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A strange thing happened (don't know if it's a bug or not)

A Nice Cup of Tea

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So, I was exploring on day 2, and I got suprised by a wolf which proceeded to kill me. So far, so normal.


But then after I set out to recover my stuff, something very strange happened...


I was alternating between walking and running as stamina permitted, when suddenly the camera switched from first person to third person mode and I watched as my character ragdolled and faceplanted into a rock.


At first I thought something had killed me, but there was no death effect and none of the usual sound cues for death. In fact, I was pretty sure I was still alive because my stamina recovered back to full as I was lying there and I still had all my health.


But I never got control of my character back. He was just lying there not responding to any key presses (except bringing up and dismissing the menu).


After about a minute and a half of me being confused and wondering what (if anything) I was supposed to do about this, a zombie wandered into view and attacked me until I died - at which point I respawned at my bedroll as normal.


Is this a feature? Did something happen to me that is supposed to happen under certain circumstances (and if so, does anyone know what it is and what those circumstances are?) Or did I encounter a bug?

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Couldn't of been a server admin trolling me - it was a peer-to-peer game that I was hosting.


If it was a "fainting" buff of some kind, I've no idea what it was that gave me that buff. But if that's the case (rather than it being some kind of weird bug) then that makes me feel a bit better about it. I'll have to watch out for it if happens again, and see if I can spot what the cause is.

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Had this happen to me, after I dismounted from a bicycle. Character ragdolled and then proceeded to stand back. But, unlike your example, control has returned to me, so I was like "huh....that happened, and I just continued to play the game". Not illnesses, no debufs, no broken legs. Healthy character on a bike. Single player.

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