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Question about reducing delay between attacks with tools


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I would like to slightly reduce the delay between attacks with tools. Would reducing the "AttacksPerMinute" value do that, or would that just increase the speed of the attack itself?


(I will do some testing myself later when I get home. But wanted to ask here as well, to hopefully get some input from the experts :) )

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Thanks :) I was actually going to suggest that in your thread :) Would be nice to have it tied to quality. Increased "reload speed" of an axe would feel like a good companion to the increased reload speed of weapons. Would like to reduce the delay slightly on the stone axe regardless of quality tho, as that was the first thing that really annoyed me when starting A17. So if that works I will have a look at xpath and maybe make a small modlet just for that.

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It does appear to work, I am tired so the first version ended up changing the speed randomly everytime you did something. I forgot to tie it to the tiers. I will probably upload the update later on or in the morning.


And yeah, the stone axe is painful the way it is. I will adjust it a bit, as well.

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What I've found, increasing AttacksPerMinute increased the swing speed of the Iron Fireaxe and a couple other tools as expected, however the Stone Axe acts very oddly. If you increase it from 75 the animation gets faster but the actual swing speed seems to slow down?? If you lower AttacksPerMinute there seems to be a sweet spot where it will slightly increase the swing speed, but if you go too far it will begin to slow down the swing speed again. Around 50 seems to be the sweet spot...I swear it swings faster than default but it makes no sense.


Edit: Btw changing the delay just seems to alter repair speed. Setting it to 0.5 seemed to double block repair/upgrade speed. Animation is off though.

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Yeah I played with this last night and hte stone axe is odd. I went through and had it increase by a percentage base on quality level for all tools, and the stone axe's attack animation actually slowed down by the 15% everything else sped up by. I basically attacked 20 times, testing with a stop watch with different qualities and different tools to determine this.


Thanks for hte testing on what value seems ot be the best one.

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we trick it with RoundsPerMinute.... I've made a modlet for the Axe speed. Rounds Per Minute is for gun shot delay but works for melee weapons. Replace AttacksPerMinute with RoundsPerMinute. If its still slow increase the value.

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