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Hal's Prefab Editor


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If I can get it to happen again I will, sorry I no longer have a prefab with the error. What I was able to do was click quickly past the warning and replace the block with air, save, reload the editor then put the stairs in. The prefab now works perfectly.
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[QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;236277]yeah my bad thats what i meant lol was tired was up early getting ready for a hospital visit to get my heart and lungs looked at from my army injury is there a list of prefabs that are ready for A11.1? let me know thanks again mate.[/QUOTE] No idea, people usually post in the modding section when they've released their prefabs. Good luck with your hospital appointment.
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Hey Hal I tried to insert a prefab from ingame. I tried and tried (with coords and without) - but no Prefab appeared !!! Then i figured out it was the prefab-file-name that corrupts the "bbb InsertPrefab" - command !!! It does not work when a " " (=Space) is in the prefab-file-name !!! e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab MAGOLI_Bowlingcenter A11V3 -1111 72 1255" As i removed the Spaces from the filename - it worked perfect !!! e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab MAGOLI_Bowlingcenter_A11V3 -1111 72 1255" Did u knew that already ???
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[QUOTE=Magoli;236597]Hey Hal I tried to insert a prefab from ingame. I tried and tried (with coords and without) - but no Prefab appeared !!! Then i figured out it was the prefab-file-name that corrupts the "bbb InsertPrefab" - command !!! It does not work when a " " (=Space) is in the prefab-file-name !!! e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab MAGOLI_Bowlingcenter A11V3 -1111 72 1255" As i removed the Spaces from the filename - it worked perfect !!! e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab MAGOLI_Bowlingcenter_A11V3 -1111 72 1255" Did u knew that already ???[/QUOTE] Yes, it's a known problem. The mod uses the space character as a separator for commands. I used to deal with it by having the mod handle underscores _ to replace the spaces but I removed it in A11. The long term goal is to remove the bbb commands and run everything through the world editor which will remove the problem. If the world editor is going to take a long time to release then I will solve it another way. Cheers, Hal
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Its no problem to me anymore !!! I just don't use Spaces in filenames anymore. Idea: when a prefab is "opened in memory" which contains problematic characters: perhaps the editor could check the filename (and report it by a warningscreen and dictate the user to change filename first, before editor will load file !!!) Same procedur when saving !!! Any kind of info-txt or info-bubble could notify the user - not to use strange Characters in the filenames, too. Don't know if its sinful or possible - It was just an idea i got !!! Mag out
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So, I have a problem. Currently I'm trying to import our old underground base (A10.4) to version A11. [URL=http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3953/f3apiayx_jpg.htm][IMG]http://fs1.directupload.net/images/150410/temp/f3apiayx.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The complete hallway was paneled with wood. (If necessary i will upload a before picture too.) The steps I've gone through: -Run game (A10.4) with your Editor (A10.4) -Export "conbase" ([url]https://www.sendspace.com/file/k8psog[/url]) -Open "conbase" with Editor (A10.4) -Check "Air Blocks", Save -Convert with your Converter (A11) -Import "conbase" with "bbb InsertPrefab conbase x 5 x"
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[QUOTE=drdead;237253]This is how it's suppposed to look: [URL=http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3953/svw2bewo_jpg.htm][IMG]http://fs1.directupload.net/images/150410/temp/svw2bewo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Sorry for double-posting.[/QUOTE] That's a problem with the game's terrain gen stuff. Try using the reset option in the insert command bbb InsertPrefab true This should empty the area then insert the prefab. It should get rid of those extra meshes.
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[QUOTE]Try using the reset option in the insert command bbb InsertPrefab true This should empty the area then insert the prefab. It should get rid of those extra meshes.[/QUOTE] Tanks again, that did the trick. Now our base is 98% restored. Keep on the good work. ;)
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i cant wait for the awesome prefabs to be updated to A11. I dont know if the walking dead prison will ever be updated, it would take probably for ever. also can i get a list of all the bbb commands? and does it work SP? Also thanks to you Hal I finally placed my 1st maze and prefab in the right spot and it looks the way it should, so you didnt waste your time helping a hopeless idiot lol. It is just VERY hard to focus on all my pain meds and my brain mot always getting the best amount of oxygen due to my condition. P.S. i miss the option to see a 3d view of the prefabs to get a better look at it.
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Hi Hal - it seems the editor needs a update to work on A11.2 !!! (I get nullRefeference-errors by opening the options - and some other strange stuff happens with the game - when i use the latest Assemblycsharp.dll the editor has installed !!!) Iam sure u Son-of-Gun:) already work on that yet. I wanted to report anyway !!! Mag out
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[QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;237453]i cant wait for the awesome prefabs to be updated to A11. I dont know if the walking dead prison will ever be updated, it would take probably for ever. also can i get a list of all the bbb commands? and does it work SP? Also thanks to you Hal I finally placed my 1st maze and prefab in the right spot and it looks the way it should, so you didnt waste your time helping a hopeless idiot lol. It is just VERY hard to focus on all my pain meds and my brain mot always getting the best amount of oxygen due to my condition. P.S. i miss the option to see a 3d view of the prefabs to get a better look at it.[/QUOTE] [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] Don't know, if there's a more complete overview. Hal's editor works MP and SP, but you could've tried easily. ;)
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[QUOTE=drdead;237849][url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] Don't know, if there's a more complete overview. Hal's editor works MP and SP, but you could've tried easily. ;)[/QUOTE] i must of did something wrong then because i wasnt able to use the commands so i figured it was mainly for mp.
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i didnt add the file to the right folder before i did it this time and the game crashes on start up. Unity Player [version: Unity 5.0.1f1_5a2e8fe35a68] mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module mono.dll at 0033:e2153922. Error occurred at 2015-04-11_052110. C:\Program Files (x86)\mysteam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe, run by Jayzen Freeze. 38% memory in use. 8191 MB physical memory [5009 MB free]. 8189 MB paging file [4121 MB free]. 8388608 MB user address space [8388332 MB free]. Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation. Module 1 C:\Windows\system32\ksuser.dll Image Base: 0x750b0000 Image Size: 0x00006000 File Size: 5120 File Time: 2009-07-13_214114 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FileDesc: User CSA Library FileVer: 6.1.7600.16385 ProdVer: 6.1.7600.16385 Module 2 C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll Image Base: 0x77630000 Image Size: 0x0011f000 File Size: 1162752 File Time: 2012-07-13_115302 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FileDesc: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL FileVer: 6.1.7601.17651 ProdVer: 6.1.7601.17651 Module 3 C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll Image Base: 0x77750000 Image Size: 0x000fa000 File Size: 1008128 File Time: 2010-11-20_232410 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FileDesc: Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL FileVer: 6.1.7601.17514 ProdVer: 6.1.7601.17514 Module 4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Image Base: 0x779b0000 Image Size: 0x001a9000 File Size: 1731920 File Time: 2012-07-13_120118 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FileDesc: NT Layer DLL FileVer: 6.1.7601.17725 ProdVer: 6.1.7601.17725 Module 5 C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL Image Base: 0x77b70000 Image Size: 0x00007000 File Size: 9216 File Time: 2009-07-13_214154 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System FileDesc: Process Status Helper FileVer: 6.1.7600.16385 ProdVer: 6.1.7600.16385 == [end of error.log] ==
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@ JayzenFreeze Just to be sure: Replace Assembly-CSharp.dll (latest) in "X:\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed". Run the game without AntiCheat by using the "7DaysToDie.exe" or selecting in Steam to launch without AntiCheat. When running a server you have to disable EAC in your "serverconfig.xml" or WebPanel (in case of a Gamehoster). For me the mod is only usable without AntiCheat.
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Update Time! Added: A11.2 support (SP and Dedicated) A few tweaks here and there for overall performance. Let me know if you have any trouble. Cheers, Hal [QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;237453]can i get a list of all the bbb commands? [/QUOTE] Type "bbb ?" into the chat console for a list of commands. You can get a description of each command by using the question mark query. e.g. bbb claim ? bbb ex ? etc
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[QUOTE=drdead;238763]@ JayzenFreeze Just to be sure: Replace Assembly-CSharp.dll (latest) in "X:\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed". Run the game without AntiCheat by using the "7DaysToDie.exe" or selecting in Steam to launch without AntiCheat. When running a server you have to disable EAC in your "serverconfig.xml" or WebPanel (in case of a Gamehoster). For me the mod is only usable without AntiCheat.[/QUOTE] i did it right thats exactly what i did i get a black screen with the 7 days pointer moving around and if i dont use the start without anticheat i get the game file mismach. the game never loads clicking on start without anticheat like im supposed to do, why is this happening? i cant use the bbb commands because i cant play with the added .dll needed.
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Hey guys drdead and JayzenFreeze: Forget to use the current editor's Assemblycsharp.dll with the Alpha11.2+hotfix !!! It does not work !!! U can use the editor !!! But no BackupManager or Insert/Export will work until Hal9000 has made a new EDITOR-UPDATE for A11.2 !!! When the editor is updated it will work like drdead has discribed. I wonder where he is. Usually he's so quick with his releases !?! (Iam waiting for the editor-update too) Mag out
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[QUOTE=Magoli;239040]Hey guys drdead and JayzenFreeze: Forget to use the current editor's Assemblycsharp.dll with the Alpha11.2+hotfix !!! It does not work !!! U can use the editor !!! But no BackupManager or Insert/Export will work until Hal9000 has made a new EDITOR-UPDATE for A11.2 !!! When the editor is updated it will work like drdead has discribed. I wonder where he is. Usually he's so quick with his releases !?! (Iam waiting for the editor-update too) Mag out[/QUOTE] I'm still here. Mod update was released last night but is A11.2b3 and they've released b4. Not sure when I'm going to have time to look at that update but I'll post something when it's done. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Magoli;239040]Hey guys drdead and JayzenFreeze: Forget to use the current editor's Assemblycsharp.dll with the Alpha11.2+hotfix !!! It does not work !!! U can use the editor !!! But no BackupManager or Insert/Export will work until Hal9000 has made a new EDITOR-UPDATE for A11.2 !!! When the editor is updated it will work like drdead has discribed. I wonder where he is. Usually he's so quick with his releases !?! (Iam waiting for the editor-update too) Mag out[/QUOTE] UPS - sry for the disinformation !!! I was 2 hours to late !!! I read ur problem - but i posted 2 hours later. Meanwhile Hal has posted his a11.2(b3)-update !!! So my information was wrong !!! With the new update u can now Import/export and use the BackupManager like before. IT WORKS !!! But a few little ISSUES r still in this version: The editor do not save the edited .xml correctly (Zone-information is not saved to .xml) PLS use a fresh new game for every change u made with the editor - to test ur prefab in game !!! (Because there is something wrong with the saved-game-names when using the same game that gots this prefab loaded before. Clearing of region dont have a effect !!!) (Gamenames appear cuttet and/or changed in the saved-game-browser in game !!!)
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Alright, having trouble adding a prefab to a dedi server. I haven't tried any fancy stuff yet, haven't even made a prefab using the editor. All I'm trying to do so far is add an existing prefab ("barn_01") to an XYZ location in a random gen MP dedicated server. The prefab already exists in the folder on the server (stock, plus I FTP browsed it to make sure it was there). I have editor installed on my PC, with access to my game install, files are modded, clicked "yes" to install the modified file on first run of the editor. When I go into my server, find a location, get the coords, and type "bbb insertprefab barn_01 X, Y, Z" OR "bbb ip barn_01 X, Y, Z" into the CHAT WINDOW (not the command window), the chat window closes like I had said something in game, but the command doesn't appear in the window as a "say", and the command doesn't do anything. I have waited 10 minutes (twice), I have logged off and back on, nothing appears to do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll admit I haven't read all 100 pages of this thread, but I have been reading the thread and trying stuff for three hours now, and I don't think I skipped over anything important. Is there something (besides the prefab itself) that needs to be installed on or run from the server? I'm lost.
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[QUOTE=icoblue;241460]Alright, having trouble adding a prefab to a dedi server. I haven't tried any fancy stuff yet, haven't even made a prefab using the editor. All I'm trying to do so far is add an existing prefab ("barn_01") to an XYZ location in a random gen MP dedicated server. The prefab already exists in the folder on the server (stock, plus I FTP browsed it to make sure it was there). I have editor installed on my PC, with access to my game install, files are modded, clicked "yes" to install the modified file on first run of the editor. When I go into my server, find a location, get the coords, and type "bbb insertprefab barn_01 X, Y, Z" OR "bbb ip barn_01 X, Y, Z" into the CHAT WINDOW (not the command window), the chat window closes like I had said something in game, but the command doesn't appear in the window as a "say", and the command doesn't do anything. I have waited 10 minutes (twice), I have logged off and back on, nothing appears to do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll admit I haven't read all 100 pages of this thread, but I have been reading the thread and trying stuff for three hours now, and I don't think I skipped over anything important. Is there something (besides the prefab itself) that needs to be installed on or run from the server? I'm lost.[/QUOTE] As far as I know u have to exchange the default AssemblyCsharp.dll with the modded one on your dedi-server too - to get the commands work on online-maps too (when the server is outside of ur PC) !!! (But Hal9000 knows it much better) Dont forget to lunch the game without EAC then ! I hope this helped Mag out
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