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Adjustments to alpha 17 to please most humans


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First off this is an experimental beta we are playing which we opted into so it's obvious nothing here is set in stone and we have no reason to say alpha 17 is a fail or other dumb crap. With that said these are a few thing which even though I don't agree with would be a nice middle ground to improve the game for all or most humans. If anyone else has ideas feel free to chime in just try to keep it civil.


1. Im fine with the current 1 hour debuff but lowering it to 30 mins is a decent middle ground or change it as someone else stated sorry I forget who said it to stages of death where you slowly gain back stats till the debuff is gone or as a last resort if possible give folks the option for it to be on or off. I'd rather keep it at 1 hour but I'm fine with the 30 min duration since to me that's middle ground.


2. Improve the tier system. They don't have to go full blown 300% difference from a tier 1 to a tier 6 but atleast some kind of difference besides durability..maybe more power attack damage?


3. Guns. To me they are fine after all rate of fire means you put out more damage with a pistol than you would a simple bow.. maybe have the pistol be at the same damage level as a cross bow?


4. Quest distance. Tier 1 quests shouldn't make you travel 2 or 3km..I'd say 1.3km at the most till you get tier 2 quests and by then you should have a faster means of transportation so farther travel distance is fine.


5. Food. This needs to be balanced out alot. No reason so far from what I've seen to unlock anything past master chef 2 or even 1 but I could be wrong.


6. Mother load needs a slight buff. I haven't tried with the auger but with mother load maxed out and using a tier 5 steel pick I didn't see such a massive improvement to gathering to even bother getting it at all.

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So i have been playing for a while, and so far there is only one extreme issue that has pissed me off:


Random radiation zones in the rng map. I am not sure if this is a bug or not. but there are unmarked radiation zones on my random gen map. I went to chase down a day 7 airdrop, and died of radiation poisoning.


Unless there was a memo floating around that the radiation zones will look different, and i missed that memo, then this is a bug. I suspect it is a bug with rng because i encountered other bugs: no trader location right after tutorial quest, and no treasure map icon until i went near the treasure.


I think what is going on is that the new perk system requires drastic changes in play style. When i first started a17, i tried for crafting perks and clearing out pois, i had a bad time.


the 2nd times around, i kept getting spawned into snow biomes and desert biomes. i put points into the insulated perk. that perk sucks and is a waste of time. In hindsight i should have moved biomes. Those are not biomes you want to be in.


3rd time around, and when i raged quit due to the random radiation zone: i spawned near a cabinet factory, decided to take it. So i placed the land claim block down inside the building, and fought the zombies one at a time until i cleared out the building. The land claim blocks can be used to clear out pois, as they prevent spawns, and from there i was fortifying that building for the 7 day horde.


that is the new play style: spending the first week getting ready. You work on combat perks, you build your base up, you look for food, you hunt. Every night is a horde night, so your base has to be wandering horde ready from night 1. Cobble stone is your new friend, you should spend the first 4 hours of each day digging and mining stone to make cobblestone. The nice part is you do not have gun parts to find, so once you find a gun, you are in a much better position than in the past.

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