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Running is hurting my finger


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EDIT: One suggestion: add the above instructions to the RAR file.

Tomorrow. To tired to do more than necessary ;)


EDIT 2: Pressing "W" stops walking. Does that mean we can't assign "W" as the walk key to make it a true toggle?

Errr .... could end horrible during chat .... Just test it and try wo write "Hello world" ... i bet it ends in something like "Hello wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwowwwwooooorwwwwlwwwwwwdwwwwwwwwwwwwww"




And like i said ... i add the function to stop the script the same way. But tomeorrow too ;)

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like promised ... I changed the script "a bit" ...


You can now press a hotkey to run/walk and with pressing THE SAME key, you'll stop ;)


Aaaand i added a list of recommended keys to a brandnew readme ;)


Have fun! If there's trouble, just tell me.


Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5y07w95v2maerka/7dtd_walkmakro.rar?dl=0


Thanks! This looks great. Will pressing "W" still stop us also?

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Will pressing "W" still stop us also?


Yep, it will .... (beware ... if you run, you will have press SHIFT too or it will be pressed everywhere else)


Means: If you run and stop with w, you stop. Ofc. And when you try to chat, you just write caps.




EDIT: During cooking i got a little idea .... Think, i gonna fulfill your wish tomorrow to stop walk/run with W too ... Should be really simple.

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Got to say I find "always run" utterly annoying, completely unintuitive and immersion breaking. If TFP wish to introduce it, I have no problems (not that I am the arbiter of such things) but I would be really (really) disappointed if they replaced the "hold run" (as is now) with the "run toggle".


Run toggle is present in quite a few games but I've yet to find one that actually benefits from it.


Tell you what though for those complaining about this here, spare a thought for us DayZ players who regularly had to wedge something next to the W key in order to traverse the Chernarus map!

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Got to say I find "always run" utterly annoying, completely unintuitive and immersion breaking. If TFP wish to introduce it, I have no problems (not that I am the arbiter of such things) but I would be really (really) disappointed if they replaced the "hold run" (as is now) with the "run toggle".


Run toggle is present in quite a few games but I've yet to find one that actually benefits from it.


Tell you what though for those complaining about this here, spare a thought for us DayZ players who regularly had to wedge something next to the W key in order to traverse the Chernarus map!


In all games with "run toggle" (all i know) are BOTH options present. Look at Skyrim. Walk, Run, Auto-Run, Always-Run. Immersion breaking? a) lol, b) don't use it, if you don't want. But I like my fingers and i play for more than 10 minutes each session. So I want the option to take care for them ;)

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In all games with "run toggle" (all i know) are BOTH options present. Look at Skyrim. Walk, Run, Auto-Run, Always-Run. Immersion breaking? a) lol, b) don't use it, if you don't want. But I like my fingers and i play for more than 10 minutes each session. So I want the option to take care for them ;)


Yeah, if it's possible to have a dual option that is the fairer way to go. My fears of the "hold run" being replaced are probably unfounded.


I was a clan gamer in the mid 2000s (with a pretty bloody impressive record I should say too!) and was spending up to 35 hours a week (for about 2 years) in things like CoD just to maintain my reaction speed (that's pretty standard I'd expect for eSports these days) and before the clan matches themselves. That was outside of my work and as a programmer I'm hitting the keys all the time there too! I've never had any issues with my fingers and considering I was at the keyboard for nearly 70% of my time (heh, yes, I was single and with no kids to look after!) you would have expected me maybe to suffer from some.


Perhaps you are just a delicate little flower.. ;) ..that needs more protection than the rest of us!

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luck you, my pinky has been broken since i was 5.. i have to use my ring finger.. its not so fun


sitting for hours playing this game makes my butt hurt, the fun pimps should fix tat, this game should come with better chairs


u should try playing with a buttplug...it will numb whatever asspain u have

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Perhaps you are just a delicate little flower.. ;) ..that needs more protection than the rest of us!


Yep, a little black flower with black leafes and some other cool stuff.


No, really. No need to tell my complete lifespan. Just that: 35 hours a week? hihi ..... my pensum was 18 hours. A DAY.


But who cares for that?


Some people cry

Some people yell

Some people ask kindly for help


I am the one who CAN help in this case.


Now you have the OPTION to Auto-Walk/Run. Wow. Use it or not. Its that easy. Think its cheating or not. Other people place a stack of coins on their keypad to block the key. My way is easier.





Ah, btw ... if i would be able to code a chair for you, Slicks, i would do it ... but i am not :( Sry for your butt. Cloth-Donut for 4,99 - Internet.

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Just that: 35 hours a week? hihi ..... my pensum was 18 hours. A DAY.


Not sure what a pensum is or was, but realistically and taking out things like eating, sleeping, ♥♥♥♥ting, washing, etc most people have about 80 odd hours free. Filter in 40+ hours for work, I'd calculated the 35 hours from that. I wasn't trying to "big myself up", just trying to give a hint as to the extent I was at the keyboard. I'm not at that level now, nowhere near it. Age has dulled my reactions and being a miserable old bugger I find modern games, especially AAA titles, seem to be more concerned about loot boxes and eye candy rather than very tight gameplay and clever maps layouts.


Think its cheating or not.


Just to clarify, I don't think it's cheating. As I said, I used to use a bit of paper wedged into my keyboard for DayZ. My comment was that I'd be disappointed if they swapped hold run for toggle run, removing the former rather than complaining about it being added at all.


I'm currently playing Dead Island just now (it was part of a Humble Bundle) and it has toggle run only and not push to run. Frustrating as hell, it just feels so wrong (imo, of course). There are quite a few games like that out there.

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Yep, it will .... (beware ... if you run, you will have press SHIFT too or it will be pressed everywhere else)


Means: If you run and stop with w, you stop. Ofc. And when you try to chat, you just write caps.




EDIT: During cooking i got a little idea .... Think, i gonna fulfill your wish tomorrow to stop walk/run with W too ... Should be really simple.


Walking and running should still be independent of each other though, I think. Especially with the state of stamina the way it is. Where constant running comes into play is when riding the bicycle. Toggle "W" to start riding/walking and toggle "SHIFT" to start running/pedaling faster.


- - - Updated - - -


Got to say I find "always run" utterly annoying, completely unintuitive and immersion breaking.


I have two words for you. Bi - Cycle

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Walking and running should still be independent of each other though, I think. Especially with the state of stamina the way it is. Where constant running comes into play is when riding the bicycle. Toggle "W" to start riding/walking and toggle "SHIFT" to start running/pedaling faster.


- - - Updated - - -


*nodes* Your wish is my command

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I have two words for you. Bi - Cycle


I've not actually crafted one yet, so can't comment. It's different from running/walking though. Ultimately there has to be a bit of a trade off though. Be thankful they didn't introduce an [A]/[D] repeated keypress in order to simulate pushing the pedals! In fact now I've mentioned that..... hmmm...


(ps: it's not "two words" but I really don't want to start throwing out grammar nazi shade! ;))

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*nodes* Your wish is my command




I've not actually crafted one yet, so can't comment. It's different from running/walking though. Ultimately there has to be a bit of a trade off though. Be thankful they didn't introduce an [A]/[D] repeated keypress in order to simulate pushing the pedals! In fact now I've mentioned that..... hmmm...


(ps: it's not "two words" but I really don't want to start throwing out grammar nazi shade! ;))


Sorry, I forgot my [humor] [/humor] tags.


Pedaling fast on the bicycle takes almost no stamina but requires you to mash the SHIFT button the whole time.

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Sorry, I forgot my [humor] [/humor] tags.


Pedaling fast on the bicycle takes almost no stamina but requires you to mash the SHIFT button the whole time.


As I've not tried it (and not seen it on any stream yet) you could have told me that you needed to push WASD in a circular motion to get it moving and I would have believed you! ;)


Mashing the [shift] doesn't sound ideal though, I'll agree on that.

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I have been asking for auto run key since alpha 12. and everytime people just say " make a macro ". well im sorry but i dont have a macro keyboard. and my little finger is dieing a slow painfull death.


Then just use the one, i made for you guys .....


How about a a double-tap to run? Battlefield games have been doing that for awhile and it works pretty well. W to walk. W twice quickly to sprint. Sprint is still a bindable modifier, but this way gives you both options.


Nice idea

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I've always remapped run to my left alt. In every game with running. It's easy access and your thumb is already there resting on space bar anyway. So if you have a left alt try that. It will feel weird at first since you're not used to running with alt. Just an idea.


This! Always left alt for sprint, feels so much more comfortable.

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I would highly suggest that you revisit running and encumbrance because as much as it might be interesting from a gameplay overview it will force me (and possibly) other plays to be literally unable to play because it hurts too much to.



I'm in the same situation, I was hoping it might have a solution in A17 but it's even worse now because even vehicles have sprint mode.

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Then just use the one, i made for you guys .....


I used it Hryllingur, and it worked great! Thank you!


At first, I tried assigning SHIFT to run, but it didn't work as a toggle (I couldn't stop running). So I just used F2 & F3 by default. It was especially useful with the bicycle. It's no longer a pain in the hand to ride around.

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How about a a double-tap to run? Battlefield games have been doing that for awhile and it works pretty well. W to walk. W twice quickly to sprint. Sprint is still a bindable modifier, but this way gives you both options.


SCUM do it perfect, you change your stance with the mousewheel

And they added a Autorun key in the 2nd week EA

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I used it Hryllingur, and it worked great! Thank you!


At first, I tried assigning SHIFT to run, but it didn't work as a toggle (I couldn't stop running). So I just used F2 & F3 by default. It was especially useful with the bicycle. It's not longer a pain in the hand to ride around.


Toggle and DoubleTap will follow as soon as i am able to script a bit :)

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