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Xyth's A19 - A17 Modlet Collection


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I love your mods but not being able to lower the video volume or the radio volume kills all the fun. any lines I can add to change that?


And another question is, I would love to activate  the billboards, TVs, radios etc via a switch from far away. any chance you can show me how? cheers.

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This property is commented out on the players:


<property name="ActivationDistance" value="5"/>


If you want to turn it on/off at greater range, use that property and increase the value.  Might still work, but i didnt test it in A19


There is no way to change the volume at this point.  maybe in a20.

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thx for the response. i would like to ask more questions if you dont mind cause i really love ur mods and play with them 24/7. they really are very immersive. 

so is there a way to add more videos than just 3? why makes it limit to 3 only? Your radio has 16 mp4s which is very cool. 


can i change the type of the tv to "poweredlight" in the xml to make it work with a connected powerswitch?


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21 hours ago, xyth said:

This property is commented out on the players:


<property name="ActivationDistance" value="5"/>


If you want to turn it on/off at greater range, use that property and increase the value.  Might still work, but i didnt test it in A19


There is no way to change the volume at this point.  maybe in a20.

bro you there?

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All changes to sound volume must be done inside Unity, and then reexported.  I set number of movies to 3 instead of higher, as video file sizes are large and I was concerned about folks getting carried away loading dozens of large movies and crashing the game.  I do not plan on working on the video mods until after A20 is released, as I am working on other things right now, and also the video component tends to break every alpha.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, xyth said:

I have not had time to determine why its crashing servers yet.  

OK. the A19 version works still  (but also unfortunately only has the 3 vids). And i, as a noob,  used a free program to convert the videos and remove the sound so it surprised me that your A20 version has issues


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By default, a dedicated server starts up with a Unity start parameter called -nographics.  If the server starts with this parameter, then it doesn't load the video decoding components, leading to a full server crash.  I just discovered this yesterday, as I had a moment to relook at this mod.  My dedicated server has a video card, so by removing that startup param, the mod works as expected.  With it left in default, it crashes.


I asked some folks to test if a server without a video card or chip will load the game properly with this default param removed.    Anyway, while waiting, I updated the mod to have 12 video slots.  

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