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Near Death Trauma doesnt make sense?


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I get what the debuff is for and I agree with it up untill ONE specific issue:

A near-death experience does NOT all of a sudden make you forget how to craft something.


Sure, that craft may be lower level, lower quality but you wouldnt just forget how to make a forge because you almost died.

The rest of it all makes sense except for the fact you 'forget' recipies till the debuff ends.


I disabled this debuff for this reason.


Set all of its targets and such to "ignore"

Down with near death trauma!


(Game files->Data->Config->Buffs->"NearDeath" (search for NearDeath) and change all targets and triggers to "ignore")

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I agree that death should come with a penalty but this one is a little much. My wife and I died clearing out a house. We run back to get out stuff, finish clearing it, and go back home for the night. During the night is when we look at and decide what to spend out skill points on. We quickly realize we are no longer able to spend our points on what we want due to our stats being back to 1. Having to wait an extra hour to spend our skill points is very silly and is will probably make us just mod the debuff out.

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