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One thing I've noticed I do more in A17 than I have any other alpha...


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Is yelling. Whether it's from getting the crap scared out of me, a wolf (or 4) coming out of nowhere, or a horde of zombie dogs running past me and a buddies' base and me screaming "DOG HORDE RUN AWAAAY!" The best part is when we're clearing a POI, like the shotgun messiah warehouse, and it's all quiet. Then a zombie pops it's head out, and you tossing 5 shotgun blasts into it makes your friend jump and yell at you for scaring the crap out of them.


I'm having an absolute blast playing this alpha.

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I can absolutely agree with that man, whether it's the ferals I'm finding in random pois, the wandering hordes that I either hide from at night or try my luck at fighting during the day, there is definitely constant action and it's been super tense and exciting

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I was harvesting a farm field (in the snow biome...), and I saw a lumberjack coming toward me. I kept an eye on him as I tried to finish before he got there. When he entered the field, I had one row left, but he was getting very close. I tried to finish, but as he got closer he let out a great roar.


I nearly pooped my pants. I've never heard them yell before!

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