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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=rodrickc;256237]I see the editor link on the first page, but it looks like the files were last updated in July of 2014. I haven't been able to find a more recent link in the pages of this post. Would someone please provide a link to the current version of Hal's prefab editor? Thanks.[/QUOTE] its always the current version on the fisrt page !!! download and start it !!! The Editor wants then to update automaticly !!! (after a few seconds running) Current version is 0.42 (Pissed-Off-Parrot) - lol btw. There is a function to manual start the update too !!! Mag out
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Hey Hal - grandmaster of all prefabbing ;) When i load "farm_shed1" (vanilla one) in the editor: A Warning (no ERRROR) appears - it belongs to a spawner-TYPE in the prefabs .xml the editor couldn't handle !!! Did the devs removed this spawner-type from game - or is it the editor which is not up-to-date ??? Mag out
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[QUOTE=VDVSELLER;256349]would make all vrodeba as on video but when loading to the region there is the following mistake. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/wWexaZT.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] When using the "Add at player location" function you have to add your player name in the settings form. You also need to have joined the world at least once.
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I revised your video of times 10. It doesn't turn out at me anything to keep load. at first I import the bbb claim vdvseller team further I import the bbb ex vdvseller team and all work stops. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/2ZjrvtC.png[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=VDVSELLER;257239]I revised your video of times 10. It doesn't turn out at me anything to keep load. at first I import the bbb claim vdvseller team further I import the bbb ex vdvseller team and all work stops. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/2ZjrvtC.png[/IMG][/QUOTE] Have you used the backup manager to set your user as an admin?
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[QUOTE=VDVSELLER;257510]yes I restarted game, after recalling Backup Manager there is the second player. Though game at me single. very much to be pleasant your program but very difficult is given knowledge as it to use.[/QUOTE] Yes, there's quite a steep learning curve for the editor. I noticed you're in Russia. The editor may have problems with Russian characters. What's your in-game steam name? Try using just ASCII characters. A-Z and 0-9 in just one word. No spaces or Russian/Unicode characters.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;257513]Yes, there's quite a steep learning curve for the editor. I noticed you're in Russia. The editor may have problems with Russian characters. What's your in-game steam name? Try using just ASCII characters. A-Z and 0-9 in just one word. No spaces or Russian/Unicode characters.[/QUOTE] хмммм thought of it but I didn't begin to undertake anything. Thanks for council, now I will try.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;257717]hal, can prefabs be rotated when imported via BBB command? Or is rotation dictated by the prefabs XML file?[/QUOTE] Unfortunately not Laz, the editor doesn't allow changing of rotation when inserting. Remind me when A12 hits and I'll look at adding the option into the next release.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;257767]Unfortunately not Laz, the editor doesn't allow changing of rotation when inserting. Remind me when A12 hits and I'll look at adding the option into the next release.[/QUOTE] Thanks Hal, I was thinking it would be really cool if existing prefabs could be inserted and rotated within the editor. The community would then be able to create their own custom towns/cities to insert into the game. :)
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;257773]Thanks Hal, I was thinking it would be really cool if existing prefabs could be inserted and rotated within the editor. The community would then be able to create their own custom towns/cities to insert into the game. :)[/QUOTE] I think the blocks are getting another overhaul with A12 to standardise rotations so doing something like this should be possible then.
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Hi Hal, I was able to successfully utilize the bbb import command for the first time yesterday. :) However, the majority of the time, my screen will partially freeze (belt still works and also map teleport) forcing me to have to quit and terminate the game from the task manager. Is this something you are aware of or new? When restarting the game world, the prefab was inserted correctly so the command is working, its just the game becomes unstable until a forced restart. I will do more testing to see if I can isolate problem further. (version 0.42) EDIT: Its almost like the chunk has stopped loading after the import. Is there a manual way to force a chunk refresh without exiting the game?
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Isolated freezing issue only when in Debug mode. bbb ip works fine 100% of time outside of debug mode. As a side note, I found a bug with the "remove layer" feature within the editor. If you don't specify a range from lowest to highest, the feature adds layers insteads of removing them. (i.e. remove layers 80 to 0, vs 0 to 80). :)
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;258648]Isolated freezing issue only when in Debug mode. bbb ip works fine 100% of time outside of debug mode. As a side note, I found a bug with the "remove layer" feature within the editor. If you don't specify a range from lowest to highest, the feature adds layers insteads of removing them. (i.e. remove layers 80 to 0, vs 0 to 80). :)[/QUOTE] Hi Laz, Have you done as the message said and moved away from the area and returned? The chunk needs to unload and re-load to view the changes. You can just teleport out of the area in dm mode and back and it will load the changes. It's the only way I could find to get large prefabs to insert in a stable way. There's tweaks coming in the next release but A12 looks like it's going to re-write the SI stuff so I'll have to look at it again. Thanks for the heads up on the layer remove. I'll check the code out. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;258665]Hi Laz, Have you done as the message said and moved away from the area and returned? The chunk needs to unload and re-load to view the changes. You can just teleport out of the area in dm mode and back and it will load the changes. It's the only way I could find to get large prefabs to insert in a stable way. There's tweaks coming in the next release but A12 looks like it's going to re-write the SI stuff so I'll have to look at it again. Thanks for the heads up on the layer remove. I'll check the code out. Hal[/QUOTE] In debug mode, I can't move away normally. It's like the screen has stopped refreshing except for the inventory, belt and map windows. I have tried teleporting away and back again via Ctrl click on map but that doesn't resolve the freezing.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;258675]In debug mode, I can't move away normally. It's like the screen has stopped refreshing except for the inventory, belt and map windows. I have tried teleporting away and back again via Ctrl click on map but that doesn't resolve the freezing.[/QUOTE] By debug mode do you mean typing "dm" into the console? Are you running on the local client or a dedi? A small video of the problem would be good. I remember sometimes in dm mode there's a way of disconnecting your inputs from the player controller. That's the nearest I can think of. If you move the mouse do your arms move but your view doesn't change?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;258681]By debug mode do you mean typing "dm" into the console? Are you running on the local client or a dedi? A small video of the problem would be good. I remember sometimes in dm mode there's a way of disconnecting your inputs from the player controller. That's the nearest I can think of. If you move the mouse do your arms move but your view doesn't change?[/QUOTE] Yes, typing dm into the console. Running local client. I am unable to move around via walking/running nor can I mouselook. I will try to record a video when I get a chance. Thanks.
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