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Auger Parts HELP


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Playing on PlayStation and im on day 381 so could be running on old version, I have multiple of almost every item and have searched nearly every settlement/base/store but I CANNOT find auger parts anywhere. It's the only thing I need to further progress in terms of base building and ammunition but they are no where to be found. Like I said I've been everywhere people suggest like lumberjacks, trader joes etc but to no avail! Any ideas??

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Playing on PlayStation and im on day 381 so could be running on old version, I have multiple of almost every item and have searched nearly every settlement/base/store but I CANNOT find auger parts anywhere. It's the only thing I need to further progress in terms of base building and ammunition but they are no where to be found. Like I said I've been everywhere people suggest like lumberjacks, trader joes etc but to no avail! Any ideas??


Since there hasn't been an update in a couple years I believe for Playstation you should be fine on the version. Are you playing Random Gen or Nave? Have you been keeping up on grabbing all the air drops? Might be some parts in there. Have you read the auger book yet (at least I think there is one, been a while since I found one)? If you can make some of the parts at the tool bench try carrying that part with you while you are out scavenging/ going to trader joes. If you have the secret stash boosted up and scavenging up sometimes it helps to have one of the parts on you for the game to generate what you need. At least it seemed to work that way for me on Navegame map.

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It's a rare drop from lumberjacks.

It's a very very very rare drop in Working Stiff Tools crates.

Traders can now sold one, but it's also very very very rare.

One of the most difficult game object to find IMO.

(That's why I discarded auger and I'm still using a steel pickaxe).

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