawnPlayer.Process (.World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
 at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


I assume the old server cannot be reused due to conversion of the game data, right?

-> I'll just create a new one :)

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I updated and started the instance. When it did'nt work I tried a clean install but I still get these errors:


014.11.23 17:48:38: The file '/home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/mainData' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!
2014.11.23 17:48:38: [Position out of bounds! 2051396 > 2051392]
2014.11.23 17:48:38: The class named 'Localization' is abstract. The script class can't be abstract!
2014.11.23 17:48:38: Version: Alpha 10 (b52) Compatibility Version: Alpha 10, OS: Linux 32 Bit
2014.11.23 17:48:38: Last played version: Alpha 10
2014.11.23 17:48:38: Command line arguments: /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86 -logfile /home/sdtd/instances/SjuPimps/logs/output_log.txt -configfile=/home/sdtd/instances/SjuPimps/config.xml
2014.11.23 17:48:38: Error parsing property 'PlayerDamageGiven'. Message: The requested value 'PlayerDamageGiven' was not found.


I deleted the instance and made a new one and now it started.

Edited by jimmyh
Solved it (see edit history)
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Anyone still having problems after installing the 32 bit libstdc++ please report here and don't forget to paste both the stdlog and output_log to e.g. pastebin.com.


My distros versions of libstdc are installed, it's the first thing I did.


For arch linux that's listdc++5. I installed both the 32 and 64 bit packages of that library.


I still get nothing but the error


Found path: /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86

There is no data folder


I can't find any output log anywhere, i don't think it's even getting that far. My 7DaysToDie_Data folder doesn't have a plugins folder in it like was mentioned above.

Edited by FeistyLemur (see edit history)
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Found path: /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86

There is no data folder


I can't find any output log anywhere, i don't think it's even getting that far.

So nothing in the instance folder under logs?

Also, does the engine/ folder contain all the files/folders as before?

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stdout is the only thing in the logs.


I don't think the folders are being created properly at all on install. It gave errors like can't stat such and such directory doesn't exist during install. I had to manually move 7DaysToDie.x86 over to /home/sdtd/engine to even get it to got this far.


I had a working 9.3 set up and did updateengine and updatescripts. The error was the same. Then i deleted everything and tried a fresh manual install step by step from the wiki like before. And thats where im at now.

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And this is what's in my engine folder.


7DaysToDie_Data 7DaysToDie.x86 f6cbc9c5b22bcb20131cbf57979e74b64f363bda


I actually created the data folder manually, copied the 7DaysToDie.x86 foloder over, and ran the script again with --force to get it to go through without giving errors.


During fresh install all it put in here was the folder that's a great big string of numbers above.

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Hm. That's definitely your first problem then ;)

Please delete the engine folder, run updatescripts --force, updateengine --force


I'll have to wait till tomorrow. I updated my server and rebooted and it didn't come back. It's locked in the building at work. Probably another stupid bios error, because it's an asus board and it likes to give "overclocking failed" errors on reboot even though it's not overclocked.


I might just switch it to ubuntu to make it easier to work with. I only used arch because that's what I use for a desktop OS at my desk and I got it running on my machine as a curiosity to see if it would work. Then I just rsynced it over to my server hardware to save the time of setting it up again.

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I'm having the same issue as listed above. I have tried on Ubuntu 14.10 server and desktop as well as 14.04.1 desktop. It was working previous to this patch. I am getting ready to try the - - force to see if it pushes through. Essentially though, it is not downloading much at all through steacmd, and causing stat errors when the script cannot find what should have been installed.

Edited by Rafin
Phone typos (see edit history)
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Well so far so good. It is actually downloading something now. I'll update this if it doesn't finish out. I also noticed an announcement about the 32bit download failing from The Fun Pimps... did this have anything to do with the dedicated?

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