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It's an experimental build of an alpha


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I think it can definitely be argued that TFP's idea of what an alpha is supposed to be is far detached from normal software development cycles. What's ironic is how despite this seriously abnormal alpha which keeps reinventing itself over and over, it has a community hellbent on using the "DoN't yOu kNoW wHaT aLpHa iS??" argument. Yeah I do know what alpha is, and it's not this. This is something very different. It's an awesome game which perpetually reinvents itself without committing to a direction. Considering I can choose any version to install, its like having five different games in one. It's a game which is arguable one of the best voxel-based building games in the world, yet no longer cares, and now wants to become something else. I mean they could keep on doing this forever and maybe 20 years from now I'd just install the version I enjoyed the most.


I agree 100% with this sentiment.


Specially this : "It's a game which is arguable one of the best voxel-based building games in the world, yet no longer cares, and now wants to become something else."

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