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Terrible way to end the year.


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Stan Lee's dead.


Diablo Immortal on mobile!


World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth complete garbage.


And I thought heyyyyy, A17 is out. Skipped out A16, so I'd forget everything and return when the game gets a huge overhaul!


Still no ziplines. Okayy..


Arbitrary level gating! Okayy...


Zombies can dig now! Fine... those whiny people won. Why it matters to them that other people like to dig? No idea.


Right now I'm level 20+ in the game... have lots of loot, but... can't build my base yet because... I can't build a workbench. Because all of a sudden in this survival game, it requires me to attain a certain level to build a workbench. It's dumb. Did all the devs decide to hold hands in 2018 and make some really bad decisions? I'm still having PTSD from Blizzard's fubar.


Now at the end of the day, I realize, if you remove all the semantics, it's just numbers on a spreadsheet. But cmon, it has to make some sense right? It's a survival game. Perk system? Fine! Perk it up! But I can't!!!!! Because I need to attain a certain level!?!! WHY!!!! You give me points, but I can't spend it.


Now I'm level 20+ and because, all the perks I can be bothered with are gated, I'm just throwing points wherever I can. Can you see the problem with that? You just removed the satisfaction from perking up, and subsequently in future levels, when I finally get there...


It won't be excitement. It's just like you've just finished a dreary chore and mutter 'about damn time'.


Not everything has to be 'realistic' or 'life-like'. But it still has to make some sort of immersive sense. Especially when your changes seem to feel like a ♥♥♥♥ block IN CONTRAST! To your previous alphas!


Yeah, I'm just rubbing one out on the forums as I'm hiding out under the starry skies waiting for dawn.

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Stan Lee's dead.


Diablo Immortal on mobile!


Totally agree. May his Soul rest with all others in Valhalla.


And hey ... you forgot the new Patch for Diablo, where all Chars are getting waaay stronger than actual.



Okay, back to topic. You can't build a Workbench? Why? You just need to spend 6 Points. 6 Points are easy to get? So wheres the problem?

And okay ... lets say you can't get them. Go to the trader, use the workbench there ... or ... look for a nice POI with Workbench in it?

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They did say the ziplines idea had been scrapped very early in A17's development, though.


Also, I don't understand why so many people would be mad at zombies having the ability to dig. The game is about fighting off zombies, afterall, and it's not like underground bases are useless because of this either...

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I am based underground because every night I dig, that hasn't changed for anyone.


I fight the horde head on like I have always done, on the surface. People that have been cheesing the game's main mechanic up until this point will have to approach blood moon differently, don't think an apology from the devs is needed there. If you didn't think sitting on bedrock or knocking out stairs was cheesing well I don't know what to say to you.


The level gating is a bit annoying but I see it as a challenge. I now have to think of ways to beat the horde in early game without some items I previously considered essential. I also have to be a lot more careful with my ammo because I need heaps more on horde night.


I think about base design and what could / couldn't work while I'm not even playing the damn game, for me that's a huge compliment to what TFP have done with this alpha build.


No one playing this game properly prior to this point is complaining about A17.

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Diablo Immortal on mobile!


Don't you have a phone??! Sorry, couldn't resist.


I will have to quote myself again, quoting a post in which I had also quoted myself.


The underground debate has been discussed to death.


Gist is:


7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games.

7 Days to Die thrusts players into the aftermath of the fall of civilization with only their wits and bare hands to survive.


I trust you know what the words in bold mean and perhaps have played similar games of these genres. What you describe about being bothered only when you choose to be bothered, could describe a pure sandbox rpg, but it definitely doesn't describe these genres. It invalidates their core mechanics.


Now as I said in another thread, I am all for a sandbox mode option, something in-between creative/survival mode. But you have to realize it is very narrow-minded even to ask such a thing for the survival mode, because there are a lot of people who choose that mode for what its name describes.


I agree that level gating could be done in a more seamless way, that didn't put a wall in front of you but gated you in less obvious ways. Slower progression is great though. Getting end game items at D1 was ridiculous.


They did say the ziplines idea had been scrapped very early in A17's development, though


Really glad they scrapped these.

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The biggest problems I see with the current level gating is how much of the gameplay hinges on having access to a forge and/or workbench. There needs to be more things you can craft without access to them. The Bicycle, something that can be unlocked at level 1, for example should not require Forged Iron and a Workbench to craft.


I mean, sure you can find a Forge and Workbench inside POIs but unless you're diligent in going through them you might miss them. This is especially true with a random gen world where you might not find one for a while even if you're looking.

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I've got no problems swinging on the surface or below ground. It's just an inconvenience which could've been avoided in the first place. Leave people be. Let them swing on the surface, or chill out underground. It doesn't have to be a fight 24/7. A person cannot function on high alert 24/7.


Level gating. Challenge? No... don't be mistaken. There's no challenge. I've got lots of loot! But instead of being ready to settle down, I have to explicitly look for zombies to kill for xp. Just so I have to experience points, so I can level appropriately, and click on the perk to level up. That! Is dull and inane. It's only in A17 where you have to intentionally look for danger (zombies) just so... you can level up efficiently.


Remind me, is this a survival game? Is intentionally courting trouble part of survival 101?


Right off the bat you got someone telling me 6 points is all you need. Are you blissfully unaware? If I could pump those 6 points without the level gating stopping me... I wouldn't be making this thread would I!

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